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Messages - Mr J

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 07:09:54 PM
Yes, +$1 betting them separately.

General Discussion / Re: Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 07:03:06 PM
@Kav >> (lol) I know, I wanted to drag this out for a couple days but too late. THAT was the logic from the guys sitting with me at the table.

General Discussion / Follow Along
September 12, 2013, 07:09:24 AM
I had an odd conversation tonight with three other people while playing roulette. I already know the answer but I'll swing this past ya'll. I'll give two options >>
On the 00 wheel, the worst bet is the 0, 00, 1, 2, 3, we all know this. Lets say we have 5 $1 chips.

A) If we wager $5 on the above as ONE bet and hit, we get $30 net plus
our $5 = $35 TOTAL.

B) If we bet $1 on each of the five numbers and we get a hit........ we get $31 net ($1 more) plus our $1 = $32 TOTAL.

So with "B", we net more (by $1) but with "A", we'll end up with a total of $35.

So which is better and WHY or are they both the same?

General Discussion / Winning day but a loss?....Yep
September 09, 2013, 03:01:18 PM
This is my opinion, not sure if you agree? I played on Friday, started with a 1K BR. Had a terrible day playing a certain method and was down to around $300.

I gave up with the method but decided to "play around" with the last $300. I still only played 2-3 numbers, did not base my bets on anything worth noting. Anyways, I finished with $1,100 and went home.

I keep track of everything at home, in detail, in notebooks. I jotted the day down as a LOSS. The method failed (at least that day) so why LIE and pat myself on the back? I felt like s**t leaving the casino even though I made $100.

Do you see how goofy I am regarding this game? (lol)

I've had too many times (in the past) when the 33/36 split or the 10 11 12 street were long past due to hit, so I waited and then my betting began.

15 more spins, 20 more spins etc., still no hit and I lost a boatload.

How often do you see the 14, 22 and 31 hot as hell, then all of a sudden.....neither one of the three don't hit for another 80 spins?

It seems if we had to choose which one is more reliable...... one of the 3 HOT numbers hitting again soon OR waiting for the COLD street to hit soon, (imo) its an easy choice.

Yeah I gave up on sleepers years ago, its all about trial & error.

The HOW of the hot numbers is the sticking point. A few of us have different versions of what's best and CORRECT, please don't go beyond 4 numbers (imo).

Betting 3 numbers is a nice sweet spot. Not too many and not too few.

Straight-up / Re: A Complete Street
August 27, 2013, 04:05:55 AM
18K was a very decent day. ($100 units, don't forget that)

Straight-up / A Complete Street
August 26, 2013, 01:04:54 AM
Some may call this an UPDATED version, some may not even care to look it over and some might be reading it for the first time. Every decent method (like this one) should be looked at for some tweaking. Its our GOAL to improve our methods!! The method is a bit boring/slow but if your unit size is large enough, well worth it (in my opinion).

Anyways, most of the time we will be betting on 2 numbers with this method (not a system). Sometimes, 0-1 numbers. All flat betting, no progressions please.

Your history board MUST be working and working correctly, you'll need it. Most boards hold the last 10-15 numbers, I PREFER the last 12 hit. We will be betting to COMPLETE a street within the last 12. (I'll use the last 12 as my example because that's what our boards here post). 

VERY, VERY often, a complete street hits in a short period of time (like 12 spins).
I did not say it always hits, try not to attack me.

Lets say we have the 17 & 18 hit within the last 12. We bet on the 16 UNTIL either a win or the 17 or 18 DROPS from the board, then stop betting on the 16. We do this style of betting for a max of TWO incomplete streets PER the last 12.

Sometimes there will only be one number to bet on and sometimes, NO numbers to bet. What if there are 3 or more, what is the tie breaker? I choose the two that will be on the history board the longest BEFORE DROPPING. Always choose the two that last the longest on the board !!

Lets say you got a hit on that 16....a couple spins later, the 18 drops off. Yep, bet on that 18 now. The 34 & 36 might be on the board, bet on the 35 UNTIL either a win or the 34 or 36 drops off. I'll give an example >>

00......What do we bet? The 32 (until the 33 drops off) and the 19 (until the 20 drops off). Next spin >>

22.....What do we bet? The 1 because the 2 will remain on the board longer than the 33 AND still bet the 19. A bit tricky but here is our next number (33) >>

21......What do we bet? Its now BACK TO the 32 and the 1. Sometimes that 19 will then hit and it ain't so funny but that's roulette for ya.

Pay attention to what just hit and what number dropped off, easy as pie.

I thought of an idea months ago but not real sure if I have the time to proceed with it.

And it goes a little something like this >>

We have 6 DS's. We bet the lowest amount on the first DS. If we hit, cool.

No hit, we bet the 1st and 2nd DS. No hit, we bet the 1st, 2nd, 3rd DS etc., all the way to the end, even if it means betting on all 6 at the same.

Yes I know, we would be in the minus on certain hits but *SOMEHOW* coming up with a creative cancellation method or "up as you win", "down as you lose" type of betting style?? I'm stalled on this one but it has potential.

Play 3 double streets (18 numbers)?

Hmmm, been messing with this. Seems like alot of >> RLRLRLRLRL.
Not sure what to do then?

Quote from: Turner on August 24, 2013, 07:25:15 PM
ken...you are scaring me talking about EC bets.

(lol), I know but I look at all TYPES of betting. I even did a bunch of reading regarding that AP business...... tossed that to the side real fast. I'm sure back in 1923 AP worked out just fine.

Here on the R.E. game, we can bet $2 on the evens so if I started like this >> 11111, that wouldn't get too out of control (I think?) Also, does your string need to start with 5 digits or that doesn't matter either?

Got me thinking......on a loss, you add up the two ends and put that number to the right. If you lose with that ONE number, what would you add to it?

So a person could START like this? >>

111111    OR do you start like this? >>   123221

      I read that you can MAKE UP however you want to start, correct?
