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Messages - Mr J

(Not sure if this is the correct section?)

Most know of the cancellation system for the even bets......add the two end numbers together etc etc.

My question is, what if you are only left with one number? Are you then done (start over) or do you just bet whatever that amount is, it might be $6. I hope my question makes sense.

Off-topic / Re: Request to Victor
August 23, 2013, 04:01:46 PM
Looks great, thanks buddy !!!!

Off-topic / Request to Victor
August 23, 2013, 02:30:44 PM
I thought of something kind of cool but it might be a pain in the a** to do on your end. >>>

You have the symbols for MALE or FEMALE, which we all can see BEFORE opening a persons post. Half of the time I'm commenting on certain aspects to guys that only play (by no fault of their own) on RNG. I'm thinking about 4 different symbols and perhaps dropping the MALE, FEMALE thing.


symbol? A) B&M casino
symbol? B) RNG
symbol? C) Actual casino (ie: DublinBet) online (not RNG)
symbol? D) A mix of all from above.

There are certain aspects that RNG guys (never set foot in a casino yet) will not understand OR won't need that info from B&M players and vice versa. That does NOT mean don't share methods with EVERYONE. Does this idea of mine sound alright or goofy?

"I hate to wait for 100 spins or more to see one number bet.  I'd rather just win or lose and get it over with" >>> .....and this is the norm. Don't take that in a bad way. Most people simply will not play ONE number, its just not "fun" enough.

Maybe one number but for sure, NOT many numbers. Another thing left out (unless I missed it), this one number business sounds great in theory BUT......

A) Most people want the fun and excitement of betting many numbers. Most lack the discipline and lets be honest, its VERY boring.

B) Your time!! In terms of RNG, I could careless, I'm talking about an actual casino. When betting 1-2 numbers, you must have the TIME to bounce back when down and that's NOT counting, we haven't even discussed unit sizes for that ONE number.

EXAMPLE >> I played one number about a month ago. I left with a $900 profit. How long did that take? 7.5 hours. What was my peak along the way you ask? Yep, $900 at the end. You can **NOT** play one number on your lunch break from work.

Bally's Blog / Re: Playing one number
August 22, 2013, 02:26:02 PM
I said it how many times? Many of you guys play too many numbers. Playing 1 number is fine but its like watching paint dry, even worse if the spins are slow.

that's kind of my rule......I take with me a few of my notebooks (containing different methods), what I play for that day is based on how CROWDED the casino is, slow spins or not slow spins. If the spins are one every five minutes, I won't play 1-2 numbers. It'll be 3-4 numbers.

General Discussion / The saying.....
August 21, 2013, 03:49:49 PM
I LOVE this saying but it means different things to different people. Do YOU agree with this? >>> Its not gambling if you can afford to lose.

General Discussion / DublinBet.....question
August 21, 2013, 04:22:15 AM
I live here in the U.S. Is there a tricky way I can deposit money and play at DublinBet? I don't mean through another person doing me a favor. Any ideas?

General Discussion / Again....hello
August 20, 2013, 09:45:28 PM
My blogs are just that, a blog. Kind of like tweeting. I blog regarding roulette life, what happened at the casino, venting after losing, strange things I've seen at the table, the WHAT IF situations of roulette etc.

Will this be mind blowing information? No and if you've read it at any of the other 26 boards I'm on, it'll be here as well.

Stay tuned folks.

Community Software / Re: Progression Calculator
August 19, 2013, 06:58:13 AM
I use this site almost daily. Its honestly GREAT !!!
