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Messages - Mr J

General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year To All!
December 29, 2016, 06:50:39 PM
You as well Nathan !!!!

Online?...ok, I read about that in a magazine.

Its NOT playable at a real B&M casino, with only a few seconds to bet.

Looks great on paper (I admit) but ONCE AGAIN, not realistic. I could post 10 similar methods.....not playable. Sorry folks, them the facts.

General Discussion / Re: [Oct 16] We turn 4 years old!!
October 17, 2016, 02:55:20 AM
Quote from: Baelog on October 17, 2016, 02:39:14 AM
Happy Birthday. My favorite forum on the web.🇸🇪


General Discussion / Re: [Oct 16] We turn 4 years old!!
October 17, 2016, 01:53:30 AM
Great job Vic.

YOU know how to run a place. Many more anniversaries in the future !!!

Try your GUT at an actual casino where us men play at. Lets see how well you do  ::)

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Forum Trolls: 1 Azim
September 06, 2016, 09:01:43 PM
Azim? No way.

A different board but the SAME trouble maker. I'm noticing a trend Azim.

General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 04:03:18 PM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on September 03, 2016, 11:06:16 AM

Who is this Ronjo anyway?

You have a ways to go kid.

I have no issue with Spike, General or Gizmo. Years ago? Yes but its water under the bridge.

My advice.... F everyone else (lol). We all have our OWN ideas here. Do your OWN testing and don't look for approval from others. Post, don't post, so what?

Trial & error, I can't say it enough!!

don't get me wrong, there is no bad answer. Not judging.

"There are others here now that stand behind the progression" >> I know this is your thread but this is interesting. I would love to know at what point a roulette player believes in progressions?

Meaning, at first starting out...somewhere in the middle...or later in his/her roulette career?

Myself, it was for the first five years or so. I notice that most (not all) are the newer guys, maybe I'm wrong.

Quote from: TheLaw on August 24, 2016, 01:14:45 AM
Can't get enough of Ken's dad-humor.............watch out Tyler Perry!!! :o

You can crack jokes cracker but the truth is still the truth. You have NOTHING so you vent onto others. I've seen it before and I'll see it again.

Quote from: Gizmotron on August 18, 2016, 03:04:30 AM

You are funny. People need people like you. They love people that try to impress others. They even like it more when they know it's because of basic insecurity that they grand stand in the first place.

Anything worth something is worth paying for. You don't have to buy it just to justify your cheapness. And please don't tell me that the victims of this world need a free hand up. This is a gambling forum. I blow my fee on one bet when I'm attacking the game. This is not about getting money. This is about weeding out the wannabees.


that's how theflaw is Gizmo.

He's pissed cause he has NOTHING so that means, no other person should be kicking a**.

Crazy logic but that's our theflaw.  ;)

I thought this could be a fun topic?

Do you guys occasionally play a method, just for fun (real money) that you know is not even close to great? Something easy and kind of fun? don't go posting how it won't pass a million spins (lol). This is more for goofing around. Myself >>

No jotting anything down (a big time saver).....watch the history board, any repeat of a number, bet that and its two neighbors. The newest repeat?

Switch your bets, that's it, nothing complicated.

NOTE: (00 wheel)....lets say the 14 was hit twice. You are betting the 14 2 35. The 2 & 35 gets you a few hits, that section is "hot" (for now).

A few spins later, the 25 hits back to back. Myself? I would NOW bet the 25 10 29 even though I am coming off a hot section.

Like I said, it won't pass a million spins but it's a fun, QUICK system if I only have an hour or so to kill or entertain my family/friends.

Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 10:35:16 PM
Quote from: TheLaw on August 20, 2016, 10:33:50 PM
Sounds like there are some personal issues going on here.........I won't kick a man when he's down.........best wishes Ken.

Cheers! :)

Thanks buddy !!!!!!
