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Messages - Mr J

I think it went over your head, no biggie.

"Therefore is impractical for someone to wait so long before bets" >> ?? SAY WHAT??

I thought with "you guys", if it works on paper, it COUNTS as a winner?

(Laying out 163 dollar chips in a couple seconds for example).
Hey, if it works on paper, it's a winner! (lmao)

Off-topic / The Oscars
February 28, 2016, 06:08:26 PM
I LOVE IT !!!! can't wait for tonight, one of my favorite times of the year. The Oscars and Lincoln's birthday!! Anyone else gonna watch?

General Discussion / Re: Every 12-18 months (imo)
February 26, 2016, 10:43:27 PM
Quote from: greenguy on February 26, 2016, 11:29:16 AM
I agree with keeping accurate records for all your real play.

I don't believe I could wait 12-18 months to check though. I prefer to reconcile the ledger after every casino visit.

Good bookkeeping can be a blessing.

More of my point is this >> your overall net winnings (percent) better continue to climb. How? Through trial & error, correcting ok methods and making them better.....you should be a *SMARTER* player year after year. Learning what does not work.

General Discussion / Re: Every 12-18 months (imo)
February 26, 2016, 05:41:45 AM

    "Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind for a reason."
General Discussion / Every 12-18 months (imo)
February 26, 2016, 04:28:44 AM
This is a strong opinion I have. Around every 12-18 months, you should look over your RECORDS regarding roulette play, ACTUAL CASINO play that is. What do your NET winnings look like OR your losses?

The overall +/-

I keep all my records in notebooks. If year after year, your profits (if there are any) keep falling or just holding steady, perhaps roulette is not for you. I see NO REASON to play year after year and stay in limbo, what's the point? Real success, every 12-18 months, your NET profits (percent) should be steadily going up. I do understand, some people play three times a week and some play six times a year, I get it.

These last 3 I'll keep up. If you had half a brain, you would know why.

Regarding that 4 number method, I can't stop laughing. Me and a few other members have been chatting about it via email, never PM. I deleted it, yes but PURPOSELY kept it up elsewhere. Why?

I changed the "rules" then kept it up, as if I forgot to delete. Then, a couple of the GOOFS copy/paste (lol) stating, we better copy this before mr j notices it (rofl) !!
Hook, line & sinker, all too easy.

 Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby.
Beat-the-Meat wrote:

Mr J, stop feeding your huge EGO, ...
Denzie has posted more, and better ideas than u.
The Law, has posted better too.


Those two goofs wouldn't know a decent method if it sat on their face. They will always be long term losers....RNG, bots, air ball, progressions, betting 24 numbers, triggers, "wait until", it goes on and on folks.

All signs of rookie play, sorry Charlie.

Quote from: ADulay on February 24, 2016, 11:13:21 PM
Yep.  It drives me nuts.

I really wish we didn't have that ability here.


I really don't like it, honestly I don't. However, if it is available........
It can't be a timing issue of when to bet. Your HE is still the same(?) Give me an example of "timing", the HE is now lower than 5.26% (2.7%). This is the problem I have, I feel there are GREAT numbers to bet and at GREAT times to make those bets *BUT* according to the math, it makes no difference.

Another example >> you wait until one street has yet to hit, then start long progression on it. I can sit here and say, don't bet on sleepers, there is nothing special about the 13 14 15 etc., then I have my awesome method (3 numbers) .......according to the math, my 3 numbers are no better/worse than the guy chasing that street? (lol) Its mind boggling.

Here is the question of the century !>!>!> Can a particular way of betting be "better" (not sure what word to use?) BUT the house edge stays EXACTLY the same? I am not asking for your style of play, I could careless.   

On a personal level, I feel I have a couple VERY good methods to play, we'll say 3 numbers.   Bob Smith the 21 year old goofball only plays the 2, 22 & 32, his favorite numbers and he swears by them, "they hit a lot" Bob says with a smile!

By the EXACT set of house edge rules, Bob is no different than me but I disagree. Can I explain myself, is my math better? Nope on both. I am excluding the AP guys that swear there is a slight tilt with the wheel blah blah blah, we'll leave them out of it for now.

So, lets say a poster says to another...."that won't work, the math doesn't lie" (I am 100% guilty of this myself), would that mean my method is no better than the very person I am correcting? (lol) Does the person doing the correcting even have a RIGHT to post a method? My head is spinning.

If a long time player does produce a DECENT profit with the same method over many years (not saying me) then that person, by definition, has a lower HE than 5.26% (00 wheel)? Can a person win LONG TERM and still play against the very same 5.26% that the rookie plays against?

Quote from: Wally Gator on February 20, 2016, 10:56:40 PM

I never get involved in the high school antics on these forums, but I'd suggest it doesn't work in your favor by deleting posts.  The information provided by you, or anyone else for that matter, speaks for itself.  Those of us who have been around awhile and have tested the various methods and strategies presented are well aware of who knows what and who doesn't.  People learn differently and, unfortunately, some negative conversations take place as a result.

Suffice it to say, those of us who have found long term success do not need to prove anything to anyone.  The fact that you and others have openly shared ideas that, in fact, do work speaks volumes.  It's easy for people to suggest that this or that needs to be tweaked, but the majority are sitting in a room in their house on a computer playing with excel spreadsheets, not at the end of an overcrowded, smoke infested, elbow shoving, roulette table in a real casino.  In my opinion, this is why these forums get negative.  If there were a requirement for those who wish to post to prove that they are testing and playing with 'real' money, there would be much more productive conversation.

Very good post! It bugs me and it shouldn't I guess.

*WE* (most of us here, not all) know, who knows how much or how little or who is new or who is not new to this game. Who actually PLAYS or who doesn't, most of us do know. Who causes trouble and who does not. Who will last playing for the next 10 years and who will not, we kind of already know WITHOUT the arguing, good point.

Quote from: XXVV on February 20, 2016, 10:45:31 PM
Welcome back to Mr J on this roulette forum, and really grateful for your posts over the years with really practical, successful and helpful material. For some reason there has been a dominance of baccarat work on this forum but I am confident that roulette actually offers many more opportunities to gain traction and win against the house, within sensible constraints, because of the 37 or 38 facets that reflect opportunities to gain entry to the mysteries within the cycles of roulette. More on this later. It will be great to see much more roulette discussion here from respected and proven exponents of the game.

I too have had my share of brushes with 'the Law', and it always ends in tears, finger pointing, delusion and abuse -lol.

You're right, a lot of bacc talk here, not really my thing. Guys like denzie and thelaw have no interest, waiting their turn. Meaning, they arrive on scene and feel they can immediately swim with the big sharks. They know they can't (at least not now) and resort to STARTING TROUBLE with well respected members such as yourself XXVV.
