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Messages - Mr J

I had to delete a couple posts from denzie & thelaw. Nothing but attacks on me again, its very out of line, lets all get along please.

Forgot to mention..... forget about triggers, "wait until", progressions, virtual etc.

*YOU*WILL*NOT*WIN*LONG*TERM*,SORRY*......I know this and you don't. (yet)


Members like thelaw & denzie will always be followers, never a leader. They are more into guessing with very little fact checking. Always a recipe for disaster. You can not test something four times and claim you have a HG. If I was in charge at ANY message board, if you post you have a HG, you're banned, 30 days with no exceptions!!

.....and when their test results don't look so hot, they resort to name calling and starting s**t with other members. These are the actions of amateur players/posters. Most likely under 30. Its funny how over the years, the posters WE have the most issues with are under 30, Hmmm....strange.

A coincidence perhaps? Not likely. Crazy stories such as winning 60K (lol), its all to get attention. Attention they lack in their personal lives so maybe fill that void at a message board? They also have testing problems in itself. When you test, make sure everything lines up with the rules at the CASINO. I'm sorry, a casino is this large building with all kinds of games of chance, run by actual human beings, spinning the ball etc.

thelaw & his gf denzie, need to make sure, if you lost in testing, it doesn't count as winning at the casino (lol). Example being.....your casino BR is $600. While testing, you dipped to minus $650 but it pulled out a winner, plus $400. Nope, you lost idiots.

Also while testing, you have LOTS of time to lay down your 142 chips needed for your method.

Ummm, can you lay down 142 chips at the CASINO in a few seconds? Nope. Guess what? You lost again during testing.

All testing rules need to be the **SAME* as what would/could happen at a REAL CASINO. Sorry, them the facts ladies. In closing, I've seen people like thelaw & denzie come and go, they are a dime a dozen. Read their posts today and in 2018....it'll be, thelaw & denzie who?? They are a nobody in the world of gambling. They have nothing but stories to tell, lies to sling and testing a "special" method in which GUESSING seems to be the NORM (lol). I find it funny as all hell, watching them chase their tails, like kitty cats.


General Discussion / Re: 10 Questions To Ask Yourself
February 20, 2016, 02:57:39 PM
Old thread but still great.

Split / Re: Liberty with a hint of basil method
February 20, 2016, 12:22:57 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 19, 2015, 08:29:38 AM

I've been playing this a while with success.  Reading this post I wonder if I'm doing it wrong. 

1.  Are you saying bet only the B column?

2.  What if you've crossed off 3/6 and 2/5? Is 1/4 a bet?


VERY sorry Sam !!

It can be any of the 3 columns so yes, 1/4 is a bet. Remember, a 6 hitting crosses off the 3/6 or a 2 hitting crosses off the 2/5 (just an example).

General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 14, 2015, 02:38:48 AM
Yep.....if you don't GO ALONG WITH THE MASSES over there, out the door you will be.

Lovely way to run a forum.

General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 10, 2015, 08:23:51 PM
I agree, you/we should be talking roulette. I/we can NOT make members talk roulette [smiley]afb/wait.gif[/smiley]

General Discussion / Re: @Jimske
January 10, 2015, 06:13:49 PM
@anyone reading this >> The issue is.....some people don't know the difference between debating and insulting.

If you don't know the difference, not my problem. Its your problem and I will fix it.

General Discussion / @Jimske
January 09, 2015, 09:00:42 PM
I guess I'm old school. I don't care about community board this n that, I don't care about
voting this n that........

In regards to alrelax, get off the guys back. If you continue, you'll be banned, pretty simple.

No hugs and kisses, just banned.

General Discussion / Re: Really?
January 09, 2015, 03:31:06 AM
That "function", as you call it, should not be for members (I agree with ADulay). I understand that's how its set-up, oh well I guess.

Multiple locations / Re: Master Blaster
January 02, 2015, 08:02:00 PM
Would you like the thread removed?

General Discussion / Re: Gambler's Conceit
November 24, 2014, 04:22:36 AM
"The moral of the story is: quitting when ahead offers no advantage whatsoever" >>> I have to admit, this has crossed my mind SEVERAL times.

PERHAPS?.... the only real way to "win", is to walk into the casino for the FIRST time, win (hopefully) we'll say $100, leave and NEVER play the game again?

Ken   :stress:
Gambling Philosophy / Re: "BEST BETTING QUOTES"
November 16, 2014, 10:57:17 PM
With any DECENT method, aim for progress not perfection.

THE GAMBLER >> I'm a big movie guy, this looks damn good >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5gPQXbFs9Y
Gambling Philosophy / Re: ALBALAHA'S QUOTE!
November 15, 2014, 05:15:28 PM
We should rank the best quotes on the board. I really think mine is top 5 material, I simply love it.
