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Messages - NathanDetroit

Players have been brainwashed with the HE.If you wanna dance you got to pay the fiddler.

The casino need and want the DROP ( losses from the players ) . They love players trying to win back their losses  and in this process lose even more. The bankroll has been weakened and the casinos  know it.
Street / Re: Until It Sleeps 3
August 27, 2016, 07:26:06 PM

As much as I would  love to answer your question my solid money management  includes leaving a session after 3 losses in a row or when I have reached  reached  the loss limit of 25 % of the session bankroll.

Those spread sheets tell  me the  whole story. Therefore take the time and calculate  for yourself.

Here on this forum as well asmn Steve`s RFcc I feel muzzled to speak the truth as  I see it .More and more Orwellian.

MM info for recreational  purposes only. Play at your own risk.
Those FOUR points are important

Bet selection , proper bankroll, Money management, and Discipline.

Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
August 07, 2016, 04:14:03 PM
Since this particular method does not lent itself for testing I  refrain from publishing this excellent method  .


Nathan Detroit.
Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
August 06, 2016, 08:45:52 PM
With one  of my methods:   NO SWEAT .
Beating any game of chance is   utopia . Resign to a winning  session once  in a  while is reality.
# 5 I move on.

Not being in employ of the casino nor a member of the janitors union.( matters of legality )

PS. WHY was the drink spilled  to begin with ?
Mogul ,

The WASHOO2 is  based  on  sections of contiguous numbers on the wheel/ . It`s  like a dealers signature approach at a  live wheel.

Study the numbers  given in section " A" and then bet the corresponding dozens where  they  are located. Any number you find in section A means betting  the First and  second dozen.

The only numbers that you  will find outside  the  dozens are 5 and 6 and 35 and 36.But they  are still a vital part in your bet selection
35  or 36  being from the A group bet  First and second dozen.  If 5 or  6 shows from the  B group bet the second  and third dozen.

Check the numbers in  group C  and bet  the First and Third dozen.
Never attempt to outsmart  the table.

My  method is always predetermined.

For the single 0 wheel  I`ll stick to the First and Third Dozen. Look at the wheel and you`ll  see why .

For the 0/00 wheel  I follow the WASHOO2  2 dozen method.

For recreational purposes nly. Play at your own risk .

Roulette Forum / Re: Why I fail in the long RUN ?
July 17, 2016, 05:08:37 PM

I thought  his  system  were selling 2 for 99 cents at  e bay and Amazon.
Roulette Forum / Re: Why I fail in the long RUN ?
July 17, 2016, 05:03:43 PM
I did NOT claim any advantage   at all.   Al I posted was 2 EC Black OR Red. No Method of play was given to gnaw on.
Roulette Forum / Re: Why I fail in the long RUN ?
July 17, 2016, 04:18:28 PM
Bet selection for EC like  either  Black OR Red requires  the ultimate of a  skill that one would not think  of. It is not a  bet selection for long term play and  even SHORT term requires that type of a skill better left to  experienced pros.

Nathan Detroit
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
July 13, 2016, 07:36:42 PM

Know your exit strategies . 

Time for me to move on.Where ever I go it  shall always be " My Way".

Nathan  Detroit aka WASHOO2 aka Tamino

Street / Re: Until It Sleeps 3
July 09, 2016, 11:18:47 PM
Please look at his spread sheets. They tell a story.