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Messages - NathanDetroit

ThomasGrant / Re: Roulette on Youtube.
November 16, 2013, 01:13:03 PM
Those 2 videos are a flim flam to rope in suckers by the producer(s) of those presentations.

A worthless video which should  not have seen the light of day.

For that kind of play a bankroll of $ 300,000.-- is  required.

General Discussion / Re: After dealer change?
November 10, 2013, 01:58:22 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on November 10, 2013, 01:28:39 PM
Each trail is independent, so why do you believe a dealer change would effect the future outcomes.

....................unless one believes in the DS fallacy.

PS.  Exceptions  might  be  systems with 19 - 24 numbers. ( For recreational purposes only. Play at your own risk )
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 09, 2013, 04:36:06 PM
Typical post by one  of the scammers  guild.

Roulette is a recreational activity and the scammers know it but won't admit it. It's a too profitable flim-flam  ....

Their credo: We give you illusions but no solutions. ( For a steep fee)

That's a positive reply to razor, the SCAMMER.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 09:17:16 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on November 06, 2013, 09:00:17 PM
Hello Jonvermeer.
Welcome to the forum.
Thank you for your decision to reveal the bet that CEH gave you all those years ago.
I hope you follow through with your announcement, and if you do… suck on it Razor!

What I don’t understand, and I’m not specifically talking to Jonvermeer here, is that there must be more than one individual who received some form of bet from CEH? And if so, why have they ALL until now upheld the nondisclosure policy for this bet, when the policy was drafted by a crook who indiscriminately stole a lot of money from many people? A man who set up the whole affair with intent to steal through deception?

Maybe   CEH`s " enforcers" have kicked the  bucket.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 05, 2013, 10:12:33 PM
Quote from: Jonvermeer on November 05, 2013, 09:02:38 PM
Like many others,I have joined the PPPC club of Charles w3m.com.
I followed the instructions and sent him 700$us to become a member(back in 2010.)
I never hear from them again,except a few short email says : we are very busy,etc.....
I decided to write to him,explain that I have trust him and his works,the 700$US is what I have save
to join the club.and my family is not a well to do class of people.
He returned the money back to my account,not all,but 90% of it.He also enclosed the CWB and told
me :The bet works well if I am a pro and apply rules.
If you all interested,i will post the CWB tomorrow,because after 2 years ,i didn't understand it.
It wins most of the time but not CONSISTENT like a CWB.JonVermeer.

Suckers are born every minute. How do we know if that poster of CEH army is credible?
FIRST time  poster..

Deny those scammers any money. Let them starve.
That should be an in indication not to buy any system that was  given by an "auld"  Asian  player on his death bed.

Those  cats  only play " for  luck". They don`t know  how to win. No wonder Mr. Sheldon Adelson the billionaire proprietor of the  Sands LV Corp and Macau casino with 9,000 rooms is doing so well.

One  of my Mutual Funds has shares invested in the Sands Corp.

*****I can't think straight with everyone throwing chips around to be tracking and MM
**** quote by Turner.

Welcome to the trenches of the B  & M casinos.

1.) Fat babes with oversized pocket books hitting your rib cage

2.) Babes   slapping your back any time  a hit occurs

3) spilled Red  wine all across the layout ( Clumsy Fem next to me  at Harrah`s  in Las Vegas)

4)sitting at position 3  at a  very busy table  . Having  Quad bet at 1/4. Some cat inadvertently moves bet with his   sleeve  . Now a  splitbet 2/5 . What shows # 1.GRRR

5.) small stack of  bets on a position knocked over by Fem`s  pocketbook on left arm while  placing her bets with  the same arm.

6.) superfat babe   taking up  place  between position 1 and 2.

7.) Dealer suggestion to remove small note pad and pen from table. Write  on lap. GRRR

True  experiences by ND

Last hello  by Turbo at another board was  October 2, 2013. 

Turbo, what a cat !

Some years  ago  he was to meet me  at a  roulette  table    ( for him nearby) at an  Atlantic City casino. He was a no show.

Discussion about his no show  might still be  in the old GG archives.

El Braggado . Big Windbag.Big EGO .

Nathan Detroit
Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 09:24:26 PM
Be extremely careful in the   parking garages of the casinos. Hide   the  money on your body but carry a "ghetto wallet " stuffed with single $ bills ..

Upon withdrawing  your winnings from the  cashier`s  cage ascertain that you are not being followed , proceed to the men`s  room   and hide  the money on your body while inside the  toilet stall.

Make  sure that you are not being followed    when  going to the elevator of the parking garage.

Best to use  valet parking.

Be on guard.


General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 21, 2013, 06:28:48 PM
Live  B & M casinos  and "  floozy gals, drinks " is  heaven . The rest is just window dressing.

Enjoy.. Let the others worry about variances. I  know of a cat who lost  1/4 of One milion Dollars playing
Baccarat constantly   babbling about variances.

More and more people are seeing the light what casino games are for: To line the pockets of the  operators.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 21, 2013, 05:50:08 PM
WEALTH was  not created  by gambling. That`s the  truth  .

What is fiction are the  posters`  claim of winnings.

The bullsheet is knee deep.

Mike  said it as it is.He  also knows  what he is talking about.

Forget those damn spread sheets in a  real casino. They are a ridiculous  piece of stuff at those busy places.

Nathan Detroit
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 20, 2013, 09:53:39 PM

I agree. I don`t care if  someone  wants to play the GREEN(s) Happy Winnings !!!

What did Rhett Butler say to Scarlet O`Hara  : Frankly , ny  dear,  I don`t give a damn.


General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 03:21:23 PM
This  post   by Mike  said it loud and  clear. It is mature and  contains   the right ingredient of  common sense.


It is  not how much  one wins  but how LITTLE one  loses. This  is the reality of  any casino game.

Enjoy your stay at B& M casinos just as much as I do. Those  palaces are built for  recreation not as a full tme or part time business venture.

Nathan Detroit
Double-street / Re: EC too Easy!
October 14, 2013, 03:53:23 PM
Ignatius has made his  choice of bet selection.  It is well balanced 

I see nothing unusual with this method. 


...He'll  handle  as .....