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Messages - Nickmsi

Don't bet every spin.

Bet only after a Black hit and you can beat this run.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 11, 2016, 01:15:01 AM
Hello Richard . . .

I am by no means disparaging L G Holloway or any other method of play.  I sometimes post a reply without thinking. 

The predominant way to play roulette is in a Brick & Mortar Casino with a live dealer. More recently it can be played on line with a live dealer.

However, my study of roulette is 100% bot and tracker oriented.

While I do not deny that in the short term, ie, up to 200 spins per Casino visit, there may be methods that end with a winning session, my bot experience is with up to 5,000 spins per night.

My empirical data to date shows that a system that relies on waiting for an event to happen, one that has a trigger or a pattern to match, or a number to wake up, etc. the results in the long run are negative.

Therefore, what I am focusing my attention on is Money Management systems that can help in creating positive results.  I am not just talking about progressions, which are a part of Money Management but about ways to increase our profits and reduce our losses.
For example, one Money Management tool I use in the bot is called "GPS" which stands for Guaranteed Profit Stop.  It simply says that if the Total of the Next Bet is more than your profit earned to date, Do Not Make the next bet. It assumes you would lose so it does not bet and keeps profit you made. It does not make or chase a loss.

The bet selection is any standard number set bet, ie, Red, Low, Evens, Dozens, Quads, Streets etc. What I look for is a bet selection that maximizes the Money Management tools available, for example, I like betting 24 numbers , ie, (Dozen 1 & Dozen 2) which often have a lot of 15-20 spin win streaks in 5,000 spins so I would use another Money Management tool like multiple graded trailing profits to maximize the win streaks and a GPS to minimize the losses.

Hope this helps to clarify.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 10, 2016, 02:00:39 PM
Hi Matt . . .

Yes, you are right in that tracking more gaps will give you more opportunities to bet.

However, my experience has found that waiting on an event, or waiting for a trigger or pattern is not as effective as a good money management system with just betting on Red.


General Discussion / Re: Bot help
May 20, 2015, 02:04:58 AM
Hello . . .

I can help you create a bot for your system.

Kindly send me your email address to nickmsi@aol.com and we can discuss.


Roulette Forum / Re: Gap Theory
March 07, 2015, 03:17:18 PM
Here's link to my excel sheet which has his progression "Rise and Fall" in it.



Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 14, 2015, 04:47:57 PM
Maestro . . .

Thanks for the suggestion of counting spins between Gaps. 

When I get some time, I will give that a try and report back.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 13, 2015, 05:25:15 PM
Hi Patrick . . .

I tested your idea of using the first 9 spins as a Gap 9 and while it started it well it did not end well.  Tried several scenarios and progressions but could not get any of them to work consistently.

While the first 9 spins should equate to a 9 Gap, I think the problem was WHEN the 9 Gap occurs and WHEN the first 9 spins occur.

The thinking was that a 9 Gap usually appears only once in 500 spins so if it appears on the 200th spin then we have only 300 spins left for another one to appear.

The first nine spins always occurs first and then we would always have 493 spins left for another one to appear.  So you would easily get 2 or more of them in the 500 spins.

Still, it was a good thought.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 12, 2015, 05:30:31 PM
Great Idea Patrik . .

I will code up and test out for all 3 EC.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 12, 2015, 12:31:55 PM
Good Question, Patrik . . .

Normally I set the Profit Target = 1 so that when we get any profit, it will reset and start tracking the 9 Gap again.

If we set the Profit Target higher, like Profit Target = 10, then it will continue to bet the 5 Gaps until we hit the 10 Unit Profits or the Stop Loss.

My earlier testing was with a Profit Target = 1.  I am currently retesting with a Profit Target = 10 to see how much difference this approach will produce.

Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 12, 2015, 01:07:52 AM
Sorry TheLaw, the bot I use does not generate a W/L register so I have no idea what it would be like.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 11, 2015, 06:54:34 PM
"Then i wait for 5 blacks to show and start betting red for 4 times.
Assume i lose does 4 times then i have a gap of 9 blacks, then i bet my last bet on black and hope it will become 10 blacks in a row (5 bets) and preventing a 9 black gap to appear twice"

Patrik . . .This is not the way I coded this sheet.  My thinking was that if we happen to get a second 9 Gap then I choose to bet Red one more time gambling that we won't get a streak of 10 blacks.  Your suggestion is another way to play this.

What I tried to do is to allow you to Choose and Test what ever Gap size you want, to Choose and Test whatever Betting Gap Size and to Choose and Test for what ever number of spins you think might win.

I have not tested all scenarios but have shown some that look pretty good.

TheLaw . . . The way that I have tested so far is with a progression that links each bet outcome to the next so the progression continues after a loss but stops on a win.

However, this can also be tested to stop after each betting sequence.  For example, if you choose "Maximum # of Spins to Bet" = 3 and you are flat betting, then if you lose all 3 spin you would have a loss of -3.  Therefore, set the "Stop Loss" in the Sheet to (-3) and it will stop and start a new session.  To Flat Bet, simply enter 1000 in the Progression Divisor shown at the top in cell AU3.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 11, 2015, 01:30:33 PM
Yes, Target Gap Size = 9 means you wait until you have 9 Blacks and 1 Red.

However, you do not start betting until you have reached another streak of 5 Blacks (Betting Gap Size = 5).  In other words, after having achieved the Gap 9 of 9 Blacks and 1 Red, you wait until you have another streak of 5 Blacks, which is the Betting Gap Size = 5.

Then after you have a second 5 Blacks you start betting on Red. (similar to virtual betting).  You would then bet on Red for 5 spins which is the "Maximum # of Spins = 5".  Therefore you have 5 Blacks already spun and if you lose all 5 of your bets on Red you would then have 10 Blacks.

In my observations,  you seldom have two streaks of 9 or more in 500 spins.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 10, 2015, 06:21:00 PM
Hello Patrik . . .

A gap is nothing more than when a streak ends.  If you have a streak of 9 Blacks that ends with a Red then you have a Gap 9.  If you have EEEEEO then you have a Gap 5.   LLLLH is a Gap 4.

If the "Target Gap Size=9"means you must form a Gap 9 in one of the EC before proceeding.  This Gap 9 is the 1st Trigger you are looking for.  Why Gap 9?  Because I found in checking the graphs of all the EC that a 9 or 10 Gap occurs about once in 500 spins which is what the sheet is set for.

I also found that seldom do you have 2 occurrences of a 9 or 10 Gap in the same 500 spins.  Therefore, I am testing that when you get a Gap 9, we can start betting that it won't occur again, at least not right away.

OK, so after the 9 Gap has been formed we can start betting .  I have provided a "Betting Gap Size" so that you can test various Gaps to see if any one better than another.  So if you choose a "Betting Gap Size = 5" means that after the 9 Gap formed you wait until you have at least a Gap 5 (streak of 5) formed and start betting.

You bet for as many spins as you have indicated in "Maximum # of Spins to Bet".  In this case it is 5.  Therefore, you will bet the OPPOSITE of the streak for up to 5 spins.  So if the Betting Gap Size is 5 and you bet for 5 spins, then if you lose you would have formed a gap of 10 (5+5) or more.  This would mean that you would have had 2 Gaps of 9-10 or more in the same 500 spins which is highly unlikely, but possible.

Hope this answers your question, if not, just let me know.

Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 09, 2015, 10:34:15 PM
I tried a very aggressive approach:

I used the following settings in the EC Gap Sheet

Target Gap Size  = 4

Betting Gap Size  = 2

Maximum # of Spins to Bet = 2

Profit Target = 1

Stop Loss (-) =-10000

It lost badly.  So the more "extreme variances" seem to work better.

Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 09, 2015, 09:03:40 PM
I tried a more conservative approach:

Only 408 Units Profit in 100,000 spins, only about  500 placed bets.

I used the following settings in the EC Gap Sheet

Target Gap Size  = 9

Betting Gap Size  = 5

Maximum # of Spins to Bet = 5

Profit Target = 1

Stop Loss (-) =-10000
