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Messages - Nickmsi

Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 09, 2015, 08:19:27 PM
Another 1792 Units Profit in 100,000 spins.

I used the following settings in the EC Gap Sheet

Target Gap Size = 7

Betting Gap Size = 2

Maximum # of Spins to Bet= 4

Profit Target = 1

Stop Loss (-) =-10000

The only thing different from the previous test was I used 4 for a Maximum # of Spins rather than 2.

It was a little less profit but a profit still the same.

Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 09, 2015, 07:16:27 PM
Hello . . .

Yes, you can simply wait for 9 blacks and then bet the opposite.  This is a sleeper system where if 9 Blacks are sleeping then bet they will wake up on the 10th or later spin.  However,  that is a different system, not a Gap system.

We are trying to test the Gap Theory and to get a gap of 7 (which was selected) you must have 7 blacks followed by Red or Zero.  Or 7 Highs followed by a Low or Zero. Or 7 Odd followed by an Even or Zero.   These form a 7 Gap.

I don't know if a Gap system is any better than the sleeping system or any other system but I thought we could test it out and see what happens.


Even chance / Re: EC Gap Module
February 09, 2015, 04:56:38 PM
1,921 unit Profit in 100,00 spins, about 2,000 placed bets.

Here's one example of how to use Gaps in EC betting.

I set the EC Gap  Sheet to the following settings:

Target Gap Size = 7 Gaps  (1st Trigger)

Betting Gap Size = 2 Gaps (2nd Trigger)

Maximum # Spins to bet = 2

Profit Target = 1

Stop Loss (-) = -1000

This means if you get any of the following you have a gap of 7:
Then, after this trigger you wait until you have  a 2 gap, then bet the opposite for 1 or 2 spins.

For example, if you get a gap of 7 Blacks which would be RRRRRRR, then after the next gap of 2 Blacks(RR) you would then bet Black for 1 spin and if won, end of session.  If lost, double the bet and on a Win end session or if lost, then continue to look for next 2 gap.  Progression continues to increase with each new 2 gap so be careful as a RFH can always rear its ugly head.


Even chance / EC Gap Module
February 08, 2015, 08:50:58 PM
Attached is the EC Gap Module.  This is a fully functional tracker that can be played live, with live spins or RNG spins.

Each time you press function key F9 you will get 500 RNG spins.  At first, all I did was kept pressing F9 over and over again, while watching the graphs for each EC.

What I noticed that in every 500 spins (1 click of F9) I would see at least one of the EC that had a gap of 10 or higher.  I first tested betting every 6 gap for 8 spins with a martingale progression.  This means you could go to gap 14 (6 + 8) before losing.  This started well but eventually the gaps were too unpredictable and not a long term winner.

Continuing to watch the graphs, I noticed that a gap of 10 or higher generally only occurred ONCE in the 500 spin session.  Rarely did it occur twice, but when it did, it was not back to back, there was always another gap in between.  Yes, I have seen 10 Reds followed by 1 Black followed by 10 Reds.  This will occur but very infrequently.

This is the system that this Gap Module is set to test.  Remember, I code mostly for bots and as such I do not mind not betting for 100 spins before placing a bet.  This may not be for B&M people unless they play this simultaneously  with other systems.

The first thing to do is enter the "Target Gap Size".  This is the gap size you wish to hit before betting.  So in my example above, we would enter 10.

The second thing to enter is the "Betting Gap Size".  After the Target Gap Size" has been hit, then you start to bet when you hit the next "Betting Gap Size".  If you enter a "Betting Gap Size" of 4, then we will start to bet on the first 4 gap that is spun.

The third thing to enter is "Maximum # of Spins to Bet".  This is how many spins you wish to bet for.  If you entered 8 with a "Betting Gap Size" of 4, then it will bet for a maximum of 12 gaps. (8 + 4).

Any other suggestions on how to attack the gaps in an EC Module will be appreciated and I will certainly try to code them as time permits.


Roulette Forum / Gap Theory
February 08, 2015, 08:45:52 PM
What is a Gap. 

A Gap is the number of spins between hits. If the number 35 is hit on Spin # 1 and again on Spin # 51, the Gap is 50. (51-1).  If Street # 10 is hit on Spin # 20 and again on Spin # 30, then the Gap is 10. (30-20).  In other words, it is how long a number (number set) sleeps between hits.

So What.  Is there any benefit to studying Gaps?

Well, Louis G. Holloway thinks so.  In his book  "Full Time Gambler" ,thanks XXVV for the information, he says he has made a "gap book".  He claims this
"greatly condensed the big run of numbers and put the whole thing into a new perspective or dimension.  Through this kind of work, one is able to learn the true value of patterns and to avoid being tricked by coincidence.  By plotting graphs from the total of each approach, we can determine the peak of each cycle--when to get in and when to get out.  Ridiculous, you say? They said that about the atomic bomb, television and the airplane, too.  I am not saying we know exactly when to pick up up a number or group of numbers.  What I am saying is that over the long range-period we can and do turn the percentage and improve cold selecting."

I am not sure what he means by  "condensing the big runs" or "determining the peak of each cycle" so I thought I would develop  "Gap Sheets" for each  for each module (number set) starting with the EC Gap Sheet, then as time permits,  Dozens/Columns,  Lines,  Streets, etc.

Each "Gap Sheet",  will allow you to conduct  your own tests.  It is hoped that someone may see a "pattern" or a path or something else that might give us an edge.

Each "Gap Sheet" will be a fully working Tracker so you can actually test live or RNG spins.  You will be able to select:

1.  The size of the Gap to test

2.  The number of spins you wish to bet

3.  Holloway's RF (Rise and Fall) Progression or a Progression Divisor system that I use which
includes flat betting.

4.  Profit Target and Stop Loss

Each Gap Sheet will also Graph each session, so you can see their peaks and valleys.

As each Gap Sheet will be a fully functional system,  I will post them in their respective sub boards.   See the sub board "Even Chances" for the first EC Module Gap Sheet which should be posted shortly.


I sent you a PM regarding the ExcelBot.


Roulette Forum / Re: Stats for betting 2 dozens
January 15, 2015, 04:23:58 PM
You are welcome, AD.

I have hundreds of sheets coded over the years so if you or anyone needs something, just let me know and I will check my files to see if I have already done it.

If I have it, I will gladly post it for all.


Roulette Forum / Re: Stats for betting 2 dozens
January 14, 2015, 07:53:35 PM
Not sure if this belongs in this thread, but Bayes mentioned L G Holloway's "gap book".

I have an excel sheet that shows the gaps for straight numbers. 

I have attached it so you can see the variance in the gaps.

This is a tool to help formulate any bet selections you can think of.



Math & Statistics / Re: repeaters formula
January 06, 2015, 03:48:05 PM
OK, here you go.

I did a quick 40,000 simulator spins using the DS strategy as above with the +1 on a loss and -1 on a win.

Looked good to start.



Roulette Forum / Re: Law of the third stats
December 14, 2014, 01:37:39 AM
Hello . . .

Here's a little tracker that can help you visualize what happens in 37 spins.  It tracks:

1.  # of Unique numbers

2.  # of Sleepers

3. # of Repeaters

4. Composition of RB, OE and HL

5. Breaks down the RE, RO, BE, BO in all 3 Dozens

Just press Function Key F9 for another set of 37 spins and see if the first repeat usually occurs around the 8th spin.

See how often you get 12 unique numbers, 24 uniques, etc.

As Sqzbox suggest, see if you can use the breakdown of information to help  strategize or help make a more efficient bet.


Hello Vic . . .

I'm in.

Once you get the BetSoftware Bot completed, I will be happy to participate and tutor others who wish to code in Excel and make their own bot or tracker.

I already provide free trackers and bot sheets to members so it would be great to have a special section for members to access and ask questions or make requests.


Hi Bayes . . .

You may be right that a simulation is faster as I have only experience with the ExcelBot.

When testing in the RNG mode in the Excelbot, it does not require a Casino layout, so it does not choose chips, place bets, remove them, etc.  It just simulates the bets in the Excel Sheet so in essence it could be called a simulator, if that is what you mean.

I was just trying to inform members that Vic's BetSoftware will save them a lot of testing time.



Hello Wannawin

At first I thought BetSoftware was also hard to understand.  I still do not know what it will be fully capable of doing and we won't until Victor completes it.

However, the one aspect of BetSoftware that interests me the most is it's bot capabilities.

When completed, you would be able to:

1.  Code any system in Excel and/or future languages.

2.  Play any Casino you wish

In other words, it allows you to become a bot maker.

I started programming 30 years ago in Basic.  I now code in Excel because it is more popular and fully supported worldwide.  The are many Excel Forums which will not only teach you but show you exactly what you need to do to solve a problem. 

I will also have many Excel sheets with built in formulas for members to use.

I can tell you from personal experience after having tested over a thousand systems, that a bot with a built in Random Number Generator is the fastest way to test any system.

My understanding is that BetSoftware is free to members of the Subscriber Lounge and Victor may sell it to non-members at a nominal fee when completed, but he can best advise on that issue.

BetSoftware is a work in progress.  Currently, it can now read Excel Sheets, load and unload them.  Victor is now working on the next step.  It takes a while to code all this work.

I hope this helps in understanding what I think BetSoftware is capable of.

General Discussion / Re: Popular Excel Sheets?
October 18, 2014, 05:44:18 PM
Hello Victor . . .

The excel sheet which seems the most popular is the one that tracks Repeaters.

I have attached this sheet.


Hello Wannawin . . .

Years ago, I used to program in Basic but switched to Excel when I was interested in roulette.

You will find Excel much easier to code and there are many Excel forums that will assist you with answers to any questions you may have, free of charge.

For those in this subscription section,  I will be more than happy to help.

I have many excel templates that are bot ready for your use.

Everything is coded for the bot.  All you have to do is change the bet selection to whatever you want and the rest is automatically done for you.

This will be the easiest and fastest way to code your own bots when Victor finishes it.

Anytime I can help, just let me know

