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Messages - Nickmsi

General Discussion / Re: Help find the word
January 25, 2014, 07:17:14 PM
Are you referring to "Differential Betting"?

Happy New Year Sam . . .

See if this link is what you are looking for.



General Discussion / Re: AMK this is the extreme
December 14, 2013, 05:13:25 PM
Hello Ivica . . .

The Tracker starts to bet after 6 unique Patterns are formed.

Then it bets up to the next 6 spins.

When it hits the Profit Target of +1 it stops betting. 

So if you win spin # 1, then it stops at the Profit Target of +1.

When ever it hits the Profit Target of +1, it stops the session.

So you only bet as many spins as necessary (but no more than 6) to hit the Profit Target of +1.

You can adjust the Profit Target higher if you wish to see how they will do.

I did a quick test of this system and the results are in Column BG at +292 units.

Hope this answers your question.


General Discussion / Re: AMK this is the extreme
December 14, 2013, 02:52:16 PM
 Hello . . .
Attached is a Tracker to help test Pattern Betting of this type.
The Tracker simply tracks the formations of the 8 patterns of XXX, OOO, XOX, OXO, XXO, OOX, XOO, OOX.
When it finds that the last 6 patterns are Unique (no repeats), then it bets that the next 2 patterns will not be unique, ie. it bets for a repeat.
General Discussion / Re: Spreadsheet help
December 08, 2013, 01:17:47 AM
Thanks Esoito for your comments . . .

General Discussion / Re: Spreadsheet help
December 07, 2013, 09:11:20 PM
OK, try this Tracker and see if it is what you want.


General Discussion / Re: Spreadsheet help
December 07, 2013, 07:08:44 PM
Hello . . .

Thanks for the PM. 

If I understand correctly, you would like to track the numbers spun for a 4 spin cycle based on whether they are on the Right or Left side of the wheel.

I have attached a Tracker based on this assumption.

If this is not what you want, just advise.


General Discussion / Re: Spreadsheet help
December 07, 2013, 04:59:55 PM
Be glad to help, but I don't understand how you are tracking.

Kindly explain further and hopefully I will be able to assist you.

If you prefer, you can PM me instead.


Hi Dave . . .

In my opinion, different table layouts will not affect the game.

You can have 4 rows of 9 numbers plus the zero.

You can have 6 rows of 6 numbers plus the zero.

Any shape you want, should not make any difference as long as the Casino continues to pay out less than true odds they will have the advantage in the long run.

Welcome to the forum



General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 09, 2013, 05:19:57 PM
Hey Carlitos . . .

No need for RX as I have a Tracker that shows the Dozen, Column, and EC for the last number spun.

Hope this helps . . .


Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
September 16, 2013, 10:14:39 PM
Hi Turner . . .

I added Excel's RNG to your sheet, now you can simply F9 for another 500 spins and see your possible triggers.

If you decide on a trigger, just let me know and I can easily add it in for you and see how it will work.

I started my programming with Basic as well and now just Excel which is not too far different.


General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
September 04, 2013, 02:55:08 PM
Welcome back GG . . .

For what it is worth, I have learned more from your way of thinking than from anyone else's.

You have solidified my thinking that waiting for an event to happen (sleepers, repeaters,etc) is not the best way to go. 

Some of your suggestions and methods have allowed me to develop a few really solid methods for playing with our ExcelBot.

Thank you for helping me and all the other forum members with your life long insights into roulette.

May God hold and keep you forever . .  .


General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 03, 2013, 09:43:43 PM
Here's the Tracker with the new formula.


General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 03, 2013, 05:39:12 PM
Kav .. . .

I went through this a while ago, trying to solve the problem of winning when you have 65 Reds in 200 spins.  I tried all kinds of labby and other progressions to no avail.

I find it pays to revisit this problem and others as we often evolve in our thinking and might have a different perspective.

Rather than trying to hit it over the head with massive progressions, I thought why not attack this from a different perspective.

We know that 30 reds in 100 spins will have many Singles and Series of Reds. In other words, in this 100 spin cycle we will see BBRB which is a Single Red. We will also see BBBRRB which is a series for Red.  We will also have BBBRRRB which is another series of Red.

They will not all be Single Reds. It is possible that they will be, but highly unlikely.

Therefore, my suggestions is to bet Red ONLY after a Red wins.  We are betting that the next spin will produce a series of Red.

With this type of betting, most any type of progression should get us the one win.

Attached is an excel tracker with this type of betting and 3 types of progressions you may want to try or you can enter any progression you want.

Don't know if this solves this problem but it's an interesting system nonetheless.


General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 03, 2013, 04:02:25 PM
Hello Sumit . . .

The progression used in the Excel sheet is Kav's special one as follows:

"After the first 4 spins I will use the following formula to calculate how many units I will bet each spin

B = LU/((LS/2)-WS) +1

B=bet in units
LU= Lost units so far
LS= Lost spins so far
WS= Won spins so far

According to this formula, my 5th bet would be
(remember in the first 4 spins I lost 1,2,4,8 = 15)

B=15/((4/2)-0)=15/2 +1=7,5  (+1) so my 5th bet would be 9 units. (we always round up)"

The spins were random generated or you can clear Column A and insert whatever numbers you like.

