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Messages - Nickmsi

Even chance / Re: 2OO3EC - 2 Out of 3 EC.
January 27, 2013, 01:53:14 PM
Hello . . .

I have attached a Tracker with what I think your strategy is.

Kindly input some numbers in Column B and see if the bet selections are what you want.

Cheers . . .

Even chance / Re: 2OO3EC - 2 Out of 3 EC.
January 26, 2013, 04:15:36 PM
Hello Carlitos . . .

Thanks for posting. 

A while back I tested this exact method and have attached our Excel Testing/Tracker Sheet.

You can test it out with various progressions of your choice.  Simple insert your progression starting in cell AU5.

Cheers . . .

Nick  &  Stef

General Discussion / Re: Five strikes
January 25, 2013, 02:54:05 PM
Hi Sam . . .

We posted your 5 Strikes method in Nick & Stef's Excel section so that you and others can test out this method that covers 100% of the board.

You can set the number of strikes, the Profit Target and the Stop Loss so you can test various options.

Also posted was another Tracker for the Spider Web Theory that too covers 100% of the board.

Cheers . . .

Nick & Stef
Thanks Ralph . . .

I appreciate all your testing. 

You have shown us that the simplest of methods can work better than the most complicated ones.

Cheers . . .


Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen/Column march: Break-Even Point
January 18, 2013, 02:31:45 PM
 Hi Victor. . .
Thanks for posting this method.  I love to test out any "Break Even" type systems as they are well suited for our Plug N Play bot.
Attached is a Tracker/Tester Excel sheet for this method.  I tested it two ways, one with a negative progression and the other with a positive one.  The negative progressions produced 158 units profits in 1,000 sessions and the positive resulted in 238 units profits so I am attaching the positive sheet.
The attached has 2 pages as noted in the lower left, a RNG page for testing and a Manual page for inputting numbers if played live or for importing other numbers to test.
I tested several Profit Target and Stop Loss amounts and the ones that produced the 238 units of profits was Profit Target = 2, Stop Loss = (-5).  You can change those to whatever you want to test.
A bot can play this rather quickly as each session will only take about 10 spins to reach either the Profit or Stop limit. 
We are posting this here as well as in the Nick & Stef's Excel section of the Community Software.

Cheers . . . Nick & Stef

Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
January 11, 2013, 08:00:34 PM
I like Sogget's name for Atlantis's simple Code 4 Horizontal on EC's.

Attached is "HOHO" Tracker/Tester for all those interested in testing this method further.

You can play this Manually by simply choosing the "Manual" sheet in the lower left corner of Excel or you can use the RNG sheet for quickly testing various Profit Targets and Stop Loss as well as changing the Progressions Levels.

Cheers . . .

Nick & Stef (2 wild and crazy Excel guys)
Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
January 06, 2013, 05:52:46 AM
Hello . . .

I have attached an updated version 1.3 in Manual Mode with a Comment Sections so you can show where it is not doing what you want.  I have left the columns open so you can see what is happening.

I think you are explaining it well enough, however, the instructions gave us a choice as to how to play this system, either you could play for 1 win and stop, you could ride out the wins or you could play for 1-2.

It was coded 1-2, to stop on first win and if loss, increase to 2 units and bet once more.

The PDF you attached was for riding out the wins.

Kindly check the attached and advise if it is doing it correctly for 1-2 or advise what it should be doing.


Double-street / Re: Count Five
January 01, 2013, 01:56:49 PM
Hi Ignatus . . .

Your system is similar to one I have already coded in Excel.

It is called "The Line Sleeps Tonight". 

If 4 Lines (Double Streets) sleeps in last 5 spins, then bet that the 4 lines will wake up in next 4 spins.

With a Profit Target of 2 Units and Stop Loss of (-40), this produced a profit of 398 units in 500 Sessions of Excel's RNG.

It is slow but appears to be profitable in Excel's RNG and the slow pace makes it ideal for a bot.

The Tracker is attached and ready to be plugged into the Universal Excel Bot that Stef has available if you are interested.

Cheers . . .


Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 12:59:35 PM
I added the other attributes and left open their columns so you can see what they are.

I also fixed a "bug" in the sheet and expanded it to 300 spins to make it easier for you to test.

Any other problems, just let me know.

Cheers . . .


General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2013!!
December 31, 2012, 12:54:25 PM

Next Year is a Mystery, Last year is History, Today is a Gift, that's why we call it the Present.

Happy New Day and Happy New Year to all . . .

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 03:57:23 AM
Aha . . . I did not code the other attributes.

I only coded RR, BB, EE, OO, HH, LL

I will re-do tomorrow to include RB,BR, etc.  Will give us a lot more betting opportunities.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 03:38:40 AM
Yes, there was a "bug" in the Manual Version.

Try the one attached and see if it is done correctly.

I viewed your PDF file but without the numbers associated with each R & B I was unable to determine the sequence.

Here's how I understood this:

1     R
3     R     RR
5     R
7     R     RR
20   B
23   R      BR  (Virtual No Bet)
       Bet that next number is a B

Advise if this is correct?


Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 31, 2012, 02:22:43 AM
I will certainly check out if the spreadsheet only betting on RR and will report back.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it is the only way we can get it correct.


Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 09:54:38 PM
Thanks Stef . . .

Some times I am in a bit of a rush and overlook things but will always make them right.

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 09:20:01 PM
Hi Sam . . .

I don't know what the problem is but I have attached another sheet.

Try this and advise if it works or not.

