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Messages - Ophis

Quote from: Superman on November 22, 2012, 12:36:35 PM
As I thought, and you are asking everyone to do it for you or to see if anyone actually can, as you said, I will stick with what I know works, thanks for the nudge. Same old Sumit lol

Well... he does actually have a system that beat those...

But IMO it doesn't really matter since this is just one of the infinite numbers of combinations numbers can have.
I got systems that beat one set of 1kkk spins... but they will lose on another set.
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.6 Errors
November 22, 2012, 08:26:51 AM
fixed in 1.6.7
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.6 Errors
November 21, 2012, 06:14:39 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 21, 2012, 06:05:09 PMde-selected columns
this is causing the error.
i have just checked few older versions and it seems this error was there at least from 1.6.1.

Thanks for report.
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.6 Errors
November 21, 2012, 05:34:43 PM
Cannot reproduce this error.

Could you please try to:
- Reset to default settings
- Try one system at a time

Please let me know if you will know more as to when does it exactly happen.
maybe instead of full moderation control give topic starters new option like:
"Mark as Offtopic" or something similar.

Then selected post would be automatically edited to fit into some sort of folding function
like [reveal][/reveal] from rouletteforum[dot]com.

This way topic starters could "CLEAN" their topics while maintaining full transparency off the forum.
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 21, 2012, 01:06:01 PM
Grid size extended in version 1.6.6

Please use autoupdate or download directly from here:
MST_v166.zip [1.13MB]

New features:

In mind with Spearmus group i have added two more options
that will reduce space taken by MST on desktop when tracking with single systems (like PB):

  • Button to turn on COMPACT mode that will replace main window with the one of the tracker. (nr 1 on pictures)
  • Button to HIDE bets window, so people can hide it if they are not using clicker. (nr 2 on pictures)
  • Buttons on keyboard are now highlighted to reduce mistakes
  • PB,PF,PB4 Grid display size extended
  • Saving settings now work correctly on Windows7 x64
    (old settings will be reseted to default)
  • MST now remember your last windows positions

NORMAL mode:



Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 20, 2012, 11:21:54 PM

I will take care of it tomorrow. PF and PB4 as well?
QuoteSame answer, it's not for BV
Hmm... somehow i missed that...
maybe because of: "The Clicker part is customizable for any Casino."
So for which software is this?

QuoteYes, you reset-restart. But moving the mouse 37 times is a 20 secondes job, no?
Placing 20 numbers on roulette table is also 20sec job... then why to make a clicker?
The purpose of that is to save time.
If there would be undo you could reduce 20sec job to 1sec job, no?

QuoteWhen you are playing GUT method, you are suppose to be focused on that only.
So only the Tracker and the casino windows should there in my opinion.
Many people use many trackers at the same time.
You can't make assumption they will always have only your program running.
What if some messenger popup... like skype.

Im not trying to be annoying. Just giving you feedback.
Quote from: nOrMy2o0o on November 19, 2012, 11:20:31 PM
Right-Click on Command windows (in accesories), select Run As Admin and type:
regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx

I added a couple of lines in the setup file, i hope it will do the above command automaticly...

None of that will help since those libraries are not included in Windows 7.


Quick Fix:
1. Right click on GUT shortcut
2. Enter Properties
3. Go to "Compatibility" tab
4. Select Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP

Next issues:
Clicker does not place bets. Cursor is jumping on the table but no Chips are placed (w7/firefox/BV european roulette)
* if mouse leave BV window even for a 1ms it loses selected chip size (BV issue)
* try to reselect chip size before each bet

You can register more than 36 numbers
* not a big issue but instead of registering number 37 you could make it register 1UNIT chip coordinates
* what if i want to play with 1euro as base unit?

You cannot close "Select Windows" form.
* please put some sort of Cancel or Exit button on it so i can close it if i have changed my mind regarding running it.

Cannot undo last step when registering coordinates.
* if i made a mistake do i really need to register all those numbers from beginning?

It does not focus roulette table.
* if by some reason i got something covering roulette table then bets will be placed on that window
   instead of bringing roulette table to the front.
Windows7 x64

@selecting casino window:

Quote from: nOrMy2o0o on November 19, 2012, 09:18:52 PM
...and i don't understand what you mean by free request?
I guess he want some bots to be done free of charge.
Ophis' MST / Holy Grail : Troll Arena
November 16, 2012, 11:06:57 AM
All chitchat posts from topic "Holy Grail : randomness can be beaten, even in the longest run" will be moved here.

...u can troll here. no one will delete anything.
Ophis' MST / [S9_BOT] System 9 by Flukey Luke
November 16, 2012, 11:02:19 AM
Flukey Luke - System 9
(Tracker / BetVoyager BOT)

System Description:

Bot Download Link:
http://betselection.cc/.../s9.zip [593kB]

Supported Casino Platforms:

  • Bet Voyager No-Zero
  • Bet Voyager European Roulette
  • ...and tracker can be used manually on any other casino.
BOT system requirements:


For your own safety and convenience it is recommended to run all bots inside of Virtual Machine.
How to set up VM? Look here:

If you will not use Virtual Machine please be aware that in order to prevent memory expansion
and locking BV table while loading bot will clear Internet Explorer cache and history.
(this can be disabled in config)
This is irrelevant for people NOT using Internet Explorer as their main browser.

BOT Money Management features:

Sessions Limits:
Session can end on desired PROFIT and/or on desired TRAILING LOSS.
Resetting session will result in either RESETting system or resetting system+RELOGing entire casino table.

On each of session reset it is possible to auto-save list of numbers spun and charts of sessions
(save stats on restart - it is required to select destination folder).

You are able to see session balance chart of current session on Chart Form
(checkboxes on top of the chart allow you to switch between global and session chart).

Global Limits:
Global Limits/Balance is result of all played sessions combined together from starting of the bot.
Global Limit can end on desired PROFIT and/or on desired TRAILING LOSS.
Resetting global will result in either STOPing bot or resetting system+RELOGing entire casino table.

You are able to see global balance chart on Chart Form.
(checkboxes on top of the chart allow you to switch between global and session chart).

DUMMY bet management (duMMer):
On BV NoZero this bet generates no profit nor loss and it is used on to generate free spins.
On BV SingleZero this bet uses simple flatbet system playing on EC that is in most cases ending up +/- 10 units after 250spins.

You can use DUMMY mode if you would like to gather spins from REAL money play
without losing any real money (BV NZ)
or risking very little (BV SZ).

Dummy Bet manager is based on LW of a sessions.
(session limits need to be turned on)
You can choose when you want to DUMMY to be turned ON and OFF.
You can choose multiple conditions on which ON/OFF will commence. (seperated by ",")

Dummer can be used if for example someone want to play after VIRTUAL (dummy) lose for X sessions.
(Dummy OFF after L # Dummy ON after LWWWW)
- start playing after virtual lose for 4 sessions
(Dummy OFF after WW # Dummy ON after WLWL,LWLW,LLL)
- start playing after double win stop playing after 3 losses or chops

Default starting state of duMMer is ON.
If duMMer is active game will start in Virtual betting mode.

Sessions Progression: (SP)
Sessions progression is progression dealing with UNIT SIZES and its based on Sessions LW.
(session limits need to be turned on)

On given condition(s) it is adding multiplayed BASEUNITS value to the current 1UNIT value.
BASEUNIT is 1unit size at the start on 1st session (0.01 on pic).

started with 0.01 (BASE UNIT):
# after L modify base units by x1 of base unit
-on session Lose 1unit size will rise from 0.01 to 0.02  (0.01+0.01*1=0.02)  after 2Loses it will rise to 0.03  (0.02+0.01*1=0.03)
# after W modify base units by x-1 of base unit
-on session Win 1unit size will drop from 0.03 down to 0.02  (0.03+0.01*-1=0.02) after 2Loses it will drop down to 0.01  (0.02+0.01*-1=0.01)

started with 0.03 (BASE UNIT):
# after L modify base units by x1 of base unit
-on session Lose 1unit size will  rise from 0.03 to 0.06  (0.03+0.03*1=0.06)  after 2Loses it will rise to 0.09  (0.06+0.03*1=0.09)
# after W modify base units by x-1 of base unit
on session Win 1unit size will drop from 0.09 down to 0.03  (0.09+0.03*-1=0.06) after 2Loses it will drop down to 0.03  (0.06+0.03*-1=0.03)

If you would like 1unit size to return to BASEUNIT after any Win then You can choose
# after W modify base units by x-999 of base unit)
-on session Win 1unit size will drop from x.xx down to BASEUNIT   (x.xx+x.xx*-999=BASEUNIT)

All this can be used if You have session LW looking like this: WWWLWWWWWLWWWWW to recover fast after L.

You can have multiple conditions separated by "," (comma).

Implemented progressions:

Every spin you bet 1unit.

INSIDE - each spin progression:
This is dynamic progression calculated every spin based on current loss/streets to bet/minimum profit/max units.
This type of progression is adjusted every spin and can be resetted when new "game" starts (new set of 1-12 is generated)

OUTSIDE - games progression:
This progression is only adjusted when new "game" is starting (new set of 1-12 is generated).
You can put multiple conditions on which unit size will be modified by typed value.

(after L modify base units by 1 # after W modify units by -1)
-on game Lose units size will grow to from 1 to (1+1)=2 after 2Loses it will grow to 3
-on game Win units size will be reduced from 3 down to 3+(1*-1)=2

If you would like unit size to return to base amount after any Win then You can choose
(after W modify units by -999)
-on session Win units size will be reduced to 1

Ophis' MST / [MST] Downloads
November 15, 2012, 01:40:57 PM

download link: MST_v1691.zip [1.13MB]

Outside bets systems:

Inside bets systems:

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 10:24:41 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 14, 2012, 10:03:19 PM
He made no post saying "Jl is banned".  However, he banned him and is now taking a poll as to whether to re-instate him.  Steve has made it clear he thinks Jl is misleading the pack.
Oh that's why i couldn't find this post. thanks. I just saw the poll.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 08:56:46 PM
Could someone direct me to the post where steve is banning JC? Would like to read that.  :whistle: