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Messages - Ophis

yes i have modified it to 37-6 :)
Basing on that formula i have made small Excel sheet... maybe someone will need it in the future.
Quote from: Gizmotron on December 29, 2012, 08:57:22 PM
Here's a basic formula

6 - 37 = 31

31 divided by 37 = .8378  -- 1 sleeper in a row

Am i reading this right?
There is 0.83% chance to NOT hit 6 numbers bet?
= there is 99,17% to hit?

Seems a bit odd.

If this is confusing, you have a 83% chance of missing the sleeper on the first step.

Ok. didint notice that. Thanks  :applause:
Im looking for statistics or some sort of mathematical data about probability of how many spins can groups of numbers sleep.

groups example:
(various sizes of groups)

how many spins can group of numbers with specific size sleep?
what should be average appearance rate?

could someone help me get that sort of data or formula how to calculate this?
 ;D do you really play red/black?  :))
... you are joking right?
either way you shoudnt feel bad.

here are statistics of REAL money of users that actually were playing for real your system. make calculations yourself and decide if what you have shared was pointless.

PS. Columns with 0.25 and 100 are irrelevant and not used for anything in this bot.

oh... ok then. I just thought i could expand s9 bot.
just small off topic....

Flukey... are you planing to share your another version of System 9? the one based on splits? or is it forgotten?
Yes. But the problem is that short term pattern is a part of longer term pattern and this pattern is a part of even longer pattern and so on...

that's why its REALLY hard to find any consistent bet, because all patterns we can notice are changing all the time.
Human brain is designed to recognizing patterns.... just like faces.

its normal you see some sort of pattern here but there is infinite numbers of them and your eyes are seeing only few.
This thread reminds me of "is 23 followed by 32" stuff.....  well it isint...

just our brain notice it easily. just like hours.. 21:21  22:22... are always the one we take notice of... but they are no different than 12:36
Ralph's Bot / Re: Bot bug??
December 22, 2012, 06:40:18 AM
In my experience with my own bots this was purely BV issue.

i could place 35 numbers bet (single numbers) and it would pass, but if i wanted to put the same 35 numbers bet using splits and corners BV would hang, as if they have some sort of limit in send request size.

changing chip size used (100 units bet - better 1x1euro than 100x0.01chip) did solve the problem in most cases. never the less its still happening from time to time in complicated bets (mix of different type of bets - splits/lines/corners) when there is more than 100 chips on the table.
and why not use old version?

bot is not that complicated...
im using delphi7 which is from 2002.... and its more than enough.
Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 08, 2012, 11:28:16 AM
BV SZ RealMode
> nr 21 > +119

Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 07, 2012, 11:15:07 PM
System is in 1st post :)
Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 07, 2012, 10:16:33 PM
 BV SZ RealMode
> nr 32 > +168
