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Messages - Ophis

use separate function to close table and free memory

function Destroy_The_Damn_Table
and call it on StopButtonClick AND WebBrowserCloseQuery
before you call
try calling

this is IE...
in some cases it helps to navigate to blank to clear cached element before releasing memory...
...or you can make one function:


which will be called when pressing Stop Button AND closeQuery;

Code (delphi) Select

procedure TTableForm.wbCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);

...so the same thing will happen whenever someone press STOP or just close the table with X
Which Stop Button? In your bot?... What does Stop button do? Does it free some resources?

Maybe use onCloseQuery in WebBrowser.... this will be called whenever you use Exit button on BV table

Code (delphi) Select

//separate form just for casino table created on NewWindow2 event

procedure TTableForm.wbCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
  //do some stuff that your STOP is doing or call smth like botSTOP:=True and put conditions in bot function to stop whenever it happen

Quote from: Stepkevh on November 28, 2012, 12:03:25 PM
and if i close the table it doesn't give all the memory back

:cheer:  welcome in my world.

Quote from: Ralph on November 28, 2012, 01:05:31 PM
Margins can differ and can affect coordinates.
If you will get handle of a child of a child of child of a child... window in the browser you will get just the area where flash plugin is running.
coordinates will work in all browsers...

Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.9 Errors
November 28, 2012, 12:57:24 PM
fixed in version
+added option to  play with one progression in MT3
General Discussion / Re: The ideal Dynamics Of The Site
November 28, 2012, 09:52:33 AM
Quote from: Stepkevh on November 28, 2012, 08:37:38 AM
So there is no way that somebody else could use that bot unless that the customer is sending it to someone else.
Or am i seeing something wrong here  ???

Well... what if system designer which to share this bot with one other person and later this person will break the agreement...
then the bot could spread...
like "i got a secret, i will tell you but don't tell anyone else" (and later everybody knows but no one speak about it)

...that's why authorization directly controlled by bot owner is a good solution,
because if someone want to run the bot on another computer, bot owner need to approve it... else it just won't start and/or delete itself.
General Discussion / Re: The ideal Dynamics Of The Site
November 28, 2012, 07:15:32 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 28, 2012, 05:58:19 AM
Both Ralph and Victor are creating programmable--what?--bots, testers, clickers.  I'll never be able to use one as I won't take the time to learn the programming.  But I would pay someone to do it for me.  But then it should be mine and the programmer's.
I just don't like the idea of a boat load of people going to Heaven with only two rowing the boat.

That's why when I'm making private bots I'm implementing authorization only computer/person which is authorized by bot owner (person who ordered the bot) can use it.

Bot owner also gets small program with which he can authorize or ban specific computer/person.

This idea may be soon expanded to the level where only users registered (subscribed) to this forum can use specific program and/or functions.

When I was making S9 bot (this unlucky which you had so many problems with, because it was compressed by default to enchance security, and this made your antivirus crazy because he didn't knew what he was dealing with) this was discussed with FlukeyLuke as to authorize only people which have donated.

End result was that this bot just like a system become free for all.
Quote from: VLS on November 27, 2012, 04:24:34 PM
The longest zone bridge

OMG love this thread already.  Please give some example for this bet.
Quote from: Stepkevh on November 27, 2012, 11:36:33 AM
Meanwhile i took a screenshot of the hanging, you will see that when the app hangs there's always
something missing on the table, this time it is the spinbutton.
Sometimes i get a black box painted over the "cashier" item or a big black box painted over "Statistics & connection status" items.
Could it be that the form or so doesn't repaint properly ?

When application hangs... it stops everything inside... also flash loading/rendering.
in my case:
4. Over-expectation or greed

i think this would be equal to:
8.  Not knowing when to stop  (Playing without a pre-defined stop-loss)
Double-street / Re: Ultimate Randomness Pattern Breaker
November 26, 2012, 03:50:50 PM
hmm.. now even im interested. :whistle:
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] 1.6.9 Errors
November 23, 2012, 09:56:27 PM
i will fix it as soon as i will have some free time.
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] Are there any "magical" settings?
November 23, 2012, 08:50:55 AM
Quotei would like to know as all those system are losing in the long run, is there a way to use your wonderful software

MST is a bit like GUT, but instead of crossings you got systems.
You need to see what's going on, which system is on the ball.
MST is not here to tell you what to bet, its here to help you decide by providing different informations.

Quoteis there something that work better

In version 1.6.8 i have rebuilded LW pattern recognition.
I would suggest try this and see how will it work.
It scans L/W of a system, detects pattern (like LLWLLW etc)
and indicate with yellow star when we suppose to expect W according to the detected pattern.

ofc those are only predictions and we know patterns are changing all the time... but still it's a nice function.
also please be aware that it may be smarter to use FLAT BET and not all of the systems will be suitable for it.

to turn on Pattern Recognition in 1.6.8 for all systems use button
"Set DEFAULT Settings" in config.

Also please check:
How to use FILTERS
Detailed FILTERS explanation


Quote from: albalaha on November 22, 2012, 03:38:17 PM
why are you joking buddy?1kkk means 1 billion spins. Which system is doing that, please let me know?

should state 1kk... million.