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Messages - Pockets

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Pockets' Play
November 14, 2013, 11:33:08 AM
This is where you will find today's picks from Pockets if anything at all and the overall performance. For the purpose of this thread, I will do a flat betting tip of 10$ as backers bet (winning 10$ in case of lay and the odds in case of backing). Eventhough I practice variable betting based on confidence and at times some short progression, I will not be assessing results based on that for this post just to be fair and make the thread void of any interpretations.

Good luck dears.
General Discussion / Re: You can not win with flat bet?
November 13, 2013, 02:43:42 PM
Tapalov, I am not getting it. Are you able to explain a little more?
Quote from: esoito on November 13, 2013, 09:37:07 AM
It's the specific ratio 1:3 that I found interesting. Why is it not 1:1...or 1:2...or 1:4? Why 1:3?
Aren't numbers fascinating?
Indeed they are. I will try to answer your question in simple terms in case you are interested. First lets start with Even chances. Red and black. So in two spins, the possible outcomes are RR, RB, BR, BB. Now if you see here, out of 4 possible outcomes, 2 are repeat outcomes and 2 are unique outcomes. So if you define a law of third equivalent for ECs, it will be a law of halves :) as the outcome probabilities indicate it.

Now, lets take dozens 1,2,3 and three spins.  There are 27 possible outcomes out of which only 6 outcomes will have unique dozens. So as you can see you get a greater chance of a repeat dozen in 3 spins than you would find in case of ECs and this split will determine your question of whether it is 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:3 and so on.

Now all you need to do is extrapolate this to 37 outcomes and 37 spins to see why it is law of third. I have put things in a simple manner so that it is understandable. Perhaps our friend Bayes who is missing for some time now might be able to give a better answer. Hope this helps Max.

Now whether anyone can exploit this is definitely a questionable and we can argue for a life time and many more years to come :)
An answer based on data that I collected playing BVNZ. There are 67000+ spins. To me it appeared similar to data I collected from B&M casinos. As you can see most of the 37 spin sessions had 21-26 unique numbers. So, I believe law of third works to a certain extent in RNG as well.

Total unique numbers in 37 spins,Number of times
Picked up table 3 spins from Wiesbaden 12/11/2013 to show an example of how my scrapings make sense. Please note, I have just used these as an example to show how the dominance capture mechanism works across the different ECs. We will get to more details on the bet after this example.

29,B,,R3/B2,H,1,H4/L1 - bet high,O,,E2/O3
27,R,,R3/B3,H,1,H4/L0 - bet high,O,1,E0/O4 - bet odd
30,R,1,R4/B3 - bet red,H,1,H4/L0 - bet high,E,-1,E0/O4 - bet odd
2,B,-1,R4/B3 - bet red,L,-1,H4/L0 - bet high,E,-1,E1/O4 - bet odd
35,B,1,R3/B4 - bet black,H,1,H4/L1 - bet high,O,1,E2/O4 - bet odd
18,R,-1,R2/B4 - bet black,L,-1,H4/L1 - bet high,E,-1,E2/O4 - bet odd
14,R,-1,R3/B4 - bet black,L,-1,H4/L2 - bet high,E,-1,E3/O4 - bet odd
30,R,1,R4/B2 - bet red,H,1,H4/L3 - bet high,E,1,E4/O1 - bet even
22,B,-1,R4/B2 - bet red,H,1,H4/L3 - bet high,E,1,E4/O1 - bet even
20,B,-1,R4/B3 - bet red,H,1,H4/L3 - bet high,E,1,E4/O0 - bet even
29,B,1,R3/B4 - bet black,H,1,H4/L2 - bet high,O,-1,E4/O0 - bet even
10,B,1,R3/B4 - bet black,L,-1,H4/L0 - bet high,E,1,E4/O1 - bet even
36,B,1,B4 - bet black,H,1,H4/L1 - bet high,O,-1,E4/O1 - bet even
Adaptability, Evolution, Change – Defining terms. Apologies for leaving the thread hanging and leaving the PMs unanswered on this thread. Sam GOT ME THINKING. His "New eyes on the marquee" brought in a new vision in the way this flat betting game can be approached. I have been silent testing and shaping this approach behind the scenes. I have tested it for more than a month's Wiesbaden spins and is coming out in the positive. Let me try explaining the approach in as simple terms as possible. Once I define it, you will realize this can be approached in a number of ways using the same concept.

As a starter for ten, I completely ditched the earlier approach I was trying to explain. Well, not completely, retained the "Dominance" concept. So bet is still around the dominance concept that in short cycles of two possible outcomes, one side will remain dominant and one will remain dormant. The fresh look on the approach is based on the fact that the result should remain the same for a person who is starting the game now and someone who will start/started the game x spins before/after. It should not be different to different entry points.

Now keeping this in mind, how do we determine dominance. Then I came across the bing of an idea from Skakus aka the bell on the door, "Race to five". Ofcourse this is a very old idea that has been practiced by gamblers across the world for some time now, but I have given it a little whack with Sam's glasses.

Even though I will get into complex elements of how to combine it with multiple ECs and a dozen and column into the mixture, let me try explaining the simple synopsis first with everyone's favourite ECs Red and Black. It is very simple, once you get to a table, you just trace back in the marquee and count red and black individually. The EC which reaches the count 4 is the one you will choose to bet. So lets say the marquee reads RRBRRBRRBBBRRBRB with B being the latest spin, you start counting backwards. You realize that B is the one that reaches the count 4 first. So your next bet is B. Once the spin is over, whether it is a loss or win you keep repeating the process until either it's time for you to go home or you run out of money or you just feel happy to leave the table.

Before getting into why it works and other conditions to look forward to, to make it more profitable, I will explain this with example so that my scrapings become meaningful.
Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 29, 2013, 02:15:13 PM
Which one ec or dozens?
Ok Albalaha.   May God bless you with your winning streaks and long may it continue

Albalaha.  - if I may say so, you are just blinded by your success and not being able to look beyond your success. 

1. Did you ever sit down and calculate how much you have earned? Is your yield as good as more than 80%
2. He is not using any progression.  You have not looked at the post at all.  Don't make conclusions without going through his posts. 
3. What is in a win ratio.  Because you are a roulette master, let me put it this way.  Betting 25-30 numbers will give you high probability.  Betting single number less.  Will you look into win ratio? 

I appreciate the tremendous work that you are putting here and I admire your winning ratio.  But this is just an attempt to open your eyes in a completely different direction.  It is up to you whether you take this in a positive or negative manner.  My job done. Imagine what could happen if you are able to extend your win to such high return odds?

You could chose to be a frog in the well or a modern day combat aircraft with a range of armories.  You decide.  My last post on this subject. 
Quote from: Albalaha on October 23, 2013, 05:52:32 AM
By playing only real high probability matches as I do.
Have you checked my picks, their success rate and ROI? One can earn even flat bet.
Sports betting is lesser volatile than playing roulette and you can opt for picks with least risk (even at lesser payouts).
Bet selection is the biggest asset in sports betting which is not true for roulette.
I hope you got my point.
Albalaha, Just a food for thought for you.
Sports betting need not be practiced just betting on high probability matches.
It can be played differently as well. As an example, I would like to point you to two different links.
Share what you think.


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Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 11:20:20 AM
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 08:13:55 AM
Got it. :)

It is not a 3rd party software.  It is mine.  Software throws me various data based on live feed into it.  It is not in a position to be used by others as it is very raw.  When I find time I might think about making it user friendly and five it away for free. 

At the moment the only output is tips as I have posted and I have no intention to charge anyone for access.  I will post as many as I can based on my availability.  Hope this clears the air a bit. 
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 07:52:37 AM
No problems Esoito.  Btn, I understood rest but not the cost.  What do you mean by the cost?
Sports Betting Forum / Pockets' Time machine
October 28, 2013, 02:54:57 AM
Here is my little time machine. Unfortunately, it goes only to the past and refuses to go to the future :) This is the place where am keeping a log of all my bets from today. Hopefully, will find time to post every now and then and keep this thread alive and kicking. Here goes the first set for Monday.


Very nice Sam.  Looking forward for the video.