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Messages - Pockets

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 11:27:25 AM
Quote from: Stepkevh on January 26, 2014, 08:08:09 AM
Well Pockets, there pops 1 Q in my head  :)
I have checked your thread.
The attacking is clear for me, but where do you get it to start betting with 6 units and then lower until 1.
Why not start with 10 units for example ?


This is to handle variance. The challenge was to beat with a table limit of 100. Taking 6, will allow me to do 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x with an aggressive progression or go 1x,2x,3x, 6x, 12x with a medium one or 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, until 16x for slow one. If I take 10, then i will be cut off after 8x, at the max 10x.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 09:25:08 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 09:19:38 AM
it is commendable.  :thumbsup:
Albalaha, That was not my point and that was not my intention. All I am saying is that the testmystrategy testing is flawed. One cannot boast having a grail based on results from it. that's what i want to prove
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 08:46:52 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 08:17:17 AM

What a strange mathematics. Even aliens do not have such developed science. You bet 5x3=15 (three double streets equally) and get a profit of 45 units, at once. Wow. In all my experience, your max win should be 15 units in such cases. Even if you bet only one doublestreet with 5 units, u can earn 25 units max.
Albalaha.  I thought you are a researcher and experienced player.  I didn't know you are just a rookie.  Lol.

Kindergarten Lesson 1.  What is a double street.  Two adjacent streets make a double street, so that you can place one combined bet on all 6 adjacent numbers in a carpet. 1-2-3-4-5-6 is one double street.  4-5-6-7/8/9 is another.  Got it?

Kindergarten Lesson 2:  I bet 5 units on 1-6,  5 units on 4-9, 5 units on 25-30.  Three double streets. 15 units out. 
Number 4 spins.  Win on two of my bets.  60 in. 
Net profit = 60-15=45 units. 

Got it?  Albalaha - if you don't know things ask. Don't just jump into conclusions and false claims. Be modest. There used to a saying, "What you know is only a handful and what you don't will always be as vast as an ocean"
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 08:36:56 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 08:17:17 AM
     Three posts on me here and three in rf.cc and guess who is frustrated over what. lol
Another example of your maturity and why you should remain modest. Let me give you an example. When Oscar pittorious shot dead his girl friend every newspaper had it on front page. Were the news makers frustrated.  Were the readers frustrated.  No it is excitement for them.  The person who was frustrated was oscar. 

Read it once more.  Someone needs to bell the cat. Let it be me. You are just an entertainer and great at it as iggiv rightly said.  People have 3 posts here and 3 posts in rf.cc not because of frustration, but for entertainment and fun. Wake up my friend. wake up.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 06:54:38 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 04:23:27 AM
First, u said, u did it Flat bet, That is a plain lie. Even a myopic person can see your max losing bet to be 45 units.
Can anyone except Albalaha see the max losing bet as 45 units. Albalaha - How low can you get to prove your claims. Writing in big font so that you can read. Check the picture again, the maximum losing bet is 15 units. Maximum profit bet is 45 units. My base bet is 5 units. I bet on 3 double streets that is my bet selection. So when my selected double streets win I got a profit of 45 units. I didn't know I had to explain Kindergarten to you. I thought you were a profound researcher.

Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 04:23:27 AM
2. Testmystrategy nowhere contains your name/email in any test done with any such profits. If I show a picture of a man holding wimbledon trophy and tell all that it is me, only blinds will believe that.
I thought you  are only roulette illiterate. Never thought you are computer illiterate as well. You don't have to register yourself in test my strategy to test your strategy. First of all you try registering, for some reason the functionality is not working. So everyone posting results as "anonymous" these days. Secondly, click the link www.testmystrategy.com. First page you will get January toppers. My result is number 9 there. 100,002 spins and 9420 profit. Go and see for yourselves. don't stoop further down by saying am lying when the proof is infront of you.

Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 04:23:27 AM
If you have such great ideas, why are you following silly forums or people like me or anybody else?
First of all who said the forum is silly? Are you saying betselection.cc is silly? Then you are wrong.
Second who said am following you. Am following the ideas you posted when it make sense. Any body else. I follow people right from bayes to ignatus, esoito to twocat, turner to mbb, superman to ralph. I am what am because of this. The idea I tested here is not mine. It is one of the double street ideas posted in the forum, but followed on unconventional double streets.

Quote from: Albalaha on January 27, 2014, 04:23:27 AM
You are only making them more frustrate than ever.
The only person who is currently frustrated in the whole world seems to be you. Looks like reality is biting.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 02:38:31 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 26, 2014, 10:59:50 AM
What kind of method utilize only 1000 chips to play through 100,000 spins betting all and winning 568% net profit? Try whatever u know and show one such result on a public domain like testmystrategy.com.             
Albalaha, here you go. See the following.


Starting bank roll 1000, played 100,000 spins. Ending banking roll double what you have achieved. And you will be falling on the floor, if I say this is all flat betting.

You asked me to show one result and I have shown one. You want multiple? I can do variations of this. Now what?

You are missing Bayes's point here. Sites like testmystrategy.com is flawed. They don't simulate casino conditions. Does getting a double profit than you in testmystrategy.com makes my strategy better than yours. NO! This is what you are failing to understand Albalaha. All your research and years you have spent is waste if you cannot understand this.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Excellent case...!!!
January 26, 2014, 09:33:49 AM
Quote from: Dragoner on January 26, 2014, 08:35:10 AM
The full results seem to good to be true.
After 49 bets, the average odds is around 1.8, and there are 6 lost bets, 5 void bets and 38 won bets.
I am really skeptical just because how insanely good these results are, but will follow anyway.

If the odds were around only 1.2, they'd still be profitable with that win rate. And they are all around 1.8. Come on... this can't be real. Still following though, just to see what is the catch. I am sure there is one, but hoping for the opposite, so I could quit my job.  ;)
There is no catch and enjoy it while it lasts. I will give you some clues on why there are no catch. Refer to the location from whr the blogs are made.  Refer to the posts in betselection.cc related to sports betting around the time frame when the blog was started. Refer to the way the history of bets are shown. I will leave the rest to your imagination. 
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 09:18:00 AM
Empty talks beating around the bush.  Time for you to tell the truth Al. Why have you not left all public forums.  Now I have no choice but to believe others that it was a bait for people to buy your next method.  Final time ask. If you don't post your method you are telling a lie and you are a liar. I am openly challenging you and taking on your challenge.  If you can't accept the challenge it's an acceptance that you have nothing in the world of roulette. 

And mr. albalaha, one who gets frustrated when his name is spelt wrongly should know how to call me just pockets and not Saint pockets and stop calling my method grail when I have never claimed it to be a grail. I have heard liars don't have manners and I can see it here in practice.  One final time Albalaha.  I give you chance to prove yourselves. I am not responding any more until you don't answer me directly. You can write an empty post on top of this and be content that you had your final say and live happily ever after or come clean with your lies and methods.  Choice is yours.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 07:55:32 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 26, 2014, 07:27:38 AM
people are distracting all from main issue.
Albalaha.  Who is deviating from main issue. The issue is whether you can prove what you claim before asking someone to justify their claims.  The issue is have you actually worked if out yourself before saying someone is wrong.  You haven't even asked me once that you don't understand what I post before claiming that it doesn't work and is a joke. The issue is you are making false claims without proof be it your methods or others. 

In fact Xander is just giving you a lifeline to distract and run away. Still waiting patiently - pockets.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 07:50:00 AM
Quote from: esoito on January 26, 2014, 07:34:56 AM
Moderator's comment

Fellow moderators, I suggest we keep this thread open whist it's reasonably civilized, and for as long as it takes for Albalaha to actually irrefutably prove his claims once and for all.

And to answer Pockets' patient questions.

It's finally time for Al to put up or shut up.

But wait... Is it really Al posting?
I think it's an impostor because Al clearly stated he was leaving the forum.
Thanks for your understanding mods. I have nothing else to say and I will wait for Albalaha to answer me directly and not run away.  I will wait for the answers.  In between if anyone else wants any more explanation on the method I posted, ask me and I am more than happy to clarify
The Twocat Cafe / Re: The ExcelBot leaps ahead....
January 26, 2014, 07:18:21 AM
Quote from: esoito on January 26, 2014, 07:16:30 AM
Do you have a demonstration bot available for download?

If no, then perhaps a demonstration video?
Max.  He do have a demo avl for download for 30 days.  I did take the demo and now have the full version bought.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 07:13:58 AM
My lord. I would like to politely point that Albalaha is not answering my questions directly. I have been asking that for ages. I would also like to politely point that he is keeping on making claims without proof.  There is no point making long posts Albalaha. Do you have the courage to prove you are not lying.  Of course not because you are lying.  Soon the court will dismiss and you are just buying time talking things which are pointless and beating around the bush. I claim that I have a rose.  I have shown the people my rose. I have made the people smell it. I am saying I am glad to give it to others so that they can dissect it and genetically prove that it is indeed a rose. You claim that you have a dog. You are neither showing it to people nor or you letting it bark. Only you are barking. How can one trust you that you are not lying. 

Again am saying if anyone except you asks me I will explain them step by step spin by spin. I have already done that for Sam as he asked me.  That post is for everyone to see.  I can do that for any number you ask me to do.  But you are asking me and others to prove it when you never post anything meaningful about your method.  I still stand by you, as I have always told that I respect you for posts where you have talked sense.   A simple example is overcoming variance post in your blog which max posted here.  In fact if you have read my method of beating number 3 it uses this aspect.  What I don't like is your double standards.  When you can claim you have a Hh without showing anything why go after people when they do the same. 

Enough beating round the bush. I have the courage to accept the challenge because I know what am doing.  Are you man enough to make it fair and prove me wrong? Or are you just going to buy time before chris or max wakes up to lock the thred and run Away.  I bet you will do the second.   Go on prove me wrong.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 06:40:21 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on January 26, 2014, 06:32:45 AM
"Not asking you to post it, just if it exists."

  He would have revealed all magic potions but he won't since Albalaha did not do either. Guys, you can now blame me for not letting you have two HGs, one of albalaha, the scammer and one from Saint Pockets. Oh, I missed something, it is not a Holy Grail but it beats all numbers of american roulette, even if it has a Standard Deviation of -3 or more in 15,000 spins.

                       I am sure Albalaha may also be a reason behind superman, Bayes, Weddings, Gizmotron, MBB,XXVV and many others to either not show their respective grails to not so genius members and guests here or to prove logically as to why their methods are grails or even playable.
Albalaha. As I always said if anyone else but you ask me I will explain them.  You are just classically running away again. As Bayes posted earlier, all membership in your list claim to have winning methods.  All of them have posted hints on how to do it. Xxvv has a whole thread.  He even posted how to play before deleting  the post.  Superman says that it is about money management but it is very fluid one. Weddings posted sessions from BV not once, twice, multiple times. He is claiming to run a profit sharing programme. How better can it get as he is just not selling anything but putting his skin in the game. MBb says play the first to reach five and you will win. No one is claiming that I will beat every 200 spins which is as ridiculous as it's author.  You are just buying time for mods to block this thread before you can run away with your lies.  Answer me Albalaha

As I said when kids don't get their way they throw their tantrums.  When the tantrums are not heard they make a pity face.  That's what you are doing now and you are doing it good.  I bet you are a lawyer. Next thing they do is forgetting it and getting involved in something else. And that's what is going to happen you are just going to run away with yore lies. 
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 06:32:16 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 26, 2014, 06:21:49 AM
Thanks, Pockets.  Let me ask you point blank:  Do you have a Consistently Profitable Bet?  One that will make money today, tomorrow and next year?

Not asking you to post it, just if it exists.

But I always believe in your words when you say 'Only time will tell'.  I have been playing this right from the day I have posted and I have not lost a single session. But I don't know about tomm.  I have also enhanced it to play 2-3 numbers based on advice given. I have also posted one variation of playing it in this thread. I do not have any problems posting any of the methods I play Sam.

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 06:27:38 AM
Albalaha.  I have answered ever question any one has asked in my thread. I am not hiding anything like you are doing. If anyone else asks me how to play for a number in Zumma I will answer them, but you. 

Again you are running away. As I said posts are ticking and you are just trying to hide.  I have not got a single answer from you.  You are proving to be a coward and just lying. Answer me I again ask. I accept your challenge.  I will run it spin by spin for every number you post.  You have the courage to openly put your method for everyone to see and prove that you are not lying.  Do you have the courage to tell everyone that you have been lying.  I am making things easy for you.  I am here. Not dunking anywhere. Don't behave like a kid Albalaha you are a grown up. 

Unfortunately this is not your thread, so you can't just lock it and run away as you do.  You are just waiting for the mods to do it for you so that you can run away with your lies as you always do.  Go on Albalaha answer me directly. How many more posts before you can talk directly without throwing tAntrums.