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Before I answer Sam and Xander, let me explain one variation of hte method using the concepts i explained above. Note, this is just one variation using these concepts. Sorry, took sometime to go through the 15000 spins manually using this and hence did not reply on the post for a day.

Start attacking numbers using the progression below.

1st attack - 10th (note it says attack and not spin) - 6u
11th - 19th - 5u
20th - 29th - 3u
30th - 100th - 1u

Why? Purely based on our observation, 2/3rd of numbers should appear within one cycle. So our spend in the start  is huge and as spins increases we decrease our bets.  Using this, what we are trying to do is trying to gain the maximum in case where cold turns hot, trying to gain maximum when hot remains hot, trying to lose less when a number goes cold.

Now the attack above need to be done in 36 spin attack cycles. Using the example i posted above.
1-3 - both attack and 1st cycle ends - +198u
4-20 - both attack and 2nd cycle ends - +85u
21-56 - attack ends, 3rd cycle ends only at 60th spin - continue from attack37 in the progression when next attack cycle starts
61-96 - attack ends, 4th cycle ends only at 125th spin - continue from attack73 when next cycle starts
126-128 - attack and 5th cycle ends. -145u

At the end of 128 spins, we end +138u.

Now, there is a possibility that the whole progression runs out. In this case we start the next attack cycle with 2 times the progression. On a win, stay at the same level until recovery. on a loss, next attack cycle with 4times the progression. We can go up to 16times the progression with a table limit of 1-100. Note this is done only when progression runs out before a hit.  It is not done when a you get negative during the progression. In that case we just restart the progression and do not double up.

Albalaha's posted numbers end with profit of over 4000u in 15000spins with this variation of playing. At any point in time the draw down from peak did not exceed 3600u. So a bank roll of 5000 should be absolutely fine.

Sorry I deleted some posts as they were not relevant and I didn't want someone to be muted again on a post I started. It was heading in that direction. 
Coming to the final observation. Remember what Bayes says. Do not treat spins as individual outcomes. Combine 3 spins, combine 4 spins and so on and so forth, you get a series. That will give you the ability to use probability theory in a better way. Treat every spin as an individual outcome you will never come out of the game's negative expectation. How do we use it here?

Treat spins in attacks of 36 spins and cycles of wins. What does it mean. Lets consider a scenario where you have your tracked number hitting at 3rd spin, 20th spin, 60th spin, 125th spin, 128th spin. So we attack exactly for 36 spins. Our cycle for tracking ends whenever there is a hit and retracking begins. So here.

1-3 - both attack and 1st cycle ends
4-20 - both attack and 2nd cycle ends
21-56 - attack ends, 3rd cycle ends only at 60th spin
61-96 - attack ends, 4th cycle ends only at 125th spin
126-128 - attack and 5th cycle ends.

Ask if you are not understanding this portion. This is a key. This is what will help us getting through extremes when a number sleeps for long spells for multiple cycles.
Now another observation you can see is the tapering is steep towards the start and then it is a gradient. Why so? Remember law of third? 2/3rd of the outcomes come within one cycle of outcome. That is why. What does this say?

If you are using a progression, use it so that it returns heavily at the start and progress with a percentage that gradually decreases as you progress.

Look at D'alembert. it's a strong progression, when it starts. Why? because in the start it takes care of this concept. It gradually goes to a point deeper into the progression where the percentage becomes negligible. So rightly used it's a blessing. So we need to use something for straightups which will adopt to this principle.
Before I explain, I said to be good at math. Not that good :) but enough good :) . Simply put, see the graph below.


It is generated through 10 million spins in single zero wheel. X axis represents the number of spins before a tracked number hits. Y axis represents the percentage of attacks that got completed within those number of spins. See the highlighted portion. From that point onwards the graph tapers towards extreme deviations. When does that happen? Closer to 90 to 110 spins. Why so? It is 2.5 to 3 times the total possible 37 outcomes. This is the basic.

What does it teaches us? Never chase extremes and hence do not chase lets say beyond 90-110 spins. Sam will ask me i know, 90 or 110. Lets close at 100.
Now coming to the challenge itself. I don't know why he had to do a gigantic project to overcome this. With all due respect to him, (Yes, i do respect him for the work he has done and have gone through the recycle bin in www.rouletteforum.cc for his personal page. IT IS GOOD and there are lots of logical discussions), any one who is good at maths can beat the challenge. If someone beats the challenge, without reverse engg, does it mean they have the holy grail? I need to think about it. Any views?

Now there is no point in saying that anyone good at math can beat the challenge without a proof. So let me explain how to beat it without reverse engineering. And yes, method is playable on hot and cold numbers. This will give an output of 22636units at the end of 15000 spins for the number 3 which is the worst.
There is a reason why people behave like the way they do. I am normally a very quite and calm person and the thing that puts me off is double standards. Read the following post from Al on this subject. Its an attack on Ad to disclose method when he said he has completed the challenge.
This is the last time I am asking you to put your work openly here, if you have beaten it really. So far, whoever claimed to beat it is only doing reverse engineering of this particular data or calculating wrongly. Whether you played like a tournament or a 100 meter sprint, doesn't matter much. Why will you show your work to Victor, Privately? It shows you are not confident of doing it correctly or you merely used reverse engineering or you just lied about it. Flat betting will never work in such situations unless you are a clairvoyant who knows when exactly you will bet and fetch wins in such wild scatter of wins and losses.

So why double standards. Has he ever disclosed his work openly anywhere apart from posting graphs. I can make graphs and post it the way I like. Before "officially declaring" why can't he post the results? Its very clear for me that the intention is not good. I can pick up multiple such posts posted by the same person.

I am not saying am for personal attacks, but it needs to be considered what is causing the personal attacks and the cause should be addressed and not the effect. I am one of the persons who is glad that he is gone. Best for the forum. Just my 2 cents.

[Edit:  Adulay, as a moderator, would have acted if he had thought the wording was a personal attack.]
Straight-up / Re: RCR
January 17, 2014, 12:52:46 AM
Quote from: Turner on January 16, 2014, 11:06:52 PM
No wheels...No sectors...No carpets...No dozens...No streets
Just numbers. Numbers only.
My two cents, the game is best played this way. NUMBERS. 1 number, 2 numbers, 6 numbers, 18 numbers, 35 numbers. Whatever you have called out as No, they are nothing but an illusion.

I sometimes wonder, even the history board is an illusion created by casinos playing with human minds.
thanks for the interest and kind words Flatino and normy. In fact it is not very difficult to track as it sounds. The reason it is simple to track is because of the box betting. All you need to do is track the box. Nothing more nothing less.

I am in my 30s, but call me old fashioned, I like either trackign with a pen and paper or in my mind. This one, I prefer in mind. But one who prefers pen and paper, I will explain how.

Take a paper and write the following.
RR       HH       EE           12           12
RB       HL        EO           11           11
BR       LH        OO           21            21
BB       LL         OE           22            22

Now, as spins come along you strike out the pair that comes through. Taking example spins  5, 8, 30, 10, 22, 2, 20, 27, 19, 13, 9

After the first 6 spins your paper will look like
RR       HH       EE           12           12
RB       HL        EO           11           11
BR       LH        OO           21            21
BB       LL         OE           22            22

Now as you see the only column where there is only one row remaining is the last column. So bet against 22 or Q23Q23. Next two spins, both the bets lost, so we are -3. Our chart looks like this.

RR      HH       EE           12           12
RB       HL        EO           11           11
BR       LH        OO           21            21
BB       LL         OE           22            22

We now have three columns where there is only one row left. We need to bet against RR, LH and OO. To get to +1, we need to win 4units. Considering 1unit is the smallest common multiple, we cannot split 4units into 3 bets evenly. So we step it up a bet to bet 2 units on 3 positions.
9th spin - 19 - Lose on red, lose on odd, win on high. we are now -5.

We now have two positions black and even to bet and we need 6unit win to get to +1. So we bet 3units on each position.
10th spin - 13. win on black and lose on even. Still at -5.

After these spins your paper will look like
RR      HH       EE           12           12
RB       HL        EO           11           11
BR       LH        OO           21            21
BB       LL         OE           22            22

Now again we have three columns with only 1 row remaining. But we have already played first and 2nd columns. So we play the fourth column and we bet against Q24Q13. we need a 6unit win to get to +1.
11th spin - 9. Win on Q13.

End the box. start a new box and start tracking again.
So rub write that matrix and start tracking again :) Easy as a pie, it will just need some practice, but I can assure it will be worth it :) Good luck.
Quote from: pb65 on January 11, 2014, 02:31:21 PM
The biggest drawdown was 1078.
Nice job mate. one point though, the biggest drawdown should always be calculated by your biggest drop from peak. Seeign the graph, i think it is around 2500units.

But very nice, as Sam says, please share the bet selection and progression if you can.
Example 2 - 5, 8, 30, 10, 22, 2, 20, 27, 19, 13, 9

First trigger after 6 spins for betting against Q23Q23.
7th spin - 20 - Lose (1unit bet)
8th spin - 27 - Lose (2 unit bet). We are now -3.

Three triggers now to bet against RR, OO, LH. To get to +1, we need to win 4units. Considering 1unit is the smallest common multiple, we cannot split 4units into 3 bets evenly. So we step it up a bet to bet 2 units on 3 positions.
9th spin - 19 - Lose on red, lose on odd, win on high. we are now -5.

We now have two positions black and even to bet and we need 6unit win to get to +1. So we bet 3units on each position.
10th spin - 13. win on black and lose on even. Still at -5.

One trigger active now to bet against Q24Q13. we need a 6unit win to get to +1.
11th spin - 9. Win on Q13.

End the box. start a new box and start tracking again.

Easy? Yes, very easy :) Any questions ask, i will be glad to answer.
Community Software / Re: Help on VB.net
January 11, 2014, 02:43:58 AM
using 2012
Let me give you examples. Consider notation Q13 as streets 1,2,3,7,8,9 and Q14 as streets 1,2,3, 10,11,12 and so on and so forth

Example 1 - Spins 33, 8, 14, 7, 2, 31, 2
Spin 1 - 33 (BHOQ24Q14)
Spin 2 - 8 (BLEQ13Q14)

This forms BB  HL  OE   Q24Q13   Q14Q14

Spin 3 - 14
Spin 4 - 7

Forms RR LL EO Q24Q13  Q23Q14

Spin 5 - 2
Spin 6 - 31
Forms BB LH  EO  Q13Q24  Q14Q14

Trigger on High and low as we have had HL, LL and LH. Rest of the positions no trigger. Bet against HH with an aim to get +1 at the end.

Spin 7 - 2

End of box as we are now +1u(6$). We start a new box.
What is success without a progression
We are going to use Martingale. Yes Martingale. To me every progression is a martingale but with a twist. Dalembert is just a convoluted version of martingale according to me:) Jokes apart.

What we will be doing here is spreading our risk across all the 5 betting positions in a dynamic manner. Two rules again, but when i explain with an example, may be it will get clear.

1. Always aim to get to +1 in the box. Not more not less. eg. you are currently -1 and you need to place a bet on one position, then you play 2units. You are currently -1 and you need to place a bet in two positions, then you play 1unit on each position. Got it?
2. When splitting the bets, always assume that all bets will win and split the bets equally.
Betting in a box
This is a thing I used to use in sports betting a lot. Now that i have started playing roulette why not. Without explaining the concept, let me tell how we will apply in our method.

We have five EC positions. We know what the trigger is. We will play the trigger as and when it appears in each EC position. Two rules though.

1. We start fresh attack to find the trigger again under two circumstances. Either we are in the positive zone after a spin or we have played all the five positions at least once.
2. Once we have played a EC position we will not play it again until we are starting a fresh attack.

Aim is to close each box as soon as we have won one unit in that box.