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Messages - Pockets

Dynamics of Parachuting as you have not seen before
We all know parachuting as moving from one betting position to other. I would like to introduce the concept of parachuting which is slightly different. In parachuting as we know, one position loss will lead to the betting in the subsequent position and so on. Here, we will keep it as dynamic as possible. Meaning - we will bet on all or some of the positions together or one after other depending on some defined rules.

For our method, we need five EC betting positions for parachuting. You can choose any five which are carpet ECs, wheel sectors, it doesn't matter. For simplicity, I am chosing carpet ECs as follows:
1. Red and black
2. Even and Odd
3. Low and High
4. Streets 123789 against the other 6 streets
5. Streets 123 &10,11,12 against 456789

Why do we need five betting positions. Are we beating random. Yes and no. Oh, sorry - I said i will not go into concepts, if anyone is interested, I will explain them later. Skipping it.
Bloviation is bad, John Legend is not
His posts were the first one to teach me to see spins as dependent events and not independent events. Remember HHH, HHL, HLL...... :). What we are going to use as a bet selection is a combination of two spins producing two possible outcomes. Confused? it is not so difficult if i put it simply.

Consider 10 spins, RBBBBBRRBR. Read it as RB BB BB RR BR. So we are seeing everything in sets of 2. Our trigger is the first when we see 3 possible outcomes from the time we start to observe the spins. At this point in time we will bet against the 4th possible outcome. See the above example.

First two spins - RB. (RB has appeared out of four possible outcomes RB BB BR RR)
Second set - BB. (RB and BB has appeared out of four possible outcomes RB BB BR RR)
Third set - BB. (RB and BB has appeared out of four possible outcomes RB BB BR RR)
Fourth set - RR (RB, BB and RR has appeared out of four possible outcomes RB BB BR RR)

This is our entry point. Now for one time only, we will bet against BR. As that is the only outcome that is yet to appear. Our first bet will be R, if it wins attack over and we will start tracking again. If it fails, we will bet B. Win or lose attack ends and we will start tracking again.

So far it's a cake walk right?
First things first
This is a slow and steady way of playing. Your average returns are in the area of 10% or 1u for every 10spins. So play it with high value chips if you don't want time wasted. My personal preference is playing either 6$ or 12$ chips for this method. Total session bankroll required 50units(300$ for a 6$ play).

Macro economy
This is a John Patrick freindly play. Friendly advice, take two game bankrolls for a session. 2x50units. Make 3 imaginary piles.
First pile is your backup bankroll. This will be 50 units. This will be touched only if you lose the first game.
Second pile is your game bankroll. This will be 50 units. Play chips on the table, only from this pile.
Third pile is your winning pile. All chips won will go here. Do not bet money from this pile on the table.

Game ends under two situations.
1. Your second pile which is the game bankroll is empty. Two choices for you here. First choice, Wrap up and leave for the day. Second choice, start taking money out of the backup bankroll.
2. When you feel like ending the game for whatever reasons.

The strictest rule of the Macro economy is never ever bet with units in the winning pile.

Thanks for the interest shown. Find below results for the next set of 500+spins. As you can see, the BR growth is slow and steady, the drawdown is a max of 16units from peak and the recovery from drawdowns are quick.


If it is a post initiated by me, i will explain the theory. Here i will explain step by step rules of how to play it for one variation of Chaos theory. But remember this is only one variation.
Thanks Flatino, for taking time to respond. Basically, i wanted to understand the mechanism of testing is good enough. The method as i said is based on chaos theory which is placed here.


If someone needs to knwo the exact mechanical way of playing it, i can post it as well with a step by step explanation of one variation of chaos theory. But it is very complex to explain theoritically. Can I reqeust 2-3 interested people to send across 100 spins each. I will play them step by step to show how it is done.

Every 100 spins will produce approximately 10 units and the bank roll will be only 30 units.
Any volunteers?
Quote from: Albalaha on January 09, 2014, 07:45:17 AM
       I do not know the source of this information of yours. You play 1 spin or 1000, u always have more opportunities to lose, in long run. If you compare chance to win +1 or chance to lose -1 whichever comes first, you will find later much more time. If you cater to some kind of progression, you guarantee this.
Then how come you have a claim to have beaten roulette if the above statement is true.
Hi Normy,

Thanks for posting this.

Experts and freinds, I just ran the first session numbers against chaos theory and getting the following results. Would like some opinion on what you think about the testing. The biggest drawdown from peak is 17 units. Most of the drawdown recovered after reaching 10. Does that mean I can safely play this method with about 50units? Also, do you think the returns are good enough for sailing through bad sessions?


I will keep testing it for the other sessions that Normy posted and share the results. Unfortunately, my programmign skills are not that good and it is a very simple bet selection process with a complex money management which is making me do everything hand test :(
Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
January 04, 2014, 12:42:28 AM
I haven't read that mans post for a long time.  Hope he is welll
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
January 03, 2014, 06:03:00 PM
Quote from: Turner on January 03, 2014, 05:10:13 PM
Xander,   <<<<<<<<<< you-hooooo.....this bit !!!!
Did you miss the upside down bit after Xander. It is not signing off as xander, it was like Dear Xander, am upside down :) My two cents when i read the post first.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
January 01, 2014, 02:14:32 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 01, 2014, 06:22:36 AM
If PP exists, then I should be able to have an idea at one table, and walk to another and continue my PP.

........very interesting!
You are right there Sam.  This is based on my observations for over a month.  The funny thing is my observations started from one of your beliefs that past spins influence future ones like voodoo.  And also on your question on two eyes on the marquee. After seeing those comments I wanted to see that happening myself.  And yes it is voodoo.  It happens. But at the Same time realized it is not the spins on the table, but it is the spins that you observe or take into consideration.

I found it working even if I randomly pick up some 20 spins from random.org and go to a casino and start playing my betselection based on the 20 numbers right from the first spin when I reach the casino. One of those things that has completely changed my perspective and I should thank you for igniting this thought process.  Random is really very confusing. 
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 31, 2013, 12:58:01 PM
Quote from: Turner on December 31, 2013, 10:39:12 AM
I like something new hitting me in the face
Whether it is your passion wiht streaks and toggles when you started out or with the pivot ideas that followed or your addiction to math and straight bets that followed it. Then a complete change of perspective to catch the fish with a net or innovative ideas on quads and lines as ECs that followed, just a jist of those new things that have hit you always in the face and your passion to take that all in had made reading your posts very interesting for me. I might have read close to 500-600 of your old posts Turner. Good reading and great ideas for me.

So, keep goin in 2014, may this year bring you lots of more innovative pursuits in the fascinating game of roulette.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 31, 2013, 12:51:34 PM
Quote from: Blood Angel on December 31, 2013, 12:36:24 PM
Please can someone show me in easy terms, how to work out STD?
Is that what you are looking for Bloodangel?
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 31, 2013, 12:50:29 PM
Quote from: Drazen on December 31, 2013, 11:56:11 AM
now we have 19 losses in a row. That can cost as 20 units.
Thanks Drazen. Are you able to explain this bit? Yes, am asking for the progression you use :), which you may chose not to reveal.
Community Software / Re: Help on VB.net
December 31, 2013, 08:18:21 AM
Quote from: VLS on December 31, 2013, 05:15:38 AM
OK, some choice from me at this very moment in time. Pick one  :D :

a) I can teach you how to interact with our framework so you don't have to do all the code, just enjoy receiving the number and taking it from there.

b) I can give you pointers on how to create a custom optical reader. I'm not going to write the custom code for you though. As Normy can testify, the casinos must be faced with different algorithms from time to time.

Your choice, I'm fine either way!
Victor, that is very kind of you.  I will prefer point a. 

Community Software / Help on VB.net
December 31, 2013, 03:40:44 AM

I know there are some programmers out here. Need a little help.

am learning vb.net now. I have started writing a small programme that will capture numbers in bv casino and then display some triggers to assist my betting. I am not able to figure out how to recognize numbers that comes up on the screen and how to wait for  numbers to change/spin to complete.

Any pointers in solving this puzzle of mine will be helpful. It must be a cakewalk for many of you.