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Messages - Pockets

Quote from: Superman on December 09, 2013, 01:12:32 PM
It's not easy.
Much appreciate the response Superman. Really helpful and help put things in perspective for people like me. Will keep that in mind. Amazing how simple your approach is. Will need to try this out.
General Discussion / Re: AMK this is the extreme
December 09, 2013, 02:57:53 PM

Very interesting approach to limit the number of bets barring the green thing that might pop-up once in a while. If John legend is reading he would be happy to see this as this fits into his approach to the wheel. By the way wanted to ask, is there any progression approach that you would recommend Sputnik for this type of play. I have something in mind, let me see how it works out and if its good, will post it.

General Discussion / Re: Sunday again ... This-N-That
December 09, 2013, 12:13:54 PM
Quote from: wannawin on December 09, 2013, 12:40:15 AM
This is a forum for gambling and roulette. Kimo Li is a name recognized in the roulette circles.

What themes we will discuss in this forum if not it? Please let the gambling information flow continue uninterrupted. In a library we do not go telling others that the books  read are for fools, just ignore them. Please do the same.  There are many members that appreciate that we are talking about Kimo li teachings again and to know that we have him to respond. Thank you.
Walter - I think the irritation is not coming from the fact that we are talking kimo Li. Neither it is coming from the fact that we are talking gambling.

Consider this situation.  High street is for shoppers. I will be frustrated to go their and figure out that every other shop is Marks and Spencer's.  Even though they are doing what they are supposed to do in a shopping street, it is frustrating. Remember how F1 was when it was written Schumacher all over it. 

It is more a question of channelising information overload and putting it in an understandable manner.  I like hard work. I like puzzles. I like deciphering code. I believe in no pain no gain. But ATM it is beyond my capabilities so I am choosing to ignore it until someone is capable of putting it visually possible like Sam or explaining carefully like xxvv does or talk sense and math that is understandable like Bayes or put complex philosophies in an appealing manner like Esoito. 

I believe in freedom of communities. As much as a person has the right to post what he wants, the reader has the right to ignore.
Sam did show this in a video how he has achieved 10 days of all winning sessions (well nearly all sessions) using excel bots. 
Quote from: esoito on December 09, 2013, 09:10:43 AM
And the moral of the story is....  (Well, you can decide one for yourself!)
I  am thinking ponting is better off cricketing than footballing which is for the Ronaldos and Messis.  It is more to do with what works best for you rather than on the discipline itself.
That's a great learning Me.j and Albalaha.  It is clear that roulette is not beatable as math suggests but winnable. Now a very important question that I have.  Directly or indirectly both are suggesting understanding of when the spins are working in your favour and when they are not. Is there a scientific approach to it or is it boiling down to intuition?
Everyone doing the same thing..  XXVV did something like this sometime back. Albalaha did this. Turner you did similar one on 4/5 repeaters. It is just variations in number of times/number of spins and so on :) And am sure my tests has reached it saturation point and the next 100-200 spins will be a downward spiral :)
240 spins
99 placed spins
17 sessions (14 winning ones)
+132 units
All flat betting
Playing with Session stop loss of 40 units

Sessions are a mix from a b&m next door and BV. 
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Back to basics
December 06, 2013, 01:58:15 AM
Quote from: Turner on December 05, 2013, 07:33:22 PM
(You can clearly see I have got over it.....NOT !)
Haha.... Accumulators are real killers. See the one below. i gave up not sports betting, but accumulators some time back.

Cheating/Robbing/Gambling go hand in hand. can't help much. Any discipline you consider that's bound to happen. Ain't it?

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Back to basics
December 05, 2013, 05:33:51 PM

Just wanted to know anyone interested in learning horse racing bets? If I start posting right from scratch my understanding of this side of the world, would anyone be interested. Also, would anyone be interested to contribute in such a thread so that I can learn more as well? Let me know. Asking as this place seems to be full of roulette threads :)

Thanks mate. Working good at the moment, played 5 sessions and all are looking good. Will post in detail when am finishing around 20-30 sessions.

Now i have a questions, one of the sessions i got something like below.

How do you handle this? 22 is an obvious choice, but i have a complete street. Do you ignore that?

Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Pockets' Play
December 05, 2013, 03:17:01 PM
Instead of posting tips, I thought i will post videos of varying horse racing betting techniques. The first video am posting is called "differential laying". Anyone playing horses, will know how to lay a horses. Differential laying is where you also have a favourite.

So you have two bets combined in one. A back bet and a lay bet on different horses. The key is to have this combination yield a result which will result in a win if any of the horse apart from the one you lay wins and results in a bigger win if the one that you backed wins.


Ignore the in-race betting in the video. Rest is self-explanatory. Any questions, shout?

I can help test this, if you can explain how you are playing this. Are you looking into the past 10 spins to see a street that has repeated and play that street and add any streets that is getting repeated until you hit a stop loss of 35-40 units? Let me know and i can help test real money spins.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Pockets' Play
December 04, 2013, 01:35:23 PM
Definitely Max. When am in aussie land next.
Horse & Greyhound Racing Forum / Re: Pockets' Play
December 04, 2013, 01:36:48 AM
November performance