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Messages - Priyanka

Street / Speedy González
July 26, 2013, 04:20:04 PM
Speedy Gonzalez! Ariba! Ariba! Friend of every sister!

Watch and enjoy him walking the streets of mexico, while I am preparing trackers, strategy definitions, videos and test results showing him walking the "Streets" of roulette.

This is something I have played with some success in my short roulette playing duration and stood longer testing cycles.
Inspiration - Turner's Quad cycle, FlatINO's LvF and GreatGrampa's Triple shooter

Will post more in the course of the week and will eagerly look for feedback.
Well said Bayes. This is exactly why I like reading your posts. To the point, honest and simple. Only a very knowledgeable person can put such complex mathematical principles in a simplistic manner. I can understand how complex it is especially as we use statistical models in our robotics industry. It is interesting to see how statistics is applicable from such a complicated futuristic industry to old ancient games like roulette :)

One clue from there is, it is very easy to understand such intricate things when it is taught rather than reading it. Taking a clue from what Bayes has done, if the experts here are willing to share how they test their systems, that will really help newbies like me :) Thanks!
General Discussion / Re: Play one number ...
July 25, 2013, 09:24:20 AM
Ralph has earlier done it with great success. He has also botted it to see how it reacts with every single number he has chosen. The entire thread can be read at http://betselection.cc/straight-up/play-just-one-number/. It is quite fascinating and broke lots of myths for me on bet selection process :)
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 24, 2013, 07:42:38 PM
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on July 24, 2013, 05:38:11 PM
I've got this idea to share here goes: (American Wheel only)

If the 1st column hits, bet the second column once.
If the 2nd column hits bet the third column once.
If the 3rd column hits, bet the first column once.

Progression: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3 (stop).  Back to one unit on a win.
Guess the same goes true for dozens as well. Read it in JP and played flat betting. Grind but worked  well
General Discussion / Re: @ Priyanka ...
July 19, 2013, 02:16:29 AM
@ Sputnik, Thanks! looks nice, especially those results.

@Big EZ, you are spot on!
Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 18, 2013, 01:55:46 AM
"Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation" - Laplace

No points guessing who this belongs to, considering Laplace is the main developer of Bayesian interpretation of probability. How true his words are :) Who can ignore the powerful formula Pr = s+1/n+2. Try applying this on ECs, you will have fun :). In a game of random and probability, it is quite appropriate for a person to chose the avatar Bayes and quote Laplace.

However, the quote that I most remember is not something that Laplace said, but was said to Laplace.

'Oh! I see that you have grown thin—Sire, I have lost my daughter—Oh! that's not a reason for losing weight. You are a mathematician; put this event in an equation, and you will find that it adds up to zero.'

It was said by Napoleon! Very deep words!
Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 17, 2013, 05:18:22 PM

Thanks for that link.  I've read it carefully.  Can't believe how brilliant (hak-kaf) I was back then.  I'll post more later.


I need a solid progression for LD/JD. What would you advice. Currently I am playing flat bet and is going good.

Off-topic / Re: Expensive Burger story
July 17, 2013, 12:48:45 PM
liked the comment which reads "Mcdonald has been doing this for years". A super sized laugh from me :)
Gambling Philosophy / Re: RE: BREAK EVEN
July 12, 2013, 02:26:33 PM
Hmm! Nice thought. Actually, eventhough no one adviced me, I have been pondering with the thought of range play in stead of predefined gain points and stop losses.

Essentially, what I do here is fix a range between which I will be playing. If I reach either the positive or negative boundaries of that range I quit, rather than aiming for a fixed positive point or stoploss or break even. I briefly discussed this in one of Chris's mud slinging proposal as well :)

Eg: You decide you are going to play for a range of 100units. Lets assume you start with 100 units, you go up and down this 100 units as you play. But at any point in time the difference between the high point and the low point in this graph reaches 100units you end the session.

Still toying with the idea to make it more strong, but just the initial thoughts. Thought would mention as you touched upon a similar topic. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated :)
Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 12, 2013, 10:04:15 AM
Maestro, what is the rationale behind 2 and 3?
Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 12, 2013, 02:09:21 AM
Quote from: Chrisbis on July 09, 2013, 03:10:23 PM
Maybe Priyanka or other coder, could knock us up a quick tracker, that show us just when and where to bet.
At least the betting opportunities will come a lot quicker.
It could work i suppose! [smiley]aes/pizza.png[/smiley]
749632 wins
250368 losses in 1Mn betting opportunities.[smiley]monkey/crazy-monkey-emoticon-025.gif[/smiley]

[smiley]monkey/bisik.gif[/smiley]On a different note, I tried two lines in the matrix not to repeat. Something like below.
44     - Win

2       - win

2243 - win

2242 - loss
995763 wins and 4237 losses in 1Mn betting opportunities.[smiley]monkey/crazy-monkey-emoticon-040.gif[/smiley]
Now come on bright minds! Figure out a progression.
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 12, 2013, 12:51:41 AM
Thanks Max. Will try.
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 12, 2013, 12:30:35 AM
Sorry Marivo, no clue [smiley]cps/noway.gif[/smiley]
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 11, 2013, 10:35:39 AM
Quote from: Chrisbis on July 11, 2013, 10:20:59 AM
Well done, Sam will be happy too!?!
Thanks Chris. Video is inspired by him, so hope he is happy.

Quote from: Turner on July 11, 2013, 10:29:38 AM
Thanks priyanka...much quicker if you just talked.....microphone broken?
I actually spoke for the entire session. :( Somehow, its taking the voice from the PC speaker than from the microphone. Need to play with the settings.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 11, 2013, 10:02:05 AM
Here is  a short video of the "Speedy gonzalez" play. It is played in BV real play using 0.1 chips. Played 17 spins and +54u. Wanted to show what to do in double loss, but the situation didn't arise during this session.  Video is below.

Roulette Game 5]

[reveal=Spin details]
8, , 

31,  ,Two tracking spins. Play for. 1 and 4
3, 6, Play against. 2 and 3
26, 6, Play for. 1 and 3
14, -6, Against. 1 and 4
5, 6, For. 1 and 2
11, 6, Against. 3 and 4
30, 6, For. 2 and 4
14, 6, Against. 1 and 3
13, -6, For. 2 and 4
11, 6, Against. 1 and 3
7, 6, For 1 and 2
19, -6, Against. 2 and 4
16, 6, For. 2 and 3
11, 6, Against. 1 and 4
35, 6, For. 2 and 4
13, 6,


[smiley]mgirl/mouse-girl-emoticon-56.gif[/smiley] Finally got the CSV working
