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Messages - Priyanka

Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 10, 2013, 04:08:24 PM

I don't suppose you could direct me to the location where you read that.  You may be right.

@ Sam - http://www.vlsroulette.com/index.php?topic=3622.0
Dozen/Column / Re: The Easy-Peasy II System
July 10, 2013, 05:52:47 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 10, 2013, 05:18:09 PM
Master of Pockets posted something very like unto this a while back.  I thought it was good then and I'll try it now.

Hey Sam, cn you point me to it. I am not able to find anything in the name master of pockets
Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 10, 2013, 02:24:33 PMI cannot see how JD won since the 27 that came was one of the last two dozens to come.

Enlighten me.

Sam, hving gone through the old forum over the weekend, what understand about JD is, it is betting against the last dozen to repeat(betting on two dozens which is not the last one appeared). LDi is betting for one of the last two dozens to repeat.   

Going by the logic, the screenshot says 16(2nd dozen), JD means 1st or 3rd dozen to appear. 27 appears and hence is a win. Am I right. did I enlighten you :)
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 10, 2013, 12:40:34 PM
Send it anyway
Gizmotron / Re: Welcome return to Gizmotron/Mark
July 10, 2013, 02:24:37 AM
Quote from: Gizmotron on July 09, 2013, 06:27:06 AM
I'll start a new thread tomorrow .
Looking fwd gizmo
Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 10, 2013, 02:12:55 AM
Great Vic and Chris!
The next signature that caught my eye is from another grampa (Guess Ralph, don't mind me calling this). The signature is "       The best way to fail, is not to try! "

There is a reason why people say signatures are really a reflection of one's self and this is a classic example. We would not have had an electric bulb today if Edison didn't see all the failures on choosing the element for the filament as a success in proving that those are not the right elements. We wouldn't have aeroplanes if people didn't believe in flying and didn't try to. You don't try something, then you are automatically classified as having failed to do that thing. Someone said. Dream! without dreaming, you wouldn't try and without trying you wouldn't succeed!

Ooh! Its late and I think I am blabbering! Better go to sleep now and try dreaming :)
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 10, 2013, 01:17:02 AM
Quote from: marivo on July 09, 2013, 04:18:24 PM

Sorry, I get same message.
Send the screenshot
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 10, 2013, 01:10:08 AM
Hey Turner,

My guess is you are playing it right. It indeed goes horrible with 9 straight losses within the first few spins. But I guess its part of the game, as it recovers with 6 straight wins after that. Following is the summary and the BR graph for all the 271 spins you have posted. I have also attached the excel (refer Play2 - session 2 sheet).

51 spins - -6u
100 spins - +90u
151 spins - +228u
200 spins - +336u
271 spins - +312u



PS : May be we can consider waiting for virtual win when there are 3 consecutive losses.
Creativity Adventures / Re: Chasing The 3rd Col_
July 09, 2013, 04:33:50 PM
Chris, why black + columns and not red+columns?
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 01:24:03 PM
For those using 32bit OS might want to use this. @Marivo, are you using a 32bit OS? Try this and let me know if it works.
Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 09, 2013, 01:09:26 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 09, 2013, 04:17:37 AM
Ah, Jl.  Where has the boy gone?  I do so miss him.  Seriously!
And I'm sad our newest worker bee, Yanks, is not getting to know him.
May be not personal interactions, but I think I have read most of his works. I am known to wear glasses that filters and shows only good part of people and I think I do learn a lot as I go through his posts. the only post that's a no-no is the challenge post on HAR(sh) :)
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 01:05:48 PM
Quote from: marivo on July 09, 2013, 12:01:46 PM
When I try to run it, it says its not valid Win32 application?!
Send some error screenshots along with your OS version.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 09, 2013, 03:13:24 AM
Sorry Turner. Was unclear in my explanation.
Basically am trying to play quads as even chances. So at any point in time, I play two quads together (6 streets).

Say for example, the last three spins are 25, 19, 2. This comprises of 2 quads. I play both these quads. Now every spin, I alternate between two quads that are appeared last to quads that didn't appear.

For example, if the spin data is like this 25, 19, 2, 2, 17, 12, 30, 3. I play like.

2 - tracking spin ends. two distinct quads.
2 - bet for one of last two quads that appeared to repeat. win
17 - bet against the last two quads that appeared to repeat. Win
12 - bet for one of last two quads that appeared to repeat. win
30 - bet against the last two quads that appeared to repeat. win
3 - bet for one of last two quads that appeared to repeat. loss

In case I get a double loss, I stay on the same bet selection for one spin. ie, stay on for if I was betting for.
I am using a simple cyclic progression which is +1 win/-1loss on cycles of 5.

I am attaching the complete play for the numbers that you have played in the first post here. Refer to sheet "Play 2". Will be keen to know your views. I have done number of tests and it seems to hold up.
Note : Play 1 sheet was a different experiment. Will explain that probably once am sure with more tests.

Community Software / Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 02:32:38 AM
One of the things that I struggled as  a new comer was capturing trends in ECs which do not appear visually in the marquee i.e. H/L and O/E. The attached tool will help overcome that issue.

The next feature of this tool is what Drazen asked Vic in one of his posts. "After x in a row you play until win but max lets say 3 times. If no win you abandon it and search next trigger like that".

I am planning to run this tool as an open source project. Interested parties pls contact me to be part of the open source project. I will post the code as well later this week.

Also, any wishlist for features pls post here. Will be prioritized for implementation :)
