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Topics - Ralph

Split / 1000 spins on splits
January 01, 2013, 04:54:23 PM
I did 1000 spins (about) on three different splits. 0#1,0#2,0#3. The zero is in all the bets. About 1/3 of the bets are on each split, and I played one split at the time. The chip value was 0.1. The higest bet was 10 units and the deepest down was 230 units.

Method: One up on win reset on plus.

Plus 696 units (69.60 Euro).
Double-street / I will give the ds a try!
January 01, 2013, 09:39:10 AM
I recall I got some winnings using ds a year ago. The method needs a larger bankroll, and can lose big if the double street sleep extremly long.

Its simply play a ds and ad a chip until a hit, then go back six units.

I will try today and aim for 500 units. The result will be shown as screen shot.
General Discussion / First game 2013
January 01, 2013, 08:53:13 AM
I just played 21  spins on red/black FTL.  Lucky play a high hit rate.
I have reset the session and start fresh playing one split, using no special way but the order on the table to chose the numbers.

Start with 0#1 for 45 spins and plus 40.  Set the win target to new high.

9, 8,25, 6,33, 9, 2,18,19, 7, 2,20, 4,13,32,31,23,17,26,30,25, 2,30,33,22, 1,21,14,33,19, 6,19, 9,26, 9,31, 5,13,16, 1, 8,27,20, 1,
Ralph's Bot / Former Test renamed OneSplit, New Test!!
December 16, 2012, 03:14:02 PM
The current test script takes any number of straight ups, selected by the player. Run those numbers and on a hit add a chip to the number.
Not the the same as M7, the player track  and decide which and how many numbers to play.
Ralph's Bot / Please upgrade your bot.
December 14, 2012, 03:54:49 AM
The coordinates of split 10#13 is tight in the previous versions, some screens may not recognize  the bet. This is fixed in the current version.

Split / Play just one split
December 14, 2012, 02:27:32 AM
Here will come some play there I play one split, and play until new high. The progression is add one on a hit. It is scripted for the bot, and is currently named "Test" in the script listbox. As with all script counting win loss, the script must be reset using the button "New Session" befor the playing of a new session, otherwise the count can fail.

Download the  upgraded bot if split 10#13 not work proper.

Split 10/11  66 spins 17 plus.

23,13,20,21,23,23,29,28,16, 9,17,26,25, 8, 6,24,19,15,33,13,33,20,25,33,30,36,19,27, 8,35,13,19,33,22, 0, 5,36, 8, 5, 6,22,21,33, 5,20,20,33,25, 0,18,24,13,11,11, 7,24,27, 2,36, 1,28,21,33,34, 7,10,
Ralph's Bot / Upgrade of the Bot
December 13, 2012, 07:39:24 AM
Problems were found on some computers while betting many chips.  This upgrade has dealt with that problem, and the speed of the bot is to some extent improved.

I have got a request for an upgrade from players using  methods which runs for a fixed number of spins, like betting a hot number flat for 300 spins.
The version on my server is now updated for such use.

Se picture.  If it is nothing in the textfield the program ignores it and runs unlimited or to it is manually stopped or win target is reached or money on game account is lower than the next bet.  It counts down and stop at zero. The zero has to be removed or replaced with a positive number for the bot to run again.

Link for download:     http://roullettebot.com/bot/bvbot.zip
It is a typo of 100 in the coordinates for the split 5#6, so it is placed zero.  The updated program can be downloaded at

Ralph's Bot / The script oneUpUntilPlus
December 11, 2012, 08:02:24 AM
This is a simple script. It takes one kind of bet, and can take any kind. Like red a split or a line. It takes only one bet at the time. You can however start with more than one unit on the bet.

The script will add a chip to the bet every time a new spin will be done.  You add a chip until plus. To make the script run safe, you have to set the win target just ONE unit higher than the starting bank at the game account. Then the bot will run until you are plus or lost the risking balance.

Example   you start with two chips on EVEN(ee,ee), if you win the bot will stop. If you lose the first spin, the script will add a chip and bet one more, and continue so until you are on plus. It will add a chip every spin if it is a win or loss.

If you want to write script for the bot, this script is suited for study.

The script here will not check if you win or not, it just add a chip to the bet. It is the bot which check when you are on plus which terminate the session.
the script use the bet, split it up and fetch the first bet token, which it add to the incomming bet, and return.

The bet tokens are described in  http://betselection.cc/ralph's-bot/how-to-scripting-the-upcoming-bot/

The script:

function extfunc(number,betsize,bet){
      bet = bet.split(",");
       return bet + "," + bet[0] + "/" + betsize;
Ralph's Bot / How to set the win target in the bot!
December 10, 2012, 04:59:50 PM
The GUI in the bot is simple,and will be changed later.  To set the win target so the bot stops when reach it, you must have less than 100.00 in the game account, and the win target and the game account can not be more than 100.00 together. You can play with other sums, but the bot can not read the balance.

When you have less tha 100.00 in the game account, you should see the same amount in the left minor textfield (explained and shown in Sams video).
To the right of the field showing the game account value you add the wintarget to the balance. If you have 20.00 in the balance and want 2.00 as win target, you type 22.00 (do not forget the decimals) in the textfield to the rigth. that's all. The boot will stop at the target.

You should have dowload and use the updated version, as some computers will stop on the second spin after reaching the target in the first and now old version.

Watch the video if you have not!  http://betselection.cc/ralph's-bot/the-bot-is-out-for-testing-10-testers/
It would save you some problem.
Ralph's Bot / Update of the bot.
December 10, 2012, 07:14:25 AM
I got informed from some users the stop at win target sometimes or often not execute the first time the target is reached. I never saw that on my computer.
I suspect the event consumed or had to  low priority, so the next spin could run instead of stop.

I have done some change in the code to put the event at first priority.

Please update the bot if you see problems using the win target. 

Ralph's Bot / In Test an EC method
December 09, 2012, 05:49:03 PM
The Test which currently is in the listbox (you may have to restart) is an EC method using negative progression. It is softer than double up, and will not recover a loss in  one spin. It follow the last.  It is for RED and BLACK only.

Start testing using 100 funs in game account and 10 to 20 more as win target.   Type  rr,rr if start with red otherwise bb,bb in the textfield, Click the metod Test in the listbox and check the checbox and start.

Tell me what you think, if it should be any change.

[code javascript]

var count=-1;
var rarr = new Array(1,3,5,7,9,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,25,27,30,32,34,36);
var pek = Array(3,3,5,5,8,8,13,13,21,21,34,34);
  function extfunc(number, betsize,bet){
    if(bet.substr(bet.length-1,1)==",") bet = bet.substr(0,bet.length-1);
win ="";
ret ="";
  if(count> pek.length-1) count= -1;
  bet = bet.split(',');
  if(bet[0]== "rr" && rarr.contains(number)){count=-1; return "rr,rr/" + betsize;} //win
  if(bet[0]== "bb" && !rarr.contains(number)){count=-1; return "bb,bb/" + betsize;} //win
  if(bet[0]== "rr" && !rarr.contains(number)) {count++; for(i=0;i<pek[count];i++){ret = ret + "bb,"} return ret + "/" + betsize;}
  if(bet[0]== "bb" && rarr.contains(number)) {count++; for(i=0;i<pek[count];i++){ret = ret + "rr,"} return ret + "/" + betsize;}

Ralph's Bot / Last X number script.
December 09, 2012, 08:36:17 AM
I have been asked if I could include a flat betting script betting the X last numbers spun as straight up.  I will try to fix it today.
General Discussion / What a difference in spins!!
December 09, 2012, 03:27:56 AM
Before I used a bot, I never did so many spins in short time, This is a long session betting EC more than 10000 spins. 

I have used the bot for about 90% of the spins.

They use to say, you will never worry for a method fail in a million spins, as nobody play millions of spins, but it is possible to do it in a month.
Ralph's Bot / Paranoic!!! mehods for Paranoic!
December 08, 2012, 05:01:24 PM

This method is for those , who think the casino adopt the numbers reading the bets. I do not think BV do this, but I know a lot of people have suspections.

The Paranoic  method bet always a random number, and use a medium negative progression. If hit and goes to new high at the first win (almost sometimes it will need two hits to spare higher progressions, on a probally hot number).

You set the win target just one units over the starting bank, the bot is to stop at first hit, which in most cases are new high.

I use to publish the scripts, so anyone  how can improve it can do so.

Code (javascript) Select

var betcount = 0;

var winloss = 0;
   function extfunc(number,betsize,bet){
     var a = Math.floor((Math.random()*36)+0);
     var temp= bet.split(",");
     if(a == number) winloss = winloss * 35;  else winloss = winloss -1;
     if(betcount % 27 == 0 && winloss < 0){ 

        for(i=0;i<temp.length+1;i++) {  ret = ret + a + "," };
         return  ret + "/" + betsize;
     } else {
        for(i=0;i<temp.length;i++) {  ret = ret +  a + ","};
         return  ret + "/" + betsize;


Ralph's Bot / Please read this before download the bot.
December 08, 2012, 04:44:03 AM
The bot can be downloaded from here.


Use just the download link, if you need for more than one computer download to both from each, as the automatic script update may not work proper otherwise, and it may just stop work next time I clean the data on the scripting server.

You can use the bot free, but not distribute it or sell it. Rather advice the link for download than copy from your computer.

The bot runs on windows 7 or later with NET frameworks updated to 4.  If the bot not start or gives error due to your computer not meet the requirments, I can not help, you have to upgrade your system.

When new script are published, the bot will be updated on the next session you play.

You have to understand, using a bot will not as such make you winning, the same results could have been achived manual as well. It however make it easy to run long sessions.

If no win target is entered the bot will run just one spin.

On slow connections and when connection problems, it still is a problem, I will later try to solve. The bot report a repeate of the number before, instead od waiting for the  game server. It happens random when the connections are very low.

Play in fun mode until you master the software, and understand all the aspects of the method the script use. Remember the script will not do other than it is programmed for the script is not "wrong" , if you expect different play, we need an other script.

The software comes as it is, no responsibility is taken for what it could potentially damage by failing to meet expectations in games or otherwise

Street / Play just one street
December 06, 2012, 05:41:32 AM
I have tested a method playing just one number, which has gone well in my play. I got a question if the method will work as well using other kind of bet.
I guessed streets may work using a lower win target than on a single number.  I wrote a script for the method for street and will start testing it.
I was running it for debugging, and it works fine when on plus. In this small numbers of runs I never fell down so I could debug if losing. So I will start to test it more. I still think straight up may be better for the metod, but the test will perhaps show. I set the win target to 33 which is propotional to 100 for a single number.  The same simple rules  bet the same until a hit, add one if under starting bankroll on a hit, otherwise resett to one, stay the same on a loss.

This one was on street 25,26,27,     304 spins and  39 plus.

15,16, 9, 8, 2, 6,35, 4,28,27,13,23, 8,14, 2,26,28, 8,24,14, 3, 8, 9, 9,15,28, 7,25,34,28, 0,20,14,27,15,33,34,23,22, 9,25,28, 6,34, 6,36, 7, 5, 1, 3,30,21, 4,10, 8,28,25,24,22, 5,24,35,14,24,13,28,31,22,19, 9,25,33,21,25,26,20,25, 5, 4, 5, 4, 1, 6, 6,33, 1, 0,32, 2,34,27, 7,34,16, 2,32, 4,19,14,10, 5,36,26,11,27,34,35,15, 9,16, 1, 3, 6, 7,15,10,12,19, 4,28,26,18, 5,14,21,18, 8, 0,31,19,12,29, 8,16,30, 4, 5,13,28, 3, 5, 0,15,31,14,28,23,34, 4, 7, 5,21,22,23,10, 7, 8, 8,11,26,31,19,22,19, 6,15,36, 8, 1, 3,25, 5,29,22,33, 4,30,10, 3, 7, 5,14,27,29,19, 8,16,27,20,30,34, 3, 5,10,34,21,25,36,30,14,26,18,20,12,27, 1,10,29, 7, 0,23,10, 7, 4,19,23, 4, 3,31,36,26,19,18, 7,24, 7,15,34,26,28,11,11, 3,34,20, 3,12,12,32,11,36,23,22,18,10,10,23,14,23, 1, 2,20,20,28, 5,33,18,10,33,31, 0,10,29, 0,26,15,14, 4, 9,35, 7,23,15,24, 9, 1,29,18,21,22,20, 0,23,16,10, 6,34,26,25,17, 4, 5,15,12,12,14, 7,19,12, 7,26,26,26, 3,
I have fixed som bugs which was reading wrong balance at two of the 10000 combinations.  I have made a warning if forget to chose a method or put a starting bet. 

The speedometer (slowdown slider) is improved, It is possible to change the speed using the slider.

Window 7 is proven to be whitout problem, older windows may nor work, Vista will probably not.

It is sometimes a method called TEST in the listbox, it is not ready for use, as it is a coming script under debug.

The white space at the right is reserved for an other way of chose scripts when they becomes in larger number, they will then be in different categories.

I will announce using a post here where and when and how to get the bot. This version is free for all.
Ralph's Bot / A script for one number only.
December 03, 2012, 08:18:44 AM
I describe the method more in detail  in the  section for straight up bets.

The script takes the number  to play, and return the same number. It plays the same amount until a hit. If hit it checks if the bankroll is minus, and if add one more. As always the bot will automatic be updated for all users as soon a new script is published.

Code (javascript) Select

var winloss = 0;
  function extfunc(number,betsize,bet){
    var bet = bet.split(",");
     if(number== bet[0]){
          winloss = winloss + (35 * bet.length);
          return bet[0] + "/" + betsize;
          } else {
            return bet + "," + bet[0] + "/" + betsize;
     } else {
        winloss = winloss - bet.length;
        return  bet  + "/" + betsize;
Straight-up / Play just one number
December 03, 2012, 07:57:17 AM
I have investigated many way to play just one number. I have found it is possible to do rather well using a method can wait long for a streak or cluster.
Numbers are not hitting at the average rate, they sleep and wake up, sometimes the cluster and hit back to back. 

Can the method stand a 400 sleeper and still win the session? Most methods are designed to win in the first about 70-100 spin if not earlier, and are sometimes heavy in progression, which cost a lot in an event of failure.

The method I use is to count with a not average outcome, the number used, can come out in a higher rate than average, and then we are soon winning, like a pivot.  If it comes out less than average we must wait for a change, and bet flat until it hit, even if it takes 100 or even much more spins. When it hit, we check if we have minus in the bankroll, and if we add an unit to the bet and continue until next hit. We do the same check, if the bankroll is minus we add another chip, if on plus and want to continue we go down to one unit.

I have done a lot of trials, won all. With that I do not say it can not lose, every way of meeting the game is not bullit proof, so yes it can lose. I think it will be rare to lose, I have survived 400+ sleepers. 

It takes time, and sometimes gain just a few. The point playing it is not to win much, it is to stay a head and not lose.  As it take many spins the method is suited for on line play, and a bot can be used, so I did a script.

Here is the numbers of last session 504 spins to get  116 units. The drawdown was max about 160. The higest progression 4, and for a small part of the session, most were one unit bet.

8,32,13,21,14,27, 2,19,13,22,23,17, 9,10,31,21, 4,11, 7,26, 1,28, 9,20, 8,33,12,12,28, 8,23,35,13, 1,27,31,30,14,26,35,32,29,33,20, 4,14,32,10,28, 2,25,26,20,17,20, 9,16, 3,18,11,31, 5, 7, 6,32,21, 5,17,25,35,26,24,22,21,35,36, 9,17, 8,28,25,24,14, 2,33, 2,27,32, 5,27,11, 9,35,32,31, 9, 2,16,33,17,27,33,25,17, 7,27,23,22, 0, 6,26, 1, 3, 1, 2,22,33,33,36,32, 9, 5,16,19, 8,28,23,32, 6,22, 2,11,24,29, 4, 0, 8,21,21,25,23,23,15,21,33,16, 6, 7, 8,10,19,28,34,30,20,33,36, 4,34,12,35,28,13, 4,18, 4,24,18,31,35,33, 6,27, 0, 1,10,11,32,19,31,26,14,12,11,17,32,14, 7,36,14, 4,17,31,18,28, 1,30,26,26, 6,12, 8, 3,34, 0, 5,14,19, 8,18,20,23, 4,30,23,33,24, 0,21,17,20, 1, 8,34,17,21,11,21, 3,14,20,32,10,16,19,25, 3,30,13, 8,34, 6, 5,36,16,14,33, 7, 3, 7,31,15, 6,33, 7,21,30,11, 3,24, 5,17, 3,12,19,23,12, 1,22, 2, 1, 6,26,17,16,22,19,28,35,25,33, 4, 7, 8,12, 4,13,19,30,34,32, 6,10, 4, 8, 5,24,14, 1,23,10,11, 5, 5,20,17,27, 4,22,28, 3, 2, 9,17,28, 0,19,24,22,17, 0,28,30,23,36,34,31,21,23, 6, 1, 8,20, 5,27, 1,33,27, 1, 6,25,29,36, 1, 3,16,30,11,36,36, 8,23,32,21,19,14, 3, 0,13, 8,36,14,34,22,32,22,34, 5,34,10,17,23,35,32, 3,13,11,22, 4,13,22,23, 4,22,16,29,12,36,16, 5, 5, 7,27,19, 7, 7,16, 1, 2,13, 3,11, 5, 5,26,20, 0,22, 8,31,24,25,12, 9,23, 5,11, 3,24,25,26, 1,35,18,17,18,25,25, 4,13,25,34,27,16, 3,21,24, 0,17,36,16, 6,20, 2, 6,16,11, 7,21,20,36, 0,23,33,26,32, 6, 0,19, 4,25,10, 2, 4,27, 4,25, 5, 3,15,16,30,33,34,27,32,35, 1,20,15,26,26,23, 2, 2,27,34,16,23,25,11,26,23, 9,28,11,22, 2, 8, 0,19, 3,26, 0,

We can see the zero which I bet was sleeping, and after many spins come alive. It was on safe  territory long time, but I went for at least 100.

Ralph's Bot / The bot is out for testing, 10 testers.
December 01, 2012, 05:16:35 PM
I have ten different testers of the bot, and this for checking out how different computers run it. And to find problems I may not have seen on my computer.
Already on thing which not happen on my computer is reported. The bot did not stop at the win target always. I got a good report so it was easy fixed.

I will later extend testers, and I hope it can be out to everybody rather soon.
Ralph's Bot / A picture of the bot
November 29, 2012, 09:11:57 AM
The picture  shows the simple controls. We start with  chosing a system to play by clicking in the listbox. Then we chose the chip unit. We add the maximum we want to risk at the game account, and set a win target in the textfield.  A start bet is typed manually in the textfield.  we press start and the bot is running.
If the checkbox is checked, it runs until the win target is reached or the stop for loss.  You can see the last number, and the spincount .

At the bottom all the sessions numbers are displayed.  Unchecking the checkbox pause the game, and it is possible to run semiautomatic by unchecking it.

This session has just ended, the winnings are above the wint target due to the last winning where more than lacking before the spin.

The speed slider is right at the bottom.
Ralph's Bot / Coded Mj 4 single hot numbers.
November 27, 2012, 05:27:11 PM
I coded the method by Ken, as it is a 4  single number using  repeaters, it is something I like to use.  I use here 18 numbers tracking, but can easy be changed. The script plays a 0.01 chip on red until 18 numbers are tracked and then bet any betsize we chose on the hottest sector for the last 18 numbers shown. As soon a number is added the oldest is removed. On tie, the oldest  hot group is used.  I have tested it some today, it looks very good.

The script is not displayed correct, I pasted it but some is gone, like the index at betarr the is gone.

The script:

Code (javascript) Select

A = ",5,6,22,32,";
B = ",15,18,24,27,";
C = ",13,16,19,29,";
D = ",4,7,33,36,";
E = ",1,11,21,28,";
H = ",2,12,20,30,";
J = ",8,14,25,35,";
K = ",3,17,23,31,";
L = ",9,10,26,34,";
betarr = new Array();
var sc = new Array("5,6,22,32","15,18,24,27","13,16,19,29","4,7,33,36","1,11,21,28","2,12,20,30","8,14,25,35","3,17,23,31","9,10,26,34");
function extfunc(number,betsize, bet){
  var num = number;
  if(num == 0){ return bet + "/" + betsize;}
      if(A.indexOf("," + num + ",")  >-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "A";}
      else if(B.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "B";}
      else if(C.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "C";}
      else if(D.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "D";}
      else if(E.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "E";}
      else if(H.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "H";}
      else if(J.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "J";}
      else if(K.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "K";}
      else if(L.indexOf("," + num + ",")>-1){ betarr[betarr.length] = "L";}
       var ny = new Array();
    ny[i-1] = betarr[i];
   } else { return "rr/0";}
      betarr = ny;
      var res = betarr.join("");
      temp = new Array();
      var i = 0;
      temp[0]  =    res.match(/A/g) ;
          temp[1]  =    res.match(/B/g);
          temp[2]  =    res.match(/C/g);
          temp[3]  =    res.match(/D/g);
          temp[4]  =    res.match(/E/g);
          temp[5]  =    res.match(/H/g);
          temp[6]  =    res.match(/J/g);
          temp[7]  =    res.match(/K/g);
          temp[8]  =    res.match(/L/g);
          tal=0; w=0;
       if(temp[i] == null) temp[i] = "";
          tal= temp[i].length;
     return sc[w] + "/" + betsize;