Thanks to ND reminding me of this method, and gave it a name as Lazy24. I coded it in a version which suits on line and lower stakes, as on line you can accept longer sessions and use lower stakes. The script bet 1-1 until two winnings and then add one on each col every winning spin up to 5 chips, then it reset to one each, as it do on a loss. I expect about two weeks until the bot can be for public download.
The script:
The script:
Code (javascript) Select
var lose = ",0,1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,";
var result = new Array();
function extfunc(number, betsize, bet){
var num = parseInt(number);
if(lose.indexOf("," + num + ",") >-1){
result[result.length] = "L";
return "co2,co3/" + betsize;
} else {
result[result.length] = "W";
temp = bet.split(",");
if(result[result.length-1] == "W" && result[result.length-2] == "W"){
return "co2,co3," + bet + "/" + betsize;
return "co2,co3/" + betsize;