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Messages - Ralph

This one were close to bust, needed a hit in not to many spins, got two hits and then  gained well.

1510 spins   Euro 20.59 ( double than target) using 0.01 the progression reached over 80 units. The number showing first time after  about 800 spins.   The bankroll of 10000 was badly down.

The 5Th session, this using 0.01 chips and a target of 1000 as before, the different it is Euro 10 instead of Euro 100. (Wanna keep most of it even if I bust).

1378 spins Plus Euro 11.50
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 17, 2013, 11:44:48 AM
Thanks, Ralph.

"I play from bed......."   ^-^

My kind of player!!


The first and the last play use to be from bed, the rest of the day everywhere.
The last thing in the night is to set the bot and then sleep.
Off-topic / Re: horsemeat found in 'tesco' burgers!!
January 17, 2013, 11:15:49 AM
Nothing wrong with horse meat, but it should be sold as horse meat then. Here the found colored pork, which were sold as beef.

We import a lot of meat from mules from Brazil, and nobody sells mule meat, it has to be used for something.

The funny thing it is different custom on horse and mule, and they have to use expency analysis method to see the difference.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 17, 2013, 11:10:44 AM
The casinos use the "botverbot" if a fraction of the spins are really playing and the rest mutual bets.

Some years ago the MMM had a HG which wait for 18 EC in a row, and as they were convinced it can impossible be more than 22, the bot went on until a martinagale should start using 0.01 chip.

They won every time about 4 cent a day. After some time the casino closed them down, not for using a bot, but for playing mutual bets in excess.
The 5th session lasted 1477 spins. Went back 2000 units, so with a stoploss of 1000 it should have bust. Got later a good hit rate and hits on the first spin after a raise in progression.

A too soft step can make the drawdown worse as the recover will not come at a few hits, I was not very high in progressions, but still 2000 back.

Result is 101.50 Euro.

I will try to cut down the risk of losing  the previous winnings by withdraw some money and continue using 0.01 chips and aim for 10 Euro a session.

This was played on number 1 too.
This is the 4th test session using 0.1 chips. I will do one more using 0.1 chips, and then in case a bust will come, I think it is safer to continue the test play using 0.01 chips, which will make a few hundred Euro safe in case of a failure.

This run went  1473 spins. Got a bit under average hits on number 1. The distribution of the hits was in favour for the play, and it ended with Euro 101.40 plus.
I did a play from bed this morning. The play last 1194 spins and ended plus 118.10. Max bet on number 1 was 8 units which lasted 12 spins. Did minor adjusting to the method. The balance between a progressions stepping and the recover rate is important, on a period of better hit rate after a longer sleep, it must recover before the numbers show less again.

Will take a look at the "drawings" and later do some more testing.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 17, 2013, 04:10:22 AM

Is this system with the "soft progression" in your bot?


It is not, but may when I am ready with it. This play is a test, I use real play, but can not say anything how it perform yet. As we know all methods can fail, my testing is to see if it will do it frequent. I look for something which has a good chance to make more bucks before it fails.

A good method should show a  decent win rate, in other words be playable. This one is playable online, but not at a BM- casino, a session can be 1500 spins and may be more, but we place bet on all. I do not have all rules ready, and I do not yet know if it is possible to code it. Still in developning stage.
The connection come back and I could finish the game, got a progression up to 8 chips on number 1.

Ended at  107 Euro plus.     

It may be some tweaks to do, this may have a possibility to gain rather fast and still be rather safe, and may have a good chance to stay ahead for long. I have to play more until I know. A test in real play is not only testing the mechanic in the method, it test the player and the current state of the wheel as well. I know it can stand 1300 spins without a hit, providing a sharp correction to start hitting will start.  This can lose and it can win.

I do not know yet the needed bankroll, the play up to now a few hundred should have be enough, but we know without meet it we talk of at least 1000. So then we need about 12-14 sessions before a bust, to make it playable.
Started a second play using the same number and goal of 100 Euro. I got some connection problems to the casino, and it is late too, so it will be continued tomorrow.

Good hit rate on number one. I think a bit over average.

This session current at   37.90 Euro plus. Using 0.1 chips.
The play is over and I reach the target of 100 Euro.

1414 spin in 2. 5 hours manual play.

The total plus is 114.40 Euro 

The chip value was 0.1 so it is 1144 units. 

The hit rate on number 1 was better than average.
Es is immer Die Nummer eins!

I bet always number one!

After  439 spins it looks like number 1 has good hit rate.

The balance is plus 68.40

I will try to reach 100 Euro. Chip is 0.1.
I will test a method which is in my mind (can have  been used of others but I do not know).

I will pick a number, bet that number always until win or bust.

I will use a soft progression, so it may be a lot of spins.

The first spins is done, see picture.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 16, 2013, 03:40:51 PM
Quote from: Ophis on January 16, 2013, 02:21:01 PM
I said im not here to have followers.
Less ppl will buy it the better! Customer support is pain in the a**
It will be for rent - only because people would flame that im showing it and not releasing it.

im currently running bot with kamikaze settings on real money... around 30numbers bet with min profit 100units/spin. one hit then reset entire table.... just made 100euro in 1h...
is it a grail? hell no. Is it making money... well it is now. why im playing it? cuz im mad.

would i leave it for a night? no wai!

I did some manual play today, using different tables.