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Messages - Ralph

Very similar to previous, made 19 spins. 20 units plus.

Total: 186.5 x 2 units.

An early miss, added a chip and start remove the hitting numbers. Come back to break even started then all over.  20 units plus.

Total 176.5 x2 units.

An early miss, removing after a hit and add a chip on the miss.

16 spins and plus 10 x 2 units.

Total: 166.5 units.

The question is, can I reach 2000 units before the bust, which is unavoidable at time?
A run of 13 spins and 20 units plus.

Total 156.5 x 2 units.
This was thrilling a lot of missing hits at start, went down to 4 numbers, did a progression from seven numbers.  85 spins and  61 x 2 units plus.

Total 146.5 x 2 units.

I have to think about how to handle such a sessions, a prog will not always help.

This went along with the winning every spins.

11 spins and 10 x 2 units.

Total: 85.5 x 2 units.
Did this in the minimum number of spins. 11 as I won the first EC bet to get numbers.

plus 10 x 2 units.

Total: 75.5 x 2 units.

Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 02:27:45 PM
Quote from: albalaha on January 15, 2013, 02:18:37 PM
                It is not luck but logic. Luck won't let u cross 10 million spins.

I do not agree! All possible ways can not be covered. I do not say you can not win(even a lot and many times) but it is not 100% sure. Luck can take you far. Unluck can kill anytime.
Thrilling! First I by misstake open a session using Zero wheel, and first hit was zero. I try just to come out, so I start removing the hit until just one left, and about 200 back. Then I progress the sole number until I got plus. Was 10 units on the number.

Plus  plus 28 x 2 units.

Total: 65.5 x 2 units.
The first two spins was on red to get the numbers, they lost, Playing the 34 numbers hitting 12 times in a row. Plus 20

Total: 37.5 x 2 units (I use 0,5).
Thrilling! I did not got the best start, went back about 300 units, come back .
Duration 61 spins.

If miss I add a chip, and remove the last hit. Not sure if I do the same in other sessions.

Plus 55 units.
Quote from: albalaha on January 15, 2013, 12:47:59 PM
Didn't u test your favorite "Oscar grind"? One up at win.

I did not do it, but it is easy for you to try just navigate to the webpage! :)
Double-street / Re: Walk down the double streets
January 15, 2013, 01:22:36 PM
Quote from: Lady K on January 15, 2013, 01:17:32 PM

Have you noticed if one Line tended to hit slightly more then the others?
(I'm curious about the 6-Line)

Lady K

This happens all the time, we get to know it afterwards. Lines has the same behavior as numbers, you can go for repeaters.
Strictly by math it will be no difference in the outcome using any bet on a EU wheel. The loss will be the HE in the long run.  I use to play a few chips inside, but would like to test if I can win doing opposite.   I will use 2000 units and if that is lost I give it up. I will use a NZ wheel for the play as in this case I consider the chance of winning must be better as betting 34 leave 2 numbers not covered instead of three.

I will play against the last two numbers would not repeat. This is in all ways opposite how I use to play. On a loss I will bet some fewer chips to try to recover, and if real deep I may consider a progression.

I will do a session a day for some time, and end it if reaching 20 units plus. The NZ do not allow to use more than 24 hours to finish, and the game can not rest over 60 minutes.
Split / Re: Testing splits using smaller bank
January 15, 2013, 11:02:58 AM
This time 9 out of 10 were won and it ended plus. The gain is far less using a larger bankroll say 2000 units, as a loss will come not so often, if it will be a loss in 100 it will probably even then gain a bit more.  Of the other hand we can lose 10 times in a 100 and have some chance to win.

This is of course a too small sample, but  I have played the method so many times I have seen it is reasonable to count with a loss in ten using 200 in bank, and it is not so hard to recover 2 Euro as 20.

The 10th session was split 11#13 went plus 45 in  151 spins.

Total  94 units in 793 spins.

The method was here played without a bot, using autospin, a bot is due to the amount of spins handy, and I can not see the method will work on land casino without a large bankroll and using high value chips. It is on line it can be used best.

You can of course lose money if you play it real!! I have not done it yet, but I am aware of it.