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Messages - Ralph

Quote from: albalaha on January 04, 2013, 06:47:26 AM
One number is statistically the worst, to play. It can offer you the worst odds possible and the biggest variance too along with lowest expectancy to "appear and clump". Not a very practical idea in a real casino.

In a BM casino it goes too slow to run a longer session on over 2000 spins. Otherwise I do not see a single should be harder to win playing. They cluster and sleep as well. The variance even out, but takes longer runs. The pay out  is high, so you need to win just a fraction of the spins.

I have done well using straight up, and most of the time it is one or a few.

I think I have done 10000 spins in two weeks playing one number only.
Methods' results / Re: Multiball is a different game.
January 05, 2013, 12:16:10 PM
Todays multiball.  Went to 7 in progression.

10 Euro plus.
General Discussion / Re: The Challenges of English !!
January 05, 2013, 11:52:14 AM
If anybody has problem with my English, I use to PM them and explain everthing in Swedish.
They then may understand that my third language is far better than theire Swedish.

I seldom use the spellchecker here as the security system disagree. And then I use a spell checker it can be even worse.

I intend to write "This metod is boty" meaning I could make a script. The spellchecker advice two  o:s.
I got some connection problems and had to restart a few times. I have forgot to start a new session. but it is easy to deduct the previous result and find this.

It is total plus 2334.  One split bust and lose 500 units.   I am not sure if I miss one split, due to the restart  I lost some information, the result which is in game history is used.

I enclose a picture of the play so far this year.
Played splits up to 24#27. Never down very much.  824 spins. Total bet 2115. Plus 567.

Total plus: 2435.
Split / Running all possible splits in order once more.
January 04, 2013, 11:20:06 PM
Starting a play with all splits in order of the table from 0#1 to 35#36. The same rules as I did before.
Using the bot and the one split script.

I have done from 0#1 to  17#18 which is about half of the splits.

2337 spins. Total units bet 7114.  Plus 1868. I use 0.01 chips. Not any deep down so far.
The progression must be balanced. To soft and you will not catch up on the winning streaks, too aggressive kills the bankroll in bad streaks.  Yes you have a negative expectation, it is more easy to handle than then the variance goes against you. The RFH is due to variance not the HE.

that's why some casinos can offer NZ. They tax a bit high nowdays, so I am no on zero wheel and face the negative expectation.

If you not get to heavy variance against you the 2.7%  can be overcomed which some luck.
Methods' results / Multiball is a different game.
January 04, 2013, 06:13:49 PM
I sometimes us BV multiball. It needs an other thinking, as  using one ball methods use to not work well.

I play numbers, dozen and cols, all other bets looks not so useful in multiball.

When playing doz or col I use to pick one and stay there and try to win 10 units. I have seen that it is not good to play more than on doz or col. Do not use three balls I use always two.

I use one up on loss (None  the both numbers is not in my selected bet) and go down one unit (if more than one) on win if it is one hit or double hit.  This has been working well.

This play I used 1 Euro (Note a yellow chip here)  Got 10.5 Euro.
Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 04, 2013, 05:08:47 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on January 04, 2013, 04:08:40 PM
I like your style Ralph! You have a plan for everything!  :nod:

So what in your opinion do you feel the most comfortable playing from everything you have shown us over the last week.


Not sure. I am now playing using the bot one split and take them in order from 0#1 to 35#36.
It is about 70 splits. It may be the better, but I am not sure. The one straight up using the script has been good until now as well. The hardest is to find a stop loss, if it is to low, it is many sessions lost which could be on profit, but make it to large can when the RFH comes wipe out a lot.
Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 04, 2013, 02:51:28 PM
360 bets. break even!  Actually it bust. I went then over to EC red/black using 5 Euro bet to recover, and did that.

I think the test is ended here.

Total 12601. 4626 spins.
Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 04, 2013, 10:54:36 AM
182 spins.  Total bets 604 units. Maxbet 4 units each number. Plus 226.

Total: 12691. Passed 4000 spins.
Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 03, 2013, 09:38:07 PM
273 more spins. Maxbet 4 on each two numbers.  Total bets 691. Plus 283.

Total: 12465.  Near 4000 spins total.

Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 03, 2013, 08:15:04 PM
Playing 473 spins. Few hits most of the time, down 1000 units, and the maxbet grow to 20 units.

The session ended well due to four hits on number 36 in 5 spins.

Total spins over 3000
Plus 383.

Total: 12182

Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 03, 2013, 05:48:27 PM
This was played in the conservative way, up one on hit.  211 spins. Max down 87 units. Total bet amount  431. Plus 217.

Total:  11799.
Straight-up / Re: Testing 2 straight up
January 03, 2013, 03:48:35 PM
I have to rethink the tweak i used. It can be very risky using it. I was real down and had a few spins left until the bank of 10000 should have been gone. I was lucky to get two hits in a row. Forgot to reset so the winnings were good. To risky anyhow it was close to ruin of the bankroll.

172 spins. max bet 300, total bets 3322. Plus  5258.

Total: 11566.