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Messages - Ralph

Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 31, 2012, 07:51:54 PM
Here is a screen shot.  The bot seems to stop counting at 1085 as it has been at that count for hours.

As I can see it should count, but the textfield may be to narrow, so you see just the first 4 figures and you may have more, which is hidden due to the size of the textfield.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 31, 2012, 07:51:54 PM
Here is a screen shot.  The bot seems to stop counting at 1085 as it has been at that count for hours.


The bot can not read any balance over 100.00 Euro.

Ok I saw it is the spincount, I will have a look at that. <it should be able to count higher.
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2013!!
December 31, 2012, 07:40:04 PM
Happy new Year!! I wish you a good playing year to come!!
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 31, 2012, 07:01:05 PM
UPDATE:  I am now over 10,000 spins seeking a 1/4 split win.  I am down almost 1,000 units.

I am going to let this run for a while long as it proves something I've said over and over:  Just because a thing falls behind doesn't mean it has to catch up in our lifetime.  This is another gambler's fallacy I verified long ago with the Super Roulette bot.

This is where bots are good; they tell you things you could never sit and learn in real time manually.


I have not got 10000 spins in asession, I have been down 1000 units. If the stakes are so you can recover in three hits, it may recover, otherwise it may take forever.

I have had a D'Alembert running for weeks.  It may come back, but it may also be esier to try to recover in some other sessions.

Nothing should suprise in this game!!
The last split reach the minimum win target. 35#36 at  22 spins.

Total and finally: 4736 cents. Total 4649 spins. About a unit a spin.

I have not count and do not exactly know how many splits there are, but I think around 60.  So the number of played splits is the number of winning sessions in a row.
The split next to the last. 34#35 running  47 spins. Plus 49.

Total: 4706.

Now I will play the last split, which if I am unlucky can  wipe all out.
Split 33#36 for 41 spins. Plus 120.   Forgot to reset the bettings started using 0.1 chip, and then it was down so I had to fullfill using the same value. Risky at the end of the splits!!!.

Total: 4567
Split  32#35  I lost contact with server, the number of spins is the difference in the screenshots.  Did some manual. Plus 183.

Total 4537.

The split 31#34 run for 53 spins. 58 plus.

Total: 4354.
Split  32#33 for 15 spins. Plus 40.

Total: 4296

The split 31#32 running 21 spins. plus 30.

Total: 4256
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 31, 2012, 03:35:31 PM
Well, it's play money so I'll let 'er run!

Yes stretch the limit and you will see!

I have just  a few splits left, and it is still possible I  end up witha loss or about 5000 plus.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 31, 2012, 03:10:51 PM

I'm running the bot on the 7 computer seeking a 1#4.  I'm almost at 9,000 spins and down several hundred play pennies.

How long should I let it run?



I explore still and do not really know. Have never been at 9000 spins, but severeal times 600-800 down, and up to now could come on track.
Spin  30#33 at  168 spins. plus  295. A bit hard run up and down and several chips on stake.

Total: 4226.

5 splits left, hopfully no bust at the last.
Split 29#32 running 43 spins. Plus 39.

Total: 3931.

Passed 4000 spins.