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Messages - Ralph

General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 27, 2012, 09:46:21 AM
Here about half the children has an menthal disorder, as the shools get more fundings to solve such problems. The increase is sole to the way they fund the education.

(By the way education is free, even university)
If you find the screen reading cause problem with the memory, you can try an other way. It will however change the returnvalue for all of the numbers.

   Friend Function checksumman(ex, yj)
        Dim ms As New MemoryStream
        Dim bmpBytes() As Byte
        Dim BMP As New Drawing.Bitmap(1,1)
        Dim GFX As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
        GFX.CopyFromScreen(ex, yj, 0, 0, BMP.Size)

        BMP.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp)
        bmpBytes = ms.GetBuffer()
        checksumman = bmpBytes
    End Function
Yes you shall dispose the BMP, but it do not seems to be so much memory for a few pixels, but always dispose and try again.
I will check if I may have done some change after I post it.
"ntdll.dll" is very often in problem.  It is not easy to know which of the many problems it may be. The dll is from the older NT. Microsoft has some support pages handling some of the problems, which can be deadlock, malware infections, registery mess and other. You can try to reinstall windows, and if it not helps, it is probably not any damage in your system. The problems looks some different on your friends computer.

If you find the problem is from the casino flash, it should probably give such a problems in the webbrowsers, they had to deal with the problem at Adobe.
have you got any support from Adobe?
A memory leak from flash is not a likley reason. 

Check if any missing in coding can cause the browser to  reload the casino without dispose the former. a "New" in the wrong place in the code can be what it takes.   If you read the screen (as you must do every spin) look so you dispose all Bitmaps you read after theire use, otherwise it can be a lot of memory used which grows after each spins, and the GC not release.

There can be other reasons as well, in fact hard to advice.

Thanks to ND reminding me of this method, and gave it a name as Lazy24. I coded it in a version which suits on line and lower stakes, as on line you can accept longer sessions and use lower stakes. The script bet 1-1 until two winnings and then add one on each col every winning spin up to 5 chips, then it reset to one each, as it do on a loss. I expect about two weeks until the bot can be for public download.

The script:

Code (javascript) Select
var lose = ",0,1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,";
var result = new Array();
function extfunc(number, betsize, bet){
var num = parseInt(number);
if(lose.indexOf("," + num + ",") >-1){
   result[result.length] = "L";
   return "co2,co3/" + betsize;
} else {
   result[result.length] = "W";
   temp = bet.split(",");
         if(result[result.length-1] ==  "W" && result[result.length-2] ==  "W"){
            return  "co2,co3," + bet + "/" + betsize;
return  "co2,co3/" + betsize;     
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
November 27, 2012, 05:04:26 AM
It is normally not so I play 2/3 bets, but this sometimes at a BM casino using SEK 50 chips (the lowest you can use and about 7 dollars). The game can win good, but rapid lose as well. So stop if three losses may be right.

On line things differ, spins goes fast, and you can ride out a bad start using lower stakes and wait for a  winning streak. All positive progressions methods are waiting for a longer hit streak and then make good.

If a robot is used a couple of 100 spins is not that much. I coded the method, and change some to suit low stake online and longer sessions( if needed).

I set a win target to 10, the first col and zero start hit very frequent and it went down 62 units rather fast ( at a BM casino I should not let it go so far using 50 SEK chips, it should have been a loss)  It slowly climbed up and down and ended at 11 plus after  296 spins.
All sessions differ, but count with it can  go rapid up and down even as a 2/3 bet.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 26, 2012, 05:14:53 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 26, 2012, 04:26:18 PM
My concern isn't whether the RNG is fair or not. But does it remain fair when you are risking serious money.

Even going from pennies to euros. Something feels a bit different. Im prepared to put my 200 euro on the line to find out once and for all.

There is a certain win to loss ratio that should be maintained. My experience tells me what to expect. If I don't see those things over a couple of hundred games. I know something is wrong.

While playing fot pennies everything has been as it should be. The occasional 12 plus

streak followed by two or three closer losses.

Since I moved up im running at 19/3. With the longest winning streak 6 games. that's quite alright. I get periods like that LIVE too.

But it can't or shouldnt stay like that. At some point soon I expect at least 10 wins in a

row. Amazingly when I was playing pennies. I had winning streaks of 32 and 47. So if I don't see at least a 12 or 15. in the next 100 games. Ill know something is definately wrong.

I have heard that before, the casino is fair as long I am winning!
Tutorials & Snippets / Re: [VB.NET] Clicker
November 26, 2012, 05:08:45 PM
At Steve's forum it was the start for the bot. A bot I did, before but could of course not go further without a way to know the cords, so we always start here.

The cords are different, do you want the screen or the form?  The clicker should capture the pixel color as well, as it is often wanted.

It can be used so it stores it, can work as clicker, but can as well make users in a position they think it is not working. Best is to use the forms coordinates.

You can fix it from global using  calculating the  "left" and "top" from the global from the form window, and if not margin is zero take it in, then it works even for a window which is moved.. The API way is normally to get the global coordinates, which can click outside the program form or windows

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 26, 2012, 03:47:49 PM
I can understand that, in the sense of we have different feelings, no logic here, we do that we feel comfortabele with, and like.Game is ambient as well.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 26, 2012, 03:39:30 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 26, 2012, 03:02:23 PM
You will get a lot of people that says there is no difference between RNG and Live play, and they will be able to back up their claims with lots of stats and figures, but I believe there is more to gambling than just statistics, if it was as simple as that we would have quite a few very rich number crunchers gamblers about.

There  are more to gambling than statistic, probably rigth, but a fair wheel live or RNG is not at all different.
Nobody have given a decent proof, nobody can after seen a serie of number can point out which is RNG or live.
Actuals/Hands / Re: Automated fresh numbers?
November 26, 2012, 06:08:19 AM
Every bot can do it, but snipnets of number may not be of use. The bot which I soon publish will save the numbers in memory, but not save it to disk,as I do want to have the bot safe in a sandbox. However you can manually move it to notepad.

Anybody want to save numbers can do it just lettin the bot run. In may case it is up to now just one casino.

A reader of a live wheel wich monitor 24/7 is possible to make, and send the numbers to a server.
I have used it, and found a positive progession is working well.  1 up on a win.  The winnings are  very often in a row. It cover a bit much of the table, which is a cost during a losing streak, so I would not use negative progressions. One up on just the winning chip is to consider as well.

Ralph's Bot / A script flat betting 5 neighbors
November 25, 2012, 01:29:20 PM
The comes closer to the release of the BV bot.  Some smaller issues to test more. Then a hope a few more are ready to write script for it.
I will concentrate of scripting later, and hope all popular methods can be scripted in rather short time. All scripts will automatic be updated for all users, as soon I have added it to the server.

The script here place the next bet on the last shown number and the two neigbors on both sides.  For  those not familar with programming it is a good script to examinate as it is rather easy to understand how it works.

The script get  the winning number, betsize and the bet. As it is straight up bets, it is the number which is the code for the bet.
It returns the new bet and the betsize.  The win target and stop loss is set in the main program. For example play 0.01 until 50 units plus or 200   units loss. The first release will handle session with maximum 100 Euros including the win target, which is 10000 units of the lowest bet size.

Code (javascript) Select

function extfunc (number,betsize, bet){
var num = parseInt(number);
   case 0:
   return "3,26,0,32,15/" + betsize;
   case 1:
   return "16,33,1,24,15/" + betsize;
   case 2:
   return "4,21,2,25,17/" + betsize;
   case 3:
   return "12,35,3,26,0/" + betsize;
   case 4:
   return "15,19,4,21,2/" + betsize;
   case 5:
   return "23,10,5,24,16/" + betsize;
   case 6:
   return "17,34,6,27,13/" + betsize;
   case 7:
   return "18,29,7,28,12/" + betsize;
   case 8:
   return "11,30,8,23,10/" + betsize;
   case 9:
   return "14,31,9,22,18/" + betsize;
   case 10:
   return "8,23,10,5,24/" + betsize;
   case 11:
   return "13,36,11,30,8/" + betsize;
   case 12:
   return "7,28,12,35,3/" + betsize;
   case 13:
   return "6,27,13,36,11/" + betsize;
   case 14:
   return "1,20,14,31,9/" + betsize;
   case 15:
   return "0,32,15,19,4/" + betsize;
   case 16:
   return "5,24,16,33,1/" + betsize;
   case 17:
   return "2,25,17,34,6/" + betsize;
   case 18:
   return "9,22,18,29,7/" + betsize;
   case 19:
   return "32,15,19,4,21/" + betsize;
   case 20:
   return "33,1,20,14,31/" + betsize;
   case 21:
   return "19,4,21,2,25/" + betsize;
   case 22:
   return "31,9,22,18,29/" + betsize;
   case 23:
   return "30,8,23,10,5/" + betsize;
   case 24:
   return "10,5,24,16,33/" + betsize;
   case 25:
   return "21,2,25,17,34/" + betsize;
   case 26:
   return "35,3,26,0,32/" + betsize;
   case 27:
   return "34,6,27,13,36/" + betsize;
   case 28:
   return "29,7,28,12,35/" + betsize;
   case 29:
   return "22,18,29,7,28/" + betsize;
   case 30:
   return "36,11,30,8,23/" + betsize;
   case 31:
   return "20,14,31,9,22/" + betsize;
   case 32:
   return "26,0,32,15,19/" + betsize;
   case 33:
   return "24,16,33,1,20/" + betsize;
   case 34:
   return "25,17,34,6,27/" + betsize;
   case 35:
   return "28,12,35,3,26/" + betsize;
   case 36:
   return "27,13,36,11,30/" + betsize;

For programers  or others, this script can be codet a lot of other ways.  You can use the winning numbers as key to a dic and you can place the return numbers in an Array at the index of the winning number.

Math & Statistics / Re: The math study of a method as PB
November 24, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
In fact the opposite, I should never had won at the game if i got the expected value. I got the real which come out from it. That i point to was the math you show, which will show the expected value and that is 2.7.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 02:37:01 PM
Pb how it works or not, I do not want to take up here, but I use to win that small faster. Using a bet real and not wait for 60 spins.
I can not image how it will make any profit, may be profit but according to what I have seen it takes very long time. Even if it gives a plus how much?  My personal view is it will not working, but I have not tested it deep at all I have not even  done any test. I think waiting, and waiting for a "trigger" is good in that sense you do not risk any at most of the spins.  I test some of this kind of  methods, and they may work or not.  If you got the numbers which suit it, that's depend of if you are lucky to get it. I do not think there are any sure ways, you got to have some luck. There are better or worse ways, so using a method  that's to do. How can any like to spend a month to get a few, is such method ever useful?