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Messages - Razor

Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
March 15, 2013, 07:50:32 PM
Run where? :scared:
When you will return...it s like you never left  :)
Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 08:59:40 PM
"""In fact, the farther
you take a stream of random numbers, the farther away
from balance it gets."""

I don t agree with this.
General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 08:35:10 PM
Easier said than done :)
General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 01:49:18 PM
I never said NOT to help the newbies.

ALL I said is help them in a PROPER and GENTLE way in order not to break their wings.
If you read again my post you will realize that. :)

I agree with some of your points like when you say "what's the point of rehashing the same old s*** over and over, yes it creates a large forum but it also creates a useless forum."

BUT you can t avoid it.
Trying to avoid it , will make you look bad....and fool. Eventhough you will be RIGHT with your negative posts.

Ok that s all said.
Anyone is free to post as ge likes...I just gave an option for the good shake of the forum future :thumbsup:
""" In a very long run the 2.7% means a lot"""

I agree and this is why I mentioned it in my privious post. :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 12:07:56 PM
Yes super man what you said is also my opinion.
But for example Ignatus is a member that MAYBE his expirience in roulette is far less than yours and mine that we KNOW that every system is failling on the long run.
So what?
This is how you and me were some years ago that we didn t have the expirience that we have now...
You were exited.....do you remember?
I was exited....Oh yes I remember!

If you aren t exited in something, then you don t have the motive-spark to go on.
Exitement and hope is what keeps us going in our research....
After all you are still in forums...this shows that even though your spark is little...it s still there.I am in the same shoes.

If exitement is over, then the jurney should stop and stop posting on forums too.

By posting negative posts(not you I mean everybody) because by your-mine expirience you  KNOW 100% that "this or that" doesn t work  you just seem like a bad poster and nothing more.

Let the newbies learn from their mistakes...it s the only way...this is how we got to the level of knowledge that we are now and if they have brains they will also come there.
Most of the people if they won t see something with their eyes ,they will not beleave it.
Ofcource they are people that they can t understand what they see...but this is an other story.

And as Sam and I said....we can say our opinions so no "heads in the sand", BUT we should say it in a proper manner in order not to cut the exitement from some members(because they will lose the spark of research).

So in my opinion is that by posting negative things, even if they are true because from our research we know that "this" doesn t work, we are NOT seem like wise guys, but we seem like bad ones and we are just ruining a thread....by ruining a thread we are ruining the forum.

Also if we are buchering every idea-thread with our negativity ,then no one will be posting anything because they will be afraid to do it....
This isn t what we want , isn t it??
Because as Sam correctly said "You never know when someone will post something that will spark someone else and so on and so on until something really good comes of it."

I see all the time threads that have no meanning...no merit...so what?
Should I jump and say "this will not work because...."..... No if so then the forum will be dead in no time.
Which forum do you prefare? The old Gamblers Glen in the times of Turbo Genius or the GG as it is now?

My point of view. :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 11:53:08 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 14, 2013, 11:50:24 AM

You cut to the heart of the matter.  (Pun intended!)

Yes, post!! 

There are sooooo many ways to say something won't work without calling a person names.  You are so right.  "Well, it's been my experience that____________________.", is so much better than calling someone a demeaning name.

You never know when someone will post something that will spark someone else and so on and so on until something really good comes of it.


You are soooooooooo right!
Yes Sam I agree with you on that.
Dispersion is the real killer of almost all systems.
And the only way to avoid it, is a better accuracy on the bets.

By the way I saw one of your video.s
You have a cool accent :thumbsup:
General Discussion / This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 11:21:29 AM
From the day I sign up in this forum(even before that) I saw that the majority of the members in here are old roulette researchers with solid knowledge of the game.
This is a good thing but it also has the bad side of it.

The bad side that I can see(in my opinion) is that we know that is more luckily that the game can not be beaten(this is what our research all those years has shown so we are wiser now and less exited).
So this thing has the result of not posting ideas or methods because we are afraid what the other memebrs will say and turn down our ideas with negative posts.
This is really bad ...
This is a roulette forum that means that without new ideas/brainstorming,nothing will go ahead. :)

I suggest 3 things
1)Noone should be posting negative posts.. "negative" posts should be starting with "my opinion is that....but maybe i am mistaken so will have to see" etc.
2)The moderation should be really strict.
3)Even if someone is posting negative posts, the better thing we can do is ignore him and continue posting our observations and opinions.

This was my observation and I posted this in order to have a better forum.
Thanks for reading.
Yes sure ,logic and maths say that whatever we do in the end it will still be a 50-50 chance.
What we are doing here(in forums) is TRYING to find a way to beat this 50-50(or better say the -2,7) and have a little better chance.
Maybe it can not be done...but if we think like that ,then we shouldn t be in a roulette forum and making systems etc. and we shouldn t play roulette with the hope of making money or we should play roulette knowing that we are just playing a game with negative expectation no matter how we play.

I haven t read anything about this  "TwoCatSam style eclipse method ".

MY PERSONAL OPINION is that if with my concept  I will not be able to gain even a little something better than the 50-50,then randomness can t be beaten with imbalance corrections.
Maybe it can be beaten with an other way. :)

But being in a roulette forum and making research on randomness,then it means that we have/need to be positive...otherwise we don t have any job in a R forum and we stop the research.

PS. All those things that I am saying in my posts and I am about to say in the future are MY opinions and point of views,
Please keep in mind that I am not and I will never will force anyone to accept my point of view...after all we are free men and we are allowed to have our opinion. :thumbsup:
Ok I will update this thread according to the programs results.
Good luck with any of your projects.
When you are increasing the accuracy of predictions you do not need MM.  :)
Maybe my results so far are based on luck...
I have researched roulette so much and I have seen that everything fails so I can t be exited easily any more.
ONLY when I ll see the long run test with the code I will be positive or negative about my method
I searched the google translation and Viper is a kind of snake.
I can t understand why you call me like that.

Anyway this thread wasn t for the perpose of giving hints and clues but it was about finding a coder to make my method.
I would never tease you with clues and stuff but since you need it ...
Try to take advantage of the imbalances of the Ecs.(or any other bet)
Do not fall into the trap of focusing and betting only on one imbalance.(situation)
The bet for the correction of the imbalance must be at the same time a bet that corrects an other(or more) imbalance.One imbalance can continue and make you lose...but what if this imbalance is assosiated with more imbalances that when it will start correcting it self,the other ones will do the same.(this is the power of the method and something that never seen before)
Work this concept  in a spins frame.
Make triggers values and bet lighter on light(but serius) imbalances and heavier on grater imbalances.(but never with progressions)

These are my findings.
Roulette computers have nothing to do with my method.
Roulette computers and AP is over.
My method doesn t care about the imperfections of the wheels and take data of a huge amount of spins in order to see IF there is a real advantage or not.
Please don t confuse the ways of play. :thumbsup:

I have spoke with a friend.
He is willing to make the program.
If so, I ll post the results of the testing ... if you care.