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Messages - Razor

Someone asked about the testing that I have done with my method.
  This method is based on a concept ...I have tested this concept  for about one year now in the real casino with real money because the Bank Roll is so small that I never cared to lose it some times ,so I started testing it in real environment just to have some fun and see the results..
The bank roll that I am using is 15 chips (of 10 euros each) and I have lost the bank roll 2 times(visits) of the 88(86W and 2L). I am playing 2 times / week. 
I do not bet on every spin but only when I see the right moment based on the probability concept  that I have made.
I am leaving the Casino with +5 chips the less and +10 the most.
I am not leaving because of the nonesence "hit and run" approach that it does not work and does not make any difference than playing continuously, but I am leaving because it s a slow method(not betting in every spin and a lot of work to see if and when I have to bet) and I am just trying to make some chips and almost always leave +.
Those 2 days that I had the BR loss I left because I was tired.

I have updated the concept  in order to have EXACT triggers and not triggers that are based on just an ABOUT estimation.( I don t have any complains with the older version but I needed to be as good as it can be and also be coded because It s very hard to play it with pen and papper.
The old version was able to be played with pen and papper(very hard for sure) but the final version is impossible to be played like that.
This is why I need a program and I need to play all 3 Ecs and not just 1 because I need more triggers in order to have faster gains.

It s hard...
Some times I am leaving the casino in about 1 hour and some times(very few) I have stayed there 11 hours!
The average time is about 2-3 hours.
By having a program coded in a mobile phone I will be able to track more than 1 wheel and more than 1 Ec.
This is what I need.

Bally posted :
""it's possible to use the framework of the permanence and manoevere yourself into positions where you can consistently take advantage and come out ahead flat betting.

All this is possible well at the same time each number is coming out as probability suggests over a long period of time.

Roulette is a unique game in a sense compared to other gambling games because of how you can interpret what is happening. My edge is how I use the information at my disposal.""

And this is the key.
Yes the mobile phone is the only solution I have also thought of.
Thanks Vic.
Let's say after 7 years of full roulette research I have found the H/G of the Ecs FLAT BETTING.(It can be adapted on the 2:1 bets too and add those bets but I haven t tested it there...BUT same winning principles so same thing)
Let's say it is based 100% on probability...(something like Marigny only a hell lot faster and better)
Let's say it can not be played with pen and paper(lot s of calculations) and it needs a program/bot.
Now what?
How can I trust a programer not to expose or sell the method?
How can I take the bot in the real Casino?

Please only serious replies cause I an not kidding.
Quote from: Albalaha on March 12, 2013, 07:16:35 AM
Flat betting and consistent winning = negative house edge for casino. Impossible, so far, theoretically as well as practically.

I agree
Quote from: Bally6354 on March 11, 2013, 10:28:55 PM
it's possible to use the framework of the permanence and manoevere yourself into positions where you can consistently take advantage and come out ahead flat betting.

All this is possible well at the same time each number is coming out as probability suggests over a long period of time.

Roulette is a unique game in a sense compared to other gambling games because of how you can interpret what is happening. My edge is how I use the information at my disposal.


If roulette can make money for us then this is the correct path to follow.
Being a Pro player means that the method that you are using can t lose on the long run,otherwise you aren t a Pro but a casual player.
So the fear of greed has nothing to do with Pro play.

I would also like to add that a Pro player (if there is anyone without AP ways i mean)is playing FLAT bets because it is supposed that he has found a way to have better accuracy on his bets than the normal one.
So he doesn t need a huge BR.
Progressions are for losers.(my opinion)
The 3d option is the correct one.
As for "how  much would you main bankroll be " it depends on the method and it s worst down during testing.
3X the worst down and you are ok(if the method is a real long run winner).
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 08, 2013, 10:41:43 PM
Spike my opinion is that your every post is a contradiction.
In some posts you are saying that  random can be read and in other posts you say that random can not be read.You have to chose,otherwise you seem like a fool.
You are also describing piano with randomness read...
Gizmotron don t force Spike to tell you something that he doesn't know...why are you falling into his trap anyway?This is what he neeeds...ATTENTION.
Spike has a lot of years in the forums posting "I know how to read randomness and I m making money but I can t explain how I do it" etc.
Do you think that a person that would be able to do such a thing , he would be an active member in 3-4 forums and posting all day and night for so many years?
if someone had the real money maker method he wouldn't be here...so no one is keeping secrets here. :)
If someone has the character to keep secrets then the only place he wouldn't be ,is a roulette forum that all the Planet can read what he is posting.

I would suggest everybody in here to cooperate and try to find a nice method that is relying on roots that have never been explored before. :thumbsup:
And please stop posting BS...it s like an old fart that doesn't smell nice anymore. It's really boring.
Like VLS says: "Be productive"

This was my last post that I am trading words with Spike...
If in the future he will post a serious and productive post he will have my attention again..and I suggest all of you to do the same...let's keep this forum clean.

Bother with people that matters.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 08, 2013, 07:42:24 PM
Quote from: spike on March 08, 2013, 04:36:47 PM
Linear plotting gets you nowhere with random outcomes.
How could it when random doesn't happen in a linear fashion.
The one other person on this forum who might have beaten
roulette said to me the other day, you really can't talk about
how to beat roulette, its too difficult to describe. Its something
you do, not talk about. Like playing the piano.

When you play the piano,you know how you are playing it.
You just read the notes. :)
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 08, 2013, 01:02:11 PM
Spike posted:
"""If you learn to teach
yourself how random 'thinks', you're then playing on its

The reason why no method-way-system has won randomness(game) so far, is because RANDOM DOES NOT THINK :)

If someone claims the opposite ,then he has to be a millionaire..
Let s all  try to be friendly and respect others opinions. :thumbsup:
No need for sarcasm.
I know that everyone has done his research on the game and has his own conclusions based on his thinking.
No one can force anyone to think like he thinks,but as we are posting ideas and conclusions we filter what we want.
So in my opinion almost every post should start like: "In my opinion ,with my way of thinking,my research has shown, I think that,etc"

Quote from: Gizmotron on March 04, 2013, 11:15:18 PM
I've been trying to show people here that they don't have NOTHING. You don't have to pay attacking prices for your bets, while in losing streaks. You can save those prices for your winning streaks. I bet minimum bet prices during flat states & bad states. Why can't you?

I can but we never know when the winning state is gonna become a losing one and the opposite.
Quote from: Gizmotron on March 04, 2013, 10:52:51 PM

Sure, play as if the trend is your friend, but be aware that the trend can also be your enemy.

If this is the case( and in my opinion it is ) then we have NOTHING.
General Discussion / Re: Question for the experts
March 04, 2013, 04:29:31 PM
I see.

An other question is being born from your concept .
IF this concept  was indeed a winning concept , then wouldn t we all be winners if we would just bet the last Ec?
But we have tested this and it s losing with the same rate as anythng else.
General Discussion / Re: Question for the experts
March 04, 2013, 06:52:37 AM
Ok so everyone's opinion is to follow the trend.
Thank you.