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Messages - Rolex-Watch

General Discussion / Re: Really?
January 09, 2015, 09:26:14 AM
I concur, perhaps we can have a vote on it  :))
Math & Statistics / Re: repeaters formula
December 31, 2014, 10:57:59 PM
Quote from: Jimske on December 31, 2014, 05:11:46 PM
Are you referring to EIRESCOTT's GRAIL FINAL EDITION  ??
Yes Eirescott's system, not necessarily his final Pre-fab offering...     
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2015!!
December 31, 2014, 03:58:55 PM
All the best for 2015

Bet left side element during down-swing 'losing jag' making it difficult for casino to take our hard earned cash, you certainly did make a lot of sense when you first made those posts on the original VIP lounge if my memory serves me correct.  ;)
Yep that is correct Swami living in the Philippines is the Mongoose guy, but nowadays mainly focuses on Poker.
Math & Statistics / Re: repeaters formula
December 30, 2014, 02:48:27 PM
Was wondering when this would make it's appearance on this board.  Having played it, I did manage to accumulate £6000 profit inside 11 day and 11 sessions a few months ago.  Not a bad wedge for less than two weeks action, I must say.  Having played through the good and ugly aspects of it, Scotty will be proud his concept still lives on after all these years.     
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 22, 2014, 05:07:23 AM
Alrelax it was you who felt the need to publicise that you were donating $50 to the site, not me.   I just found it ironic/funny that you never did (due to paypal or otherwise), then you finally donate $20.  Why didn't you just donate, why create a thread about it?  I think $20 is a bit on the low side for somebody used to playing with $100k BR's, but a donation is a donation.  Now don't let me interfere with your 18hrs per day 6 days per week work schedule, give yourself a slap on the back, you must be very busy man with limited time to post.

Pssst, I don't have a problem, this isn't my board and don't twist what I write.
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 21, 2014, 11:47:42 PM
Vic, this a gambling site is it not?

Gambling involves both winning and losing money and the issues both can bring, I don't need to tell you these things.  Casinos don't willingly roll-over and if you do happen to have a decent game, then you better watch out, again I'm sure you are aware of this.  Yet on a gambling forum you can't use the word bullsh1t, rather you end up censored for it, however it is acceptable for a member to call another member a d1psh1t, that is until it is pointed out, then the mods finally wake up, oops no they didn't.

You see it is not fair in love and war, there is little love and it can be war when it comes to the pursuit of money, simple fact of life, yet you expect some lovefest with with an abundance of avatars. Come on Victor, step into the real world of gambling, pain, misery, desperation, broken marriages, lost homes, drugs, committing felonies, incarceration, murder and suicides, yet we need to be extra specially nice when discussing gambling on the internet.  Granted there is no need to be at each others throats either, but let's us not try and gloss over what gambling can ultimately result in.

Incidently I found it rather weird that when a member makes a donation, not only does he feel the need to mention it, after which proceeds to make a thread about it (oh look at me), besides being $30 shy of what the $50,000 ~ $10000k per buyin member promised, so hopefully that will be forthcoming also.  How about approaching that Alvin character for a bit of commission, seeing he made/ is making money out of this board, because he was able to fish for new blood?

Off-topic / Re: When will the new forum open?
November 20, 2014, 08:37:30 PM
Quote from: alrelax on November 19, 2014, 02:13:59 AM
Mine is 'pending' according to PAYPAL I can only assume cause I had to transfer some funds from a bank account to PayPal and that takes a few days
WHAT??  So you donated $50 via a paypal account which has no bank account linked to it??

Talk about a welshing on a gift!!!
Gambling Philosophy / Re: "BEST BETTING QUOTES"
November 17, 2014, 04:12:46 AM
"Control  the losses, the wins take care of themselves", stolen from that dude at LTW

"you have to burn to learn" and my fav' "like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs" both borrowed from others.

Quote from: Albalaha on November 13, 2014, 03:53:00 AM
          69/200 is not something that can occur so easily, in every session. It is truly "rare"but worse is technically possible.
As I said, even worst possible, 55/200
Too simplistic, your overlooking something here, Win 200 lose 69 can be just as devastating as win 65 lose 200 decisions!!  It depends on how you get hit with the sequence of losses (assuming one is not flat betting).
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
November 11, 2014, 11:25:03 PM
The typing issues, skipping of words, letters, page freezes is getting worse.
I failed to notice the term "online" in the OP's request <sigh>
All and any of them, Google is your friend, once you define reliable?

whirl, whirl, whirl, drrrr, clunk,

What do you mean "reliable"?  The are all the same, some casinos both single and double zero wheels.  None of the venues are close to each other, so  if you don't like one joint, you have a long way to go to get to the next (interstate), but all venues have lots of tables. 

Yeah, low stakes are available, live games, automated games, semi-automated everything you would want and expect in every venue, including the "house burner" just in case.