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Messages - Rolex-Watch

General Discussion / Re: Moderators
September 19, 2014, 03:45:06 AM
Do you people actually step foot into a B&M casino frequently?  Do you have any idea what it is like to see your buyin dwindle to less than 50%.  Know how that feels?

How does it feel to get battered at a table game, when all your expectations fly out the window and you wonder "what did I do to deserve this", "what signal did I miss not to venture to the casino tonight".  It can be sickening, especially if you have been winning good and your confidence is sky high, only to be beaten up by the other side pulling naturals, your mind starts wondering, what has the casino done?  Did they review tapes, orchestrate the deck?  Is this the session were I give back my hard fought for gains in one session, which normally happens (and cursing is not allowed, are we all gentlemen and expected to take our beating with a degree of decorum?).

Thankfully I turned things around and walked 10u shy of 100% of my buyin, and your concerned by a humorous cartoon that may or may not carry some hidden message.    Excuse me, just winding down after a somewhat difficult session. 
Off-topic / Re: Scotland decides - worth a punt?
September 18, 2014, 05:23:10 PM
Can the rest of the UK vote to get rid of them  :upsidedown:
General Discussion / Re: Moderators
September 18, 2014, 05:21:13 PM
Come the four letter word beginning with F___ is now so commonplace, you see it on tee-shirts, FCUK on billboards, this is a gambling forum, involving the pursuit of money, which is extremely stressful and can be both rewarding or damaging.   
General Discussion / Re: Moderators
September 18, 2014, 02:03:34 PM
You need to get a grip greenguy, this is not some kiddies forum, it is a gambling forum.  Gambling involves a massive amount of stress, unless of course you don't actually indulge and spend all your time theorising.  Also the activity which this forum is all about can be rewarding or produce life changing outcomes.  Is everybody smiley smiley and nice while risking their hard earned cash in a casino, either losing or during the pursuit of profit?   

Do you have any idea how gambling changes your personality, if you win consistently, you are prone to becoming arrogant, tunnel visioned, no tolerance for fools,  buy a newspaper, packet of cigarettes and you can't be bothered taking the loose change.  The flip side, you are losing you can feel sick to the stomach, dark moods, severe depression, isolation, unable to meet daily needs.  Don't you ever curse inside a B&M joint, or are you one that says "thank you" to the dealer after you have handed over your BR?

This is what gambling is about, this forum is about gambling, it is about trying to take money from casinos.  Casinos will pull out the stops to prevent you from doing so, they don't say, "oh that's a nice system, here is your money, thank you".   As for gambling forums, yes it is better when everybody is civil, but when you are battling in the trenches on a regular basis, your level of tolerance can be on the low side.  Well done the mods, don't' agree with every decision they make, but better they are here than not. 
Quote from: Dr. Mabuse on September 06, 2014, 02:44:22 PM
Who is that Bayes cat?   Never heard  of him .
Good analogy, a wandering un-neutered alley cat, liable to go missing for days.  I could do with his opinion on something he contributed   :nod:
Off-topic / Re: Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 10:56:52 PM
Quote from: gr8player on September 03, 2014, 09:24:01 PM
And, right on cue, here comes the Johno/Carlo/Egalite/Rolex-Watch.....internet troll extraordinaire. (many members use different ID's on various boards, just because you don't doesn't make you special).

You must be very proud of yourself, for nobody can sit behind their keyboard and disrupt every decent conversation that I try to have without regard for anyone else that I may be engaging.(decent, that is rather pretentious ?)

That, you're darn good at....in fact, I think you were born to lie, cheat, and disrupt.

Very proud, indeed, eh, Johno/Carlo/Egalite/Rolex-Watch?

P.S:  I'm going to the grocery market in about an hour...care to follow me there, as well?
Follow, follow???  What on earth are you taking about, I was here before you, I was on BLabs before you and the Wiz's site before you, is this another of your smoke and mirrors gag, if anything it is you that is following me around???  Mr never post or provide not one of your famous +50% super secret plays, however very good at giving lectures I'll give you that. 

When will you start copying your posts from the GG board and reposting them here, like you did at the Wiz and BL forums??
Off-topic / Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 08:03:52 PM
Quote from: gr8player on September 03, 2014, 04:52:37 PM
Those that are waiting for someone to post a complete step-by-step bet selection method that'll beat Baccarat are in for, well, a rather frustrating wait, for it will never happen; mainly because, my friends, IT DOES NOT EXIST.

No static bet selection method will ever beat this game.  And, even if there were one, this game would not, could not, exist.
This contradicts what you have been saying on many forums, claims of continually greater than 50% hit rates.  So it can't exist for anybody but you?  Oh okay.. 

Incidentally it is very easily proven via a set of Binary tables that there are more ways for trends not to continue than to continue, but of course you're special and basic maths doesn't apply to you given your life long experiences at the Bacc tables.  How much of that quarter of a mill' that you placed in the casino trays have you managed to claw back?
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Interesting Article On Grails
September 03, 2014, 03:08:11 PM
Is there a link to the full article?
Off-topic / Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 03:12:54 PM
Quote from: gr8player on September 01, 2014, 02:33:41 PM
Ahh, my friend, and there it is....the same old, same old argument of:

"Show me where it holds up statistically, even with your edges"

I heard that same refrain every other day at the Wiz's site, and finally decided it best to simply cease the argument by withdrawing my membership there.  In two words:  their loss.

I have no numbers nor statistics that'll satisfy you, Albalaha.  Sorry. 

I have only numbers and statistics that satisfy ME.  So be it.

Best not to beat it to death, my friend; it'll lead only to your frustration.

And, IMHO, a person who chooses the casino's edge over their own wants no part of any frustration.

Stay well.
In other words "all smoke and mirrors".  How could it ever be their loss over at the Wiz site if you have never posted anything relevant over the years, were you just about to? 

Love the way you twist events, The Wizard was just about to implement a rule change to remove you, but gave you the opportunity to resign, win-win outcome all round, same result, sort of, the Wiz got what he wanted and you no longer got ridiculed by the math-boyz, so it was a win-win situation after all.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
August 28, 2014, 07:21:12 PM
What is up with this board, when you are typing away, the cursor freezes, letters from words don't appear? 
Quote from: XXVV on August 22, 2014, 04:49:09 PM
I think Mr Albalaha was wearing his Big Editorial Hat and pushed the button for various reasons.
Didn't realize that was possible, was it some kind of sub-forum, it was a bit anal in my opinion.

Where is the excellent thread from Slacker with all those figures gone?

Fracking, wait until they destroy the water supply in the UK in chase of petro dollars.  We will end importing it from NZ's South Island &^%^"#'s
Quote from: Leapyfrog on August 20, 2014, 11:09:44 PMIn other words larger the sample size lesser the variance of the final result from the expected value.
I have been saying this for years in relation to the game of Baccarat.  The more bets you place within a shoe the closer you will be to a 50-50 resolve.  The fewer bets you make, the wilder the swing (variance).

Nice answers from Slacker  :applause:

Quote from: Turner on August 20, 2014, 07:42:49 PM

Forgive me if you know this, but the probability of the next 2 coin flips being both heads is 1/2 x 1/2= 1/4 or 25%.....for a fair coin

much prefer "the chance of hitting one head in two coin flips is 75%"