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Messages - Rolex-Watch

Dozen/Column / Re: Is this unusual?
August 19, 2014, 03:21:03 AM
Quote from: Turner on August 18, 2014, 08:03:34 PM

Seen that marque before years ago....I seem to remember this was a test without punters....maintainance test or something

If you are in the slightest bit interested....You would have to wait 94 Billion spins to see 7 numbers in a row.

I think this happened in Sheffield within in the last 10 years, according to legend..

Funny things happened to me a few hours earlier.  I had a few match play promotional coupons, so had some free chips to play with, after winning 3 spins playing splits and the outside column, the dealer got use to playing me out.  Anyway I had a chip on the 33/36 split, ball lands on 35 and the young girl paid me out.  Another casino staff member started looking, I didn't want him to spot her mistake so had to distract his attention, then quickly scooping my 17 chips off the table. 
Dozen/Column / Re: Is this unusual?
August 18, 2014, 06:43:07 PM
Quote from: Mare on August 18, 2014, 05:24:06 PM
Best answer :)
OMG, My first thought would be either the wheel was tilted or there was something in the track  :P   
Dozen/Column / Is this unusual?
August 18, 2014, 05:15:43 PM
I don't play much Roulette, but was dabbling with something playing the EC's and I noticed this;

6  (3rd column)
18 (3rd column)
12 (3rd column)
12 (3rd column)
6 (3rd column)
15 (3rd column)
9 (3rd column)
30 (3rd column)
21 (3rd column)
18 (3rd column)
30 (3rd column)

I know a Dozen /Column can sleep for some time, but those repeats on the 3rd Column amazed me.

Is norm, the 3rd Column hitting 11 times out of 12 spins?

What are some of the extremes for a Dozen / Column repeating??? 
People don't like paying, because the Maths states otherwise.  Also there have been well over 10,000 scams over the past decades, hence the cynicism, but mainly it is the maths. IMO when it comes to gambling, the only thing worth paying for, is perhaps a BJ book that teaches you how to card count, otherwise forget it. 
General Discussion / Re: Temporary Casino Ban?
August 06, 2014, 07:43:40 AM
I got a 24hr ban from a casino after refusing to return a wager 30 mins after the casino realised I had won on a Banker 6 and got paid in full instead of half price. 

I asked to see the tapes, which they refused, I just wanted to see how good their surveillance was.  In the end I paid back the wager and they banned me regardless for being belligerent about it.  I have often heard of security banning people for 24 hours if they have been in a joint for over 24hrs. 

You have to be real careful what you say, dealers will sometimes report anything; I've heard of people being pulled aside for moaning to somebody about losing too much the day before, next thing, security are asking them if they have a gambling problem cos they are chasing their losses. 

Sometimes you get those cheap biscuits with a hot drink, a friend of mine says, "I'll take these home for the dog", "can I have yours if you are not going to eat it" , next thing, pulled over by security and being accused of gambling for too long and neglecting their pet", I kid you not.

This kind of nonsense is a result of the casino doing a PR exercise to clamp down on problem gamblers to appease politicians.     
Roulette Forum / Re: Progression help needed!!
August 04, 2014, 05:30:24 PM
Unfortunately progressions rise exponentially, so you could be looking at the jaw dropping;


I will share my own experience regarding roulette.  Back in 2004 I designed my own system which covered 28 numbers, I flat betted using $25 chips ($350 per spin) and won $10000 in two nights thanks to a novice trainee croupier.  It's and my downfall was the introduction of a negative progression, which came later in the piece.  The lesson is, if you can avoid increasing your bets, then this should always be your aim.     
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
August 03, 2014, 01:26:16 PM
Quote from: Schoolman on July 22, 2014, 07:28:25 PM
Hi Gizmotron,

There was another thread by BEAT-THE-WHEEL ( which mysteriously disappeared ) in which he posted a sequence of wins and losses - 30 straight losses followed by 9 straight wins - and challenged the forum to find a solution. A very unlikely scenario, but easy enough to beat with the reverse martingale. All losses would be cleared and 1 unit profit made after only 5 consecutive wins. Are you suggesting that something like that can win consistently if you bet the same as the last decision ( which would have you winning every streak )?


Basically write out a Labby, 1, bet 1 unit, keep on betting 1 unit until a win, so in the case of 10  losses, 20 losses, or 100 losses in a row will be the sum of your draw-down.  When you finally snare a win, bet the current draw-down + 1 unit. 

The obvious problem is when you get; LLLLLLLLLLLLLWLWLW you get creamed, for more details of this wild ride nutjob progression, get hold of any of Izak's systems prior to the last few years (there are 100's to choose from) , the MM is the same in nearly all of them, but hey it makes great advertising.   
Quote from: ADulay on August 02, 2014, 07:57:39 PM
The initial execution of that "snatch and grab" was perfect.  The timing was spot on.

It went downhill when the original perp fumbled the snatch.  Once he got turned around, his unintelligent buddy comes into the scene and pretty much is a waste of help as he gets smacked around a bit and runs for the waiting getaway car.  The big guy starts getting beat up, the guy from the car comes back but the little guy from the store scares him back into the car as they drive 25 feet away for some reason.

With big perp on the ground, getting beat up, NONE of his buddies come back to get him or help him.

That's a half a$$ed crew if ever I've seen one.

However the timing on the original snatch was perfect, considering it was done from the car as it backed up into the scene!

In a lot of places, a move like that would have two dead guys with holes in their bodies laying on the ground.  They should consider themselves lucky they were robbing somebody not aware of their surroundings, especially at a gas station.

I watched it a few times and couldn't figure out what was going on.  Was it a snatch, or just a payback? Those that came to the guy's rescue, were they friends or just bystanders, not a lot of MMA action other than a few kicks which anybody could do. 

Fine when your friends or associates come to your rescue, otherwise?
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 24, 2014, 04:39:47 PM
WOW, from such a simple question, which was answered within the first few posts BTW, The thread has now grown serious legs. 
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 23, 2014, 05:32:11 PM
Quote from: sqzbox on July 23, 2014, 12:02:59 AMVirtual betting gives no advantage, changes nothing - wish it did, but it doesn't.
It will help you manage loss strings.  The actual odds are reflective to the actual number of bets you actually place :-)
Quote from: Albalaha on April 21, 2014, 03:40:47 AM

Now, what the hell is, Playing like a roulette tournament? Are you trying to blind us or to yourself?

Confuses me also, does it mean go all in?
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 21, 2014, 02:28:15 AM
Quote from: Mr J on July 20, 2014, 05:16:27 PM
If a coin is tossed 3 times and all three tosses land on heads, the PROBABILTY (odds) of the next toss coming up heads is only 1 in 16.

The "CHANCE", on the other hand, never changes and is 50% on EVERY toss.
(Its all in the wording I guess)

The 1 in 16 IMO only applies if you declare the intent before any result.  The Probability and odds over a single out come are 50/50 (omitting the zero), over 4 decisions, sure 15/1 (1 in 16 before the first spin).  You need to state what you are applying them too, a single decision or series of decisions.
Street / Re: Streets by zio_Ninni
July 18, 2014, 08:04:26 PM
Ah, I knew if  looked hard enough I might find it posted somewhere.
I am going to resurrect this thread, because it strikes me to be a lot like the Turbo Genius Street system, having played this many years ago, at the time I thought it was great as it does involve this so called law of the third, which I notice a fair few of systems are based upon (that would include 3rd repeats, BTW what does CWB stand for?).

Anyway, my issue with this is the money management, I found it virtually impossible to come up with anything decent to handle sleeping streets.  The kind of scenario you keep increasing by 1 chip, then 2 chips after a few spins, meanwhile some other 3 street is hitting which you only have 1 chip on it. 

I have a copy of TG's original if anybody wishes to see it.  But progression~wise, any suggestions??   
Roulette Forum / Re: Half Labby (w/65 Labby bonus)
July 16, 2014, 05:21:21 AM
Quote from: TheLaw on July 15, 2014, 12:59:20 AM

I use a 3-line Labby as well, but it may be a little to slow for my taste-also, not sure that there isn't a monster sequence out there waiting to destroy it.

I'm talking to GLC now about a 50-line Labby method that so far has won against every nightmare run that I can find (I started with the "horror" sequences provided a couple of years ago in the Bayes, Fripper discussion). Still waiting for the sequence that can kill it :)
This 50-line Labby may win against every nightmare run thus far, but at what cost?  What is the draw-down (how deep are you in for), largest required bet?

One time I was playing this, trigger occurred and I was winning every bet placed, then some guy sitting next to me, say's look at that.  The prick of a dealer had only spun 4 zero's in 5 spins, he was expecting me to bet the columns / dozens and was getting miffed me winning.