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Messages - Rolex-Watch

Roulette Forum / Re: Half Labby (w/65 Labby bonus)
July 15, 2014, 12:46:33 AM
Quote from: TheLaw on July 14, 2014, 08:25:59 PM

makes sense - I'm sure there are 100s of different ways to create these "rare" patterns and win long term. Perhaps everyone is chasing ghosts on these forums, when a simple system already exists :)
My personal opinion having played this, is you won't win flat betting, because you are laying out 2 to win 1, all it takes it the odd back to back repeat (very rare, but I've had it), include the odd zero then try and come back from that betting flat, so then it is the usual progression issues for playing the 3rd's, some form of a Labby was my preference than the expected triple up.  Also I ran it on the Dozen's and Columns at the same time. 
Roulette Forum / Re: Half Labby (w/65 Labby bonus)
July 14, 2014, 07:36:54 PM
Quote from: TheLaw on July 14, 2014, 05:48:08 PM

Agreed. A bit too much of a waiting game, but a super conservative winner! :)
It has been a long time since I played this and I recall rationalising writing in rows of 5, more variables (spots) less likely a triple repeat in the same spot.
Roulette Forum / Re: Half Labby (w/65 Labby bonus)
July 14, 2014, 04:52:18 PM
Quote from: TheLaw on July 14, 2014, 04:44:25 AM

Something that I'm working on right now is a flat betting opportunity for dozens based on JL's Pattern Breaker. Here is a summary :

take your normal Pattern Breaker lines


...now, you notice where the first 3 on the third line matches with the first 3 on the fourth line-this is a rare event. If the next bet is based on a 3 (like the one in the third line over the 2), then bet that the 3 over 3 will not repeat (highly unusual to see this pattern). SO your bet in this situation would be...

3-trigger - bet for this patter not to repeat (bet dozens 1+2)


So far this has won with flat betting (warning-this is a bit of a grind) about 4 units per hour live, or 20 units using RNG.

Good luck! :)
Hi TheLaw

I've actually played this approach in a B&M casino's, it seemed to hold up well (I didn't flat bet).  The issue I had was how many results to write from left to right, writing via rows of 3 is really of no significance, I was looking for some optimum figure when really there isn't.   Also I found waiting a little tedious and ended up including other factors.   
Why ever pay to host a gambling forum when proboard, lefora and the likes will let you do so for Free!!!

Gambling forums are so yesterday anyway, if you want to learn anything, even trade ideas, get yourself down to your nearest casino and hang out there.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 27, 2014, 06:39:13 PM
The new window is much better, but the spell checker still doesn't work for me, even after white listing the page.  Why can't I just use the spell checker that's in my browser addon? (Firefox)
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 26, 2014, 07:58:34 PM
The box you reply in, could have been better designed, mine freezes quite a  lot, browser spell checker doesn't work.

Why so many "smiley's, are you trying to cater to a teenage market or something, are those that risk their hard earned cash at their local casino that concerned should they use giga or pacoo or even toto!! 
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
May 12, 2014, 09:11:36 PM
What is the message that this web site tried to access image data on a canvas?  Since cavas image data can be used to capture information about your computer, blank image data was returned ??

Quote from: Xander on May 11, 2014, 10:17:40 PM
What probably drives me the craziest is when people attempt to make up blarney as to why their "system" should work in a vein attempt to sound more intelligent.  Using bs terms such as "eb and flow", "reading randomness", and other real terms like "fluid dynamics" and "quantum movements"  out of context simply makes whatever the person is attempting to share sound ridiculous and amusing.
Actually this is quite funny as well as a good and accurate observation.  XXVV you shouldn't be offended by this. I won't mention names, but there has been some total nonsense floating around over the years, oops it still continues today.

XXVV can you provide a link to these blogs, is it on this site, somewhere else?  I had a quick gander here and couldn't see any blog pages.       

Quote from: XXVV on May 03, 2014, 11:16:39 PM
One small but valuable example of such is the recent work we have encouraged on BetForum.cc with Martin Blakey who is a famous Australian professional roulette player. Martin has been very helpful in demonstrating his winning strategy
Can you post a link please, I would like to read this stuff..

Watched a Professional Aussi roulette player many years ago in Canberra (we everybody told me he played for a living), he gave the dealers serious sh1t all night, which was very enjoyable to witness. He was up some serious money as well. 
General Discussion / Site suggestions
May 11, 2014, 08:57:05 PM
can you do away with the unnecessary border, just a waste of screen space.  What is it with these reply boxes, some times they respond, they lock often, there is a lag in displaying text you have typed, and my spell checker doesn't work.
Why not, betting every number losing 2 chips per spin, until you hit the Gold 300-1 or Silver Dragon 100-1.  From what I've observed, it normally hits within 50 spins, and you have the option of playing a progression. 

However I assume you didn't notice in the post, it is not possible because unknown to me at the time, the Dragon bets require separate bet placed on the race-track, also the casino in question have removed the device contraption. 
Roulette Forum / Dragon Roulette 300 -1 straight up
April 30, 2014, 04:41:50 PM
Anybody in the UK seen these Dragon Roulette wheels, basically there is another free-wheeling rotor inside the inner wheel that locks as the spins is about to end (was going to video it, but the casino have removed the contraption), anyway this extra wheel has 2 symbols that if your number hits and the symbol lines up you get paid 300-1, or 100 -1 if any of the other 6 symbols line up. 

So I got thinking about this, I'm going to bet every number (37), because when the Dragon doesn't show, it is only going to cost me 2 chips, and it does show occasionally, besides I could also use a progression if it went to sleep for too long.  This will be like taking cake off a baby, just sitting there waiting for my 300-1 and 100-1 payouts risking 2 chips every time (11% HE).  Here is the rub, after chatting to a dealer, I discover the Dragon bonus bet is a separate bet which you have to place on the race-track WTF.

Same chappie was telling me, these places that have the Big Wheel, which has two 40-1 pay-offs, these are usually unique symbols so just because the Big Wheel stops at 40-1 make sure you bet the appropriate symbol (side), otherwise you won't get paid. 
General Discussion / Re: What's your call on this?
April 29, 2014, 08:04:44 PM
Casinos are the same the world over.  Recall many years ago a dealer called Robert at SkyCity Adelaide laughingly telling anybody who wanted to listen, dealing to a whale who lost some huge six figure amount playing in a private room and was so pissed had to be held up in his chair while playing some card game.