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Messages - Rouletta

Dozen/Column / Re: Double treble
June 05, 2013, 03:22:32 AM
Excellent GG, I'm looking forward to the MM part.


I think roulette is similar to stock investing......; Rule number one is to protect our dough, cut out losses swiftly when it does not go our way.....; If we can manage to do that profit will take care of it self......as one of the world's greatest investor Mr W.Buffet always say in relation to stock investing.
Straight-up / Re: "Great Square" System
June 01, 2013, 09:13:23 PM
Zalbot what about in the example u have given if one of the numbers for ex no. 2 came 3 times within
24 spins.....Does that mean we just don't bet on  it.....? and we only bet on the other nos as in your example....
bet on 4,16,32,35.....? correct....?
Straight-up / Re: "Great Square" System
June 01, 2013, 08:55:40 PM
Hi Walter

If during the first 24 spins there is less than 3 numbers which have hit 3 times;  What do we do.....? Restart tracking I suppose
until there are at least 3 numbers within 24 spins, correct......??
Did u try this method on live or airball....??


Thanks guys for these explanations; Now I know what we talking about.

Split / Re: Live Split Repeater
May 30, 2013, 01:16:01 PM
Great Results Grampa, well done.
Yes that would be wonderful to have a video explaining the concepts, what to look for etc.....


Hi Chrisbis / Grampa

I have been following the post with a lot of interest. I have no problem with Follow the Last (FTL);
However, as I'm in a leraning curve, would u please tell me about how Decison Before Last (DBL)
works, and give a couple of illustrative; I have searched the forum but cannot seem to find any thing about
Thank u for your assistance.


Well done Atlantis / Chrisbis for solving the puzzle;  I suppose the framework is Follow the Last (FTL) and Double the bets when
there is a loss.  Am I correct....?
Hi Everyone

I agree with u Turner I've seen a guy playing for more than two years at B&M casinos.  He only plays double dozens using about 10 € per dozen
for relatively short period of time; He has no pens, no paper, does no written tracking as such. I never seen him lost; He makes about 200 - 300 €
per session; he then goes to another nearby casino doing wash, rinse and repeat. What's his secret......?? Don't have a clue. 
May be, just may the guy you are taling about and the one I'm talking about went to the same school.......lol  ;-)


Multiple locations / Re: Holy Grail by Buffster
May 26, 2013, 02:33:19 PM
Hi Wannawin
Thanks for sharing; However to reduce confusion  and make it clear for everyone as to how to go about testing
this method would it be possible to provide illustrative examples with numbers as to how you would bet an
actual session......? Thanks


Hi Grampa, Chrisbi and all
I think I have the closing bet; last Spin
Bet 3+3 on each Doz/Col............Balance is 136.15
Bet Wins on BOTH Bet Selections (+9+9=+18)
New High Bal is 154.15, session ends.
Is it correct Grampa....?



General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 23, 2013, 11:41:44 PM
Chrisbis, may I ask what casino u playing at.....? Live wheel, auto, RNG....??
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 23, 2013, 08:09:11 PM
We all know that in the long run we're all dead.......; Been there done that.....so why bother with millions of spins testing .......???
As long it's working for me right here, right now it's what matters to me......Up to now it's excellent, it's one of the best framework
I have seen in my life........Just my two cents. Thanks for sharing Grampa.

At live wheel Dublin Bet I never went beyond level 2 d'alembert up to now.......but who knows after......??
On which casino did that happen if I may ask.....Live, autowheel, RNG....?