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Messages - RouletteKEY


Does this not become an earnest discussion about standard deviation and using it as a tool for bet selection? 

Some of the best winning runs are flat betting after a sleeper awakens (not chasing the sleeper awaiting the win).  Let's say a dozen or column sleeps for 15 spins (yes I know they can sleep for more than twice that...but I'm being practical and not wanting to sit forever waiting for a trigger) or maybe a better example is dozen has hit 3 times in 40 spins...your deviation from the expected norm is decently high (or your limit of random) and even flat betting the next 40 spins in this case I would wager that it comes back towards its norm enough to make money (an advantage) and I know it's not a huge sampling...but I would say I would have an advantage playing into that scenario over a number of sessions (yes I would play a slight progression...but as you say...random would essentially have it's limit in most cases...as the numbers would likely tend to fall back towards a norm)

We control when we bet, how much we bet and what we bet on...seems like that should be enough advantage in and of itself if you are a patient student of the game...and well funded.  Just my opinion.
General Discussion / Re: Play one number ...
July 26, 2013, 03:05:49 AM
Ahhhhh...a single number at 35:1      I like that ALOT!

Hot number...ride it till it bucks you...use both a negative and a positive progression...(nothing too crazy on those progressions...and don't ride it forever)
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 24, 2013, 01:22:39 AM
If it's all about the columns on a 00 wheel...
The second column pretty much covers the one wheel sector and then you would alternatively play 1st and 3rd columns together as a counter....in the simplest form of analysis
If the croupier or air ball machine or whatever/whoever is spinning the wheel and tossing the ball had a "signature" it would seem a method could be devised. 

Playing 12 and 24 numbers at a time has a real problem with recovery when the drawdown happens and you are in "recovery mode" though.  If the bet selection method could be honed enough I could almost understand the 2nd column bet with the 2:1 payout...but I have just never personally been a fan of 1 to 2 payout on the double column play...but then I prefer a single inside number or maybe even 2 or 3 inside numbers if I'm really feeling aggressive  ;) ...but we all play different. 

If I were looking at a method for the 00 wheel based on columns...I would look for wheel sector trends and bet accordingly.
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 23, 2013, 01:02:54 PM
Second column dominates an entire portion of the wheel around the 0.  If you play big sectors you can cover a big continuous section of the wheel with a second column bet.  But the true bet for the wheel sector containing the second column is a 15 number inside bet.
For the 15 number bet you just go right down the second column with the exception of numbers 8 and 29...then pick up their felt neighbors 7 and 9 and 28 and 30. 
So you bet 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 27, 30, 32, 35. For the big wheel sector....or just bet the second column and figure you have it covered for the most part.
Obviously that leaves you with the 2 column bet for the alternative.  Can be pretty useful information in the right circumstances...isn't that the truth on everything regarding roulette though?
General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 17, 2013, 11:18:21 AM
Most casinos in my area have 1 or 2 single 0 wheels in the high limit room only...the other 10 tables are all 0/00. 
Yeah...I was wondering what was up with posts needing to be approved by a mod (RF)...been awhile since I posted...thought maybe it was lack of activity on my part
Off-topic / Dilemma
June 08, 2013, 12:43:40 PM
One man said to the other, "What is the definition of dilemma?"

His friend replied, "Well, there's nothing better than an example to illustrate that.

Imagine that you are laying in a big bed with a beautiful naked young woman on one side
and a gay man on the other.

Who are you going to turn your back on?
Off-topic / Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 08, 2013, 12:38:41 PM
Story  from a Kansas  StateHighway Patrol  officer :

I made a traffic  stop on an elderly lady the other day for  speeding
  on U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker  73  just East of Sedan , KS.
  I asked for her driver's license,  registration, and  proof of insurance.
  The  lady took out the required  information and handed it to me.
  In with the cards I was somewhat surprised  (due to her advanced age)
  to see she had a conceal carry permit. I  looked at her and ask  if
  she had a weapon in her possession at this  time.
  She responded that she indeed had a  .45  automatic in her glove  box.
  Something---body  language, or the way  she said it---made me want
  to ask if she had any other firearms. She  did admit to also having
  a  9mm Glock in her center console.  Now I had to ask one more
  time if that was all. She responded once  again that she did have
  just one more, a .38 special in her purse.  I then asked her what
  was she so afraid of.
  She looked me right in the eye and said,  "Not a f-cking thing!"
Off-topic / Bar Joke
June 08, 2013, 12:35:29 PM


Guy goes into a bar in Louisiana where there's a robot bartender! The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey..." The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says," 168." The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves..., but he is curious...

So he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey." Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about NASCAR, Budweiser, the Saints and LSU.

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time.

He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey," and the robot brings him his whiskey. The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50."  The robot leans in real close and says, "SO, . . . you still happy . . . with Obama?"
So the holy hand grenade of antioch need not be deployed?

General Discussion / Re: When do you stop
May 29, 2013, 07:34:12 PM
I am with Turner on this.  Testing dictates where you cut and run...and testing also dictates where you jump back in...and testing also is going to guide you in progressions if you are using them both positive and negative.  We probably differ on our styles of play but the testing and pattern recognition aspects I think are common ground.

Common sense regarding the percentage against your session bank and overall bank are obvious considerations as well, and your method of play obviously effects the entire bet selection and money management aspects of the play.  My playing a single number or two versus someone on even chances is going to be vastly different in spin count simply due to anticipated strike rates, drawdowns and recovery ability.

With that all being said.  I firmly believe massive testing is the first and foremost critical aspect.  You never see the same thing twice...but you certainly see trends develop and evaporate and everything in-between and with enough experience you don't get rattled and can bet accordingly.  Do we ever have it locked down?  Not likely.  But we certainly can get out or change methods on the fly and give ourselves a fighting chance to prosper.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 26, 2013, 12:05:50 AM
1.  There is no bet selection that is superior to any other bet selection.  That is to say, all selections are the same.
2.  There is no money management procedure that will win.

So, then, what are we left with?  Clairvoyance?  Voodoo?  Oh, yes---luck!
I am sticking with my position that there are superior vs inferior bet selections and that when linked with proper money management and a proper bankroll that you can consistently outpace the house.  Luck certainly helps...but if you consistently beat the HE would it not be the well prepared player that is triumphant? 
Being good at anything is a matter of experience and proper preparation...many here are true students of the game and I believe there are more overall winners than people are giving credit.
That being said...of the thousand people that sit near me in any given year at a table...I would wager (and I am a betting man) that less than 2% have truly examined the game sufficiently to have a true chance of consistently winning.
Just my opinion
good stuff...I actually had that link saved from a long time ago...makes me wonder if I have a roulette problem  :nod: ;)
Straight up for me...although sometimes when bored I will jump on a dozen for a couple spins.  Usually I just stick with a couple numbers straight up though.
I haven't played EC's for a long time...Can they be profitable?  Probably but if I were just playing those odds I think I would favor baccarat and get away from those green numbers

I haven't played them in ages because it is too difficult to recover from a string of losses and the likelihood of getting the string of wins when you need them...just isn't worth the risk.  I would think if this was your play you would need a very significant bankroll and a ton of patience (I know every spin is unique) because in my experience you need to either play multiple EC's at once if you're in it for the action or pick at them when opportunity raises it's head (if you're in it for the money).  Either way it's not my cup of tea...just felt like interjecting as I'm bored tonight and no one seems to ever talk about betting just a few inside numbers anymore...   

I'll just be on my way now