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Messages - Sputnik

Multiple locations / Re: Sputnik's HG
December 11, 2018, 09:21:10 AM

I am not saying this will win all the time, but I am saying that you have pretty good odds to operate with casino money.
Have more variations and tweaks.

Multiple locations / Re: Sputnik's HG
December 11, 2018, 09:19:21 AM

Here are more results with three losses of the target number, but the parachute win.

1. 27
2. 8
3. 7
4. 50/17
5. 50/24
6. 18
7. 8
8. 9
9. 29
10. 21
11. 19
12. 3
13. 8
14. 7
15. 47
16. 50/42
17. 40
18. 47
19. 12
20. 50/40
21. 2
22. 50/39
23. 15
24. 35
25. 20
26. 50/32
27. 28
28. 50/7
29. 12
30. 20
31. 20
32. 44
33. 50/32
34. 42
35. 3
36. 50/32
37. 21
38. 44
39. 4
40. 50/22
41. 25
42. 9
43. 7
44. 2
45. 13
46. 29
47. 14
48. 50/5
49. 39
50. 35
51. 20
52. 3
53. 16
54. 7
55. 44
56. 50/46
57. 7
58. 50/50 target number fail, but parachute win
59. 12
60. 50/38
61. 9
62. 11
63. 7
64. 50/14
65. 16
66. 15
67. 42
68. 28
69. 44
70. 50/2
71. 7
72. 50/15
73. 3
74. 44
75. 50/33
76. 50/50 target number fail, but parachute win
77. 50/7
78. 17
79. 8
80. 10
81. 50/50 target number fail, but parachute win
82. 9
83. 6
84. 1
85. 14
86. 50/4
87. 41
88. 11
89. 14
90. 30
91. 21
92. 11
93. 2
94. 20
95. 8
96. 41
97. 21
98. 4
99. 3
100. 4
Multiple locations / Sputnik's HG
December 11, 2018, 09:16:30 AM
I just want to show a selection method that fail 6 times during 100 sessions and still you won all 100 sessions.
This is theory and you use the following information at your own risk.


This means that if you can lose the selection 6 times and still win and a total of 100 sessions, then during a year that would be around 20 losing selections for 365 sessions.
The probability dictate it can be done.

There are 365 days for one year and the interest banks give you equal zero.
365 Euro playing 1 Euro minimum, pretty good interest.
3650 Euro playing 10 Euro minimum, closer to the stock market return for the average investor.

What I would like to do is to calculate a higher base bet and then when winning half the amount regress and using half of the original unit size.
That way you only risk your money for a one-half year and then operate with casino money for the next half year.

Problems with this idea are that the cost is very expensive for the whole parachute
One could reduce the cost and win half the amount the last steps of the parachute.

Mr. J inspired me into this field of the selection process.
Here is a selection that won 100 sessions using a Parachute Method.

1) One single number that hit within 25 attempts are equal an even money bet.

Hot & Cold

Assume you have two reds in a row or two blacks in a row.
Then for the next two bets, you have 3 in 4 to hit a winning bet.

For example:

RR / RR Win
RR / RB Win
RR / BR Win
RR / BB Lose

That is the Hot selection where one color repeat.

Now reverse.
Assume you have RR and get BB then you lose both bets.
Then you have 3 in 4 ways to get one opposite color.
A sleeping color or Cold selection.

BB / RR Win
BB / RB Win
BB / BR Win
BB / BB Lose

Now numbers and the Parachute Method.
Assume one number hit twice within 50 attempts.
Then that is the same thing getting two reds.
So for the next 50 attempts, you play that this number will repeat once.

Assume you lose, then you have two losing bets during 50 attempts, also equal two blacks.
Now you play 50 attempts that you will get at least one opposite of that particular number.

Now you bet the Parachute Method until you win once and then start over the tracking and charting process.
So even if the single number would fail to show during 100 attempts, so can the Parachute Method win.

1. 21
2. 7
3. 34
4. 30
5. 7
6. 26
7. 36
8. 32
9. 18
10. 6
11. 6
12. 34
13. 49
14. 43
15. 13
16. 8
17. 11
18. 42
19. 6
20. 50/8
21. 33
22. 5
23. 34
24. 7
25. 14
26. 4
27. 18
28. 24
29. 37
30. 33
31. 36
32. 50/21
33. 50/18
34. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
35. 34
36. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
37. 50/6
38. 3
39. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
40. 1
41. 9
42. 9
43. 3
44. 35
45. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
46. 40
47. 50/48
48. 50/15
49. 37
50. 21
51. 50/36
52. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
53. 50/17
54. 38
55. 48
56. 6
57. 50/36
58. 50/49
59. 7
60. 14
61. 21
62. 50/44
63. 7
64. 19
65. 21
66. 50/50 target number fail but parachute win
67. 34
68. 25
69. 7
70. 9
71. 29
72. 11
73. 26
74. 9
75. 50/45
76. 2
77. 15
78. 14
79. 23
80. 50/7
81. 50
82. 12
83. 42
84. 15
85. 18
86. 27
87. 50/26
88. 6
89. 50/20
90. 13
91. 50/41
92. 50/19
93. 11
94. 6
95. 9
96. 3
97. 2
98. 39
99. 50/32
100. 50/12

1. EC

2. Dozen
3. Dozen

4. Line
5. Line
6. Line
7. Line

8. Corner
9. Corner
10. Corner
11. Corner
12. Corner
13. Corner

14. Street
15. Street
16. Street
17. Street
18. Street
19. Street
20. Street
21. Street

22. Split
23. Split
24. Split
25. Split
26. Split
27. Split
28. Split
29. Split
30. Split
31. Split
32. Split
33. Split

34. Single
35. Single
36. Single
37. Single
38. Single
39. Single
40. Single
41. Single
42. Single
43. Single
44. Single
45. Single
46. Single
47. Single
48. Single
49. Single
50. Single
51. Single
52. Single
53. Single
54. Single
55. Single
56. Single
57. Single
58. Single

59. Single
60. Single
61. Single
62. Single
63. Single
64. Single
65. Single
66. Single
67. Single
68. Single
69. Single
70. Single
71. Single
72. Single
73. Single
74. Single
75. Single
76. Single
77. Single
78. Single
79. Single
80. Single
81. Single
82. Single
83. Single

84. Single
85. Single
86. Single
87. Single
88. Single
89. Single
90. Single
91. Single
92. Single
93. Single
94. Single
95. Single
96. Single
97. Single
98. Single
99. Single
100. Single
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
November 29, 2018, 09:21:14 AM

Jimske you have to understand that I have not developed or made a weighted count system, I only show examples of regression.
I want to explore this territory and see if I can create a weighted count system and share it.
But nothing is complete or under construction.


General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 07, 2018, 05:37:13 PM

Kimo Li I read the first post of this topic and want to make some comments.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with selling and think such section should be allowed at all gambling forums.
Roulette-forum dot cc has one.

Problem with selling is that you only have the creators word and promise that there is a working method.
It is very rare that you find some members backing up such creator in public.

For example, Hi, I buy Doctor Tom's Baccarat system and it works.
In reality, you see someone that wants to trade Doctor Tom's losing system for something else or just posting a free copy of the strategy for everyone to see.
That method goes for 700$

I spent over 10 years on gambling forums and I have never seen anyone say, Hi my name is X and I buy this system and win more then I lose.
And no one has shared such a thing in private, the word should go around if there was such a method.

But I have seen free topics from different creators where they have become several pages long with several thousands of views.
Where members report success and among them.
With decent knowledge, you can win using that particular method.

Here are two examples.

I once read an old test from a roulette competition and the winner was Izak Dozen System.
And in second place another method.
I email the person who was involved in this test and the systems were given to me for free.

At forum Roulette-Forum dot com you have a person who won 30K using his method.
That is everything else than pure luck and other members report success using the method.
Is free and anyone can copy and paste the information and simulate and practice before real play with real money.

I know this is rare, but anyone who is prepared to do their homework can find great things on gambling forums.
First, you look for a post with several thousands of views and then you look and confirm that the topic has several replies that indicate long discussion.
Those topics include tweaks and the original and improvements that can make a complex roulette mind happy.

It takes time to find such topics, some are pure garbage and some are a goldmine, my opinion.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
November 06, 2018, 05:19:50 PM

There is no need to tell anything, you are just like all the others.
Hello, my name is and I can flat betting and win more then I lose, nonsense.
You can not outguess 50/50 that is just ridiculous.

But I will not offend you and say that you are lying, I will just say that we can agree on that we disagree with each other.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
November 02, 2018, 05:38:30 PM
Quote from: Eight Iron on November 02, 2018, 11:22:14 AM
I am up net 60 units this year, flat betting.  I had similar results last year as well.

Was up net 74 units until yesterday, when two virtual machines beat me.  Lesson learned.

I buy in for ten units, and use a twenty unit bankroll.

Progressions, and systems such and Lebouchere and Oscars Grind, D alembert, and others, will destroy you. They add nothing to overall wins, and increase risk of ruin and variance exponentially.

That is why casinos love system players.

Unlike Blackjack, there is never any mathematical reason to justify using a progression in Baccarat.

You just post words that add nothing to the subject, AsymBacGuy shows a very nice way to tackle even money bets and you just go on with nonsense.
I don't want to offend you, but I saw so many wannabes posting there success flat betting, but never have i seen anyone of those posting how they flat betting.

Hope you get the picture.
Next time you might want to add something with substance to the discussion.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
October 31, 2018, 03:12:05 PM

Well 75% strike ratio give you two wins W W and one break-even LW and two loses LL
When the 3 in 4 ratio chop you get at least two wins in a row in most situations to allow you to use a very smooth staking plan.

I am testing this using a variant of the Star-progression, Carsh variant.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
October 10, 2018, 07:06:30 AM

Hi AS I like your method very much, I will just share one thing I notice - the LW does not have to generate a win, they can be left as break even when wagering and one single win after a LW create two in a row LW W and is very common or you get two direct wins W W. This means you can wagering 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 and so on ... very smooth progression winning two in a row.

I have been testing both sides at the same time to speed up the selection process to get a quicker feel for what I am up against.
Been using 300 trails samples with TRNG.

The selection works great and I sometimes peak at +6 or +8 with a 300 sample that would be several shoes in a row.
But I also have been having samples with strong variance, but then I did not have to place higher bets then 2 units and peak at +2 or +4 units.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #2
October 06, 2018, 06:55:00 PM

Jimski I am not talking about P single or double P after 3+ I talk about the doubles method.

P (W)
P (W)
P (W)
P (W)

My note ...
Lugi post this shoe and AsumBagGuy give a clear explanation and I follow and understand.

In the shoe you posted Lugi (thanks for your interest) and not taking into account additional important shoe per shoe long term statistical situations, I would have won every hand with my #2 plan.

First BB is followed by BBB (W)

Second BB is followed by B (W)

Third BB is followed by BBBB (W)

This is just a "normal" deviation as a fictional player betting after any B double against another B double is W=3 and L=0

When I read this I understand that he only played for three doubles in a row, one double as a trigger and the other two should become 3+
Using 1-2 progression or multilayered progression.

Notice that a second fictional player betting against a BB, BB sequence hadn't the opportunity to bet and the same is true for a fictional player betting against a third BB, BB, BB sequence.

After the cutoff point of BB, BB, BB my plan is over, I'm not chasing or hoping to get situations coming out very unlikely. (Strings of 5, 6 or more B doubles could come out sooner or later.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #2
October 06, 2018, 01:08:14 PM

AssymBacGuy I have a method based upon this principals, it dictates to wait for two doubles to hit, then bet for 3+ for the next three coming doubles.
So you betting against five doubles to show in a row without hitting a 3+.

Now I want to grasp your method and fully understand your concept.
You say that we should use a 1-2 progression, what do you mean by that, should we wait for two doubles to hit before attacking against four in a row or do you mean we should start after one fictive double and bet against three doubles not becoming 3+.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
October 02, 2018, 02:22:21 AM

Hello AS ... I have some question and I hope you can help me solve them.

You wrote in the beginning:

We'll bet a 1-2 unit progression whenever a P single or a P double had come out, in order to get at least a two P 1-2 clustered succession in any order. After winning the first (single) or second (double) event, we stop the betting waiting for another 1 or 2 P situation and going over and over. Meaning we have to wait a 3+ appearance cutting the pattern.

And in the reply above you say that you are conservative and flat betting.

Question 1: Assume I want to stick to the original idea of playing 1-2 progression, then what happens after two losses, in some way I need to use a smooth progression without implementing Marty 100% I mean I can not start flat betting after using 1-2 progression, there has to be another way wagering the money?

Question 2: You say you use a conservative method flat betting. Do this mean you win and break even with WIN and LOSS WIN patterns W/LW and only raise the money when you encounter negative variance?

Even chance / Re: Lost
September 30, 2018, 07:01:02 AM

Welcome to the forum!

I watch your excel sheet, but can not help you, if you don't explain the method.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 27, 2018, 04:56:46 PM
Let me put it like this, how would you wagering your money ...
For example multiple levels:

1 2

1 3

2 4

2 6

3 6

3 9

4 8

4 12

5 10

5 15

7 14

7 21

9 18

9 27

12 24

12 36

15 30

15 45

Soxfan always talks about big bankroll and all in ...
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 27, 2018, 03:11:48 PM

AsumBacGuy I want to say thank you for a nice topic.
Wondering if you could give a concrete example of the staking plan.

There are so many variations!
