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Messages - Sputnik

General Discussion / Re: After dealer change?
November 10, 2013, 01:28:39 PM

Each trail is independent, so why do you believe a dealer change would effect the future outcomes.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 09, 2013, 09:08:54 PM

Razor is Viper if i understand it correct and also known as Masters of pockets.
Seems that this kind of members come with many different names.
This is very similar toward my strategy that i post at this forum board.
 All you have to know is that the wins have to overcome the attempts, simple as that.
So if i use a benchmark with three attempts to get +1...... then +1 has to overcome that attempts doing so.

+1 a winning session.
-3 a losing session.
X no play

[reveal= Ecart Results]920108 Ecart 3.44 +1
920124 Ecart 3.27 +1
920127 Ecart 3.00 +1
920131 Ecart 3.00 +1
920205 Ecart 3.40 +1
920211 Ecart 3.12 +1
920213 Ecart 3.41 .X
920214 Ecart 3.12 +1
920218 Ecart 3.12 .X
920219 Ecart 3.27 +1
920302 Ecart 3.64 +1
920325 Ecart 3.40 +1
920406 Ecart 3.00 +1
920428 Ecart 3.00 +1
920519 Ecart 3.54 -3
920520 Ecart 3.00 +1
920527 Ecart 3.15 +1
920609 Ecart 3.00 -3
920612 Ecart 3.15 .X
920613 Ecart 3.00 +1
920617 Ecart 3.00 +1
920622 Ecart 3.00 +1
920716 Ecart 3.00 +1
920720 Ecart 3.00 +1
920723 Ecart 3.00 +1
920810 Ecart 3.02 .X
920818 Ecart 3.15 +1
920824 Ecart 3.00 +1
920826 Ecart 3.15 -3
920827 Ecart 3.15 +1
920903 Ecart 3.15 +1
920904 Ecart 3.00 +1
920909 Ecart 3.00 +1
920915 Ecart 3.18 +1
920923 Ecart 3.02 +1
920924 Ecart 3.00 +1
920930 Ecart 3.29 +1
921002 Ecart 3.12 +1
921005 Ecart 3.88 +1
921005 Ecart 3.15 +1
921014 Ecart 3.70 -3
921022 Ecart 3.50 .X
921024 Ecart 3.65 +1
921027 Ecart 3.00 +1
921030 Ecart 3.00 .X
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 10:58:37 PM
Quote from: Turner on November 06, 2013, 10:51:45 PM
its all a tad dramatic, don't you think

I agree ...
I know that RWD is valid method as i know two person who use it with success ...
And they have been using the method for years.

Can you still buy the Roy book on internet ?
Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 30, 2013, 10:27:51 AM
I am the one who introduce this methodology on internet 2009 and before that there was nothing about regression toward the mean or correction.
I have the original work as books.

Now i will explain this with very simple words.
You have overrepresented events and underrepresented events or imbalance.
The aim is to catch the underrepresented events after 3.0 STD that is the original idea.

Then you use a predetermined march to do so.
It is how you catch the underrepresented events that is the key or cut point methodology.

So if you use FTL and loses is your imbalance of overrepresented events then the underrepresented events would look like this LW and W if you divide the random flow as i suggest.
If you just play FTL as it is then this is the two states LLW W

As superman mention so have he find his own way of pattern recognition using FTL, you can do the same, just PM me and i will help you out ...

See attach file ...
Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 29, 2013, 05:33:05 PM
If i understand you right so is that the same thing asking how to play or drive the car ?
Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 29, 2013, 04:19:54 PM

LW-Registry show you the winning and loses based upon what march you using or attack sequence ...
Like a road map of what happens when you apply your march or attack sequence ...
It does not tell you where to bet, it just show you the random flow of winnings and loses.
Same method is opposite and same.

EXPERIMENT - Predetermined march

As the random flow is independent, so can you clustering and slice it into any algorithm you like, as long you are consistent.
Lets assume i would use "Follow The Last" then it would look like this.

I see red i would follow red.
If i win then stop and start from the beginning again, wait for a new outcome and follow it once.

So if you would get wins chopping then it would look like this.




You slice the random flow into blocks or groups and it's a reason for that.
Lets look what happens when you get one single and one series where 1+1=0 as the cancel each other out, the hovering state at zero ground.
This is because series has the value of 1 and singles has the value of 1 and you have equally many of both 50/50 ...



Now watch happen when you get three singles events in a row as clustering pattern with two loses.



This is a good example how to use LW-Registry as part of a march as Follow The Last where you identify each state.
Series to chop or singles to chop or hovering state.

So if you use ECART play using FTL march you can have pretty clever MM to handle worst case scenario.
Then you would observe singles as your main imbalance and get FTL to pin point out hovering state or direct draw-down with series chopping.

The math and probability is simple.
14 singles and 2 series is 3.0 STD
7 singles and 1 series is 1.5 STD
Or you could get even down more, but then variance increase.


Albalaha have this signature: You can be a winner in gambling only if you know how to survive through the best, the average and the worst sessions.

I think i am very close to solve that issue with even money bets based upon the methodology above.
I feel confident as i have identify the worst that can happen.

QuoteQuite right, as you may know I play red black follow the last, I don't bet every spin but bet most of them, from my decisions over time I know what MY LLWWLLLLWWWWWWL looks like, or ends up looking like during a session, so I can work with that to decide if I can safely, or as near as damn it, increase to recoup.

I have similar conclusion that you can use any kind of march that create a LW-Registry and act upon that.
I done some testing and some times i flat betting 300 trails with out raising any bets, pretty cool.

It also feel pretty cool being the father behind this method, as i first write about the subject in 2009
QuoteWhat they do most is ebb and flow in small waves. You can bet this simply and all the time and win more than "not" playing these and waiting for high SD. High SD is rare. Small waves are not. They ...well...are always there apart from when one carries on to a high SD....which can take a while.

I have also been thinking about that ...
Current development with my march show it can be done to certain extant ...

At least when STD grow you do nothing, that is a good sign.
But when the STD fall back to back, then you get caught.
The question is if there is any clever MM that can handle does situations.

One other thing i been thinking about is how it works when you match and miss-match patterns to get LW-Registry to act upon.
Lets say i have eight events and then match and miss-match opposite and same with eight future events.
Then i have 16 events.
Now the question is ,,, if my last eight results/events comes as zig zag OSOSOSOS do i then have 16 singles?
Then it would be above 3.0 STD ...

As you can see so can you twist how to measuring the random flow in different ways.
Bayes match and miss-matching pattern software comes with two sequences.
Hovering state or zig zag state.

There is work to explore regarding this topic.
Personally so do i think this is the best way attacking even money bets.
Because we do at least base our bets upon probability and math and not guessing with taste  8)

Regression towards the mean.

I write this topic for my self and if you are interested, then you are more then welcome to contribute.
I been thinking about the STD and how you measuring things.

So one red is one event and one black is one event.
This mean i can measuring red and black using math.
I can measuring balance and imbalance.

This means i can also measuring loses and winnings in the same way.
Where one loss is one event and one win is one event.

And if we take the law of series, then one singles is one event and one series is one event.
50/50 situation as there is as many singles as there is series.

Different benchmark and different variance.

The bell curve has no limit as nothing is due to happen, but the bell curve tend to change after reaching 3.0 STD.
There is three main states to talk about and observe.
One is that the imbalance can continue to grow stronger or it can hovering around zero state or getting weaker.
The two last states is what you hope to catch after a strong imbalance, hovering state and opposite draw-downs.

But you can create your own state and benchmark with regression towards the mean.
A wave of overrepresented events can be 1.5 STD and you look for tendency of change and playing that the waves will change before reaching 3.0 STD, but only if there is present change that indicate hovering state or draw-downs.
They come in tiny, medium and large states.

You lower you set the imbalance of overrepresented events you more action you will get and in the same time higher variance.
With other words a more bumpy ride.

Mapping or clustering patterns.

Bayes have made software that match and miss-match patterns to get winning and losing sequences.
Where each winning and losing mark is one event and you can act upon that information.

Drazen once mention if i remember it correct 28 loses and 2 wins.
That is 4.74 STD.

But the beauty of the animal is that you would never place any bets during your observations as there is no tendency for present change.
Hovering state or draw-downs.

This made me thinking, so i come up with my own clustering march of the random flow where i set my own benchmark for regression towards the mean.
I pick a more bumpy ride.

The benefit of this methodology.

That is when imbalance grow stronger, you do nothing, so in that way you are never chasing for the opposite to show.
You just observe the flow grow until you get your indications of correction.
They come in tiny, medium and large states.

This is the true meaning with tendency play or you could also name it trending, but not based upon guessing.
This methodology is based upon probability and math.