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Messages - Superman

Stop feeding the troll  :thumbsup:
Quotea cynical attempt to goad other members into providing you with winning method, because you haven't been able to find one; nothing more than stamping your foot in a petulant display and screaming "find me a winning system, waaaah!!".

LOL, exactly what he's after!
Straight-up / Re: Sectormov
January 29, 2014, 01:17:52 PM
Quotei have done enough testings to say it works, atleast short term

Everything works short term at some point. Why don't you learn to code in RX then you can test thoroughly before posting each day, just an idea.
Weddings / Re: Profit sharing with me
January 10, 2014, 12:05:25 PM
I'm with Turner on this one. I honestly don't understand why you would want investors if you are winning without any problems -- so far.

Why would you want to play with other peoples money, knowing that you would have to explain to them when it has a bad day, why would you add that extra pressure.

I just don't get it, sorry mate
LOL Robert, don't be troubled mate

As you said, yes some sessions can be over very quick with 70% hit rate or thereabouts, but as we all know and understand, no 2 sessions are usually the same, by that I mean mentally and what the game does, the hits might have won BUT did I mentally feel it was good to recoup at that point, would I have done it the same last session or last week had the same things happened? probably not, maybe 40% is a little low, let's call it in hovering around the mid 40's

As I said about a year ago, I stopped writing everything down as they never seemed to look very similar to each other, per session, which I put down to MY choices as to when is good to recoup, some days it goes south and I write off the loss and start from 1 unit, again, a mental decision. All the reasons I cannot bot it as the bot would play mechanicaly over and over.

All I know is, the way have played over the last 12 months is all manually and it works for me.

PS: don't forget, although I feel mentally drained/tired after a session using 0.05 chips on no zero IMAGINE doing it for 0.50 or even a euro, I doubt I could do that for long even with someone else's money, so don't offer, glad I don't have to play to earn to eat. Sadly that makes up probably 80%+ of the readers of gambling forums, hoping to make a mint ---- easily.

Wouldn't that be sweet?
QuoteFollow him, then

If you do, also read the posts where it all fails eventually, Sam has posted it a few times after good long runs. I agree the comment (Follow him, then) is unjustified.

Quotescientific or intuition that helps in identifying those downturns

There is no responsible answer to that question, we only recognize  a downturn once it's happening, the only way I know of is you have your personal bet selection, playing it results in your own personal LW registery, over time YOU know how bad or good a session can get, YOU feel after a certain length of good or bad run, YOU feel comfortable at that point to either hold bet size if ahead OR very near to the plus, if you are down a fair bit YOU should be able to understand from your previous games, when it MAY be safe to try and recoup a little or a lot of it, there is no mechanical way of playing so in reality, ANY bet selection is as good as the next, the long wait methods just prolong the bad bits.

I only play EC red/black FTL so I start after the 1st spin, I will miss a few spins if the flip flop is running strong, I usually dive back in after any colour has hit 3 times in a row, I set a target of 1 euro if using 0.05 chips, 2 euro if using .10 chips and so on, I don't play to make a living, don't want the stress of it, even playing for low value chips is stressful if you are concentrating, I only play RNG at BetVoyager, NZ and European, I have a feel of what's coming soon as I know the way I play returns a certain structure of LW reg. This only comes with time spent at the screen watching marquees for hours and hours, hence Red/Black only, you can visualy see the patterns created, I would guestimate I only win around 40% of the bets I place, it's the concentrated guessing is the part that recovers where you must decide when to increase the chips. It's not easy.

QuoteThe house edge is only 2.7% but you've lost 4%, where have you gone wrong?

LOL, same thought here. Sam try flat betting with your losing systems you'll lose 1.3% less or try no zero flat betting and lose 0%  :thumbsup:
Man who walks through swing doors with hands in pockets at airport ------ going to Bankok
Multiple locations / Re: LW registry
October 29, 2013, 06:03:36 PM
As far as I know an LW registry is a record of YOUR wins and losses, the way I use mine is all in me head, stopped writing it down a long time ago, the best way for me to explain it is, you play a certain way, eg, follow the last after 3 colours in a row, your results for the last 3 sessions look like this


So you now know the worst you had was 4 losses in a row and the best was 5 wins in a row, now a normal fool would jump in with a Marty here, don't, because it could go t1ts up as we all know, the way I play is mentally keeping track of the session knowing that if I have 3 losses I can now increase my bet to recover fairly safely until ahead again.

Obviously that's a small snippet of sessions, but it's just an example, personally I would not try to use an LW registry on a mechanical system as they always fail eventually, just use it on a style of play, which is what I do, yes all bets (EC's for me) are 50/50 but if you play a set way always, you start to see patterns in your personal LW registry and can work with that to recover if behind.

QuoteThe question is if there is any clever MM that can handle does situations

Nothing that you could print on paper, its up to YOU the player to make a decision as to when to increase your unit size to recover some of the losses at that point. In my opinion you cannot use the same MM every time, I am sure Drazen will agree with me on that, no 2 sessions are the same, if they are it will be very rare to use the same staking sizes.

QuoteThis means i can also measuring loses and winnings in the same way.
Where one loss is one event and one win is one event.

Quite right, as you may know I play red black follow the last, I don't bet every spin but bet most of them, from my decisions over time I know what MY LLWWLLLLWWWWWWL looks like, or ends up looking like during a session, so I can work with that to decide if I can safely, or as near as damn it, increase to recoup.

As Drazen said, practice, practice, practice at YOUR way of playing so you know how it should perform.

Good luck
The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 24, 2013, 03:08:43 PM
QuoteI have never read such progression anywhere

Because anything rigid will eventually break!

Quotebut that actually depends on the bet slection of each to discover.

Practice, practice, practice

Personally I still don't have a set BS, but the practice, practice, practice is a perfect explanation, forget strict BS and totally (can't stress this enough) totally forget a regimental progression, they do not work every time you hit the game, never have and IMO never will, YOU need to decide when to up the chips depending on what you see happening at any given point in the game.
QuoteI know you're dead set against the downloaded version of BV

I wouldn't say dead set, when I first played at BV I used the download version and had constant problems so gave up and did all my botting for the browser version in flash

Yes curious as to why they didn't include that for the download version but I wouldn't miss it if they took it away from the onloine one too, I have done many many tests of many different configs of their adjustable settings, IE asking for 1 up to 60 numbers and using the shuffle function too, where you can add to the value of the next number, yes you are changing the results but it's just kidoligy, to fool us into thinking we are in control, it makes no difference to our win loss registery

I don't follow what you are doing Sam

Quotewhere may I put in the number 33

YOU don't, what are you trying to do?

Quotebut until someone shows me specifically how to duplicate their sha number without using their code number

You cannot, are you having a laugh Sam, really?

Quoteif you change one letter in that code, you change the sha number

Sarcasm: well spotted

QuoteI then went to the first calculator they list and put in the number 33


Honestly Sam, they do the following

They use an RNG to give them 10 numbers for the next set

They lay them out

1 - 31 - 26 - 19 - etc etc etc then add their own hash key server generated word 1a22ah332etcetc

Now they send all that to the SHA generator which produces the SHA key they give/show you in the game window.

IF you want to check they didn't change it YOU need to copy the displayed sha value by highlighting it in the game window and paste it into ANY word type software on your PC so you can copy/use it later, play a spin or so and hit END. You will now see the data they started with, the numbers and their secret word, the end result of that data in the form of a SHA hash key. If that hash is the same as the game window one then there's no cheating.

Do you not think that if they only used the generated numbers without their secret server word, it would be easy to work out the next number by setting the game to only give sets of 1 number, that server word is their insurance for that eventuality.

You go to any of those SHA web sites and put your name into it, copy and save the result, then go to another and do the exact same inputs for your name so its identical then check the SHA value they should be the same.
Sam, it looks to me as though you don't understand how to check the sha string.

Open the game
Spin once

To the right of the sha hash key is a button called End, hit it, a new page now opens up looking like the 2 attachments.

Next step is very simple, read the page
QuoteI've talked to a pretty salty computer programmer and he states that the SHA-256 you see on the BV screen is easily altered.
Because it is not a SHA-256 in the first place.
It is merely a panel, as he called it.
Whether this is true or not, I have no clue.

All rubbish Sam, when you hit 'end' a browser page opens where you can see how they generated the hash, they even provide another web site for you to check the sha against, it creates the exact same key, you can do that on many different sites and they all create the same sha, it cannot be fecked around with once its generated, random has a flow to beat any mechanical selection/progression, deal with it. People cry when they lose and feel they have been cheated so they look to lay blame as normal.