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Messages - The Crow

I'll give it a go. Please provide the actual spin numbers with your L W data.
Bally's Blog / Re: The 00 Wheel
March 09, 2016, 12:56:38 AM
News flash. Kimo Li already cracked that code, The Roulette Formula.

The Crow
Straight-up / Re: PA's FOUR-NUMBERS BET.
February 21, 2016, 08:15:17 AM
Credit goes to Kimo Li

The Crow
Straight-up / Re: PA's FOUR-NUMBERS BET.
February 21, 2016, 07:52:38 AM
Your character speaks volumes.

"Sensei, why do you teach me to fight and I cannot punish those who are bullies?"
Sensei to student, "The are already punished for who they are."

32 15 19 04 21 02 25 17 34
06 27 13 36 11 30 08 23 10
05 24 16 33 01 20 14 31 09
22 18 29 07 28 12 35 03 26

I offer you this.

32 04 25
06 36 08
05 33 14
22 07 35

This is Pinwheel 14

The Crow
Straight-up / Re: PA's FOUR-NUMBERS BET.
February 21, 2016, 07:10:55 AM
Funny. Looks like Kimo Li's Clover-Leaf Star Matrix

32 15 19 04 21 02 25 17 34
06 27 13 36 11 30 08 23 10
05 24 16 33 01 20 14 31 09
22 18 29 07 28 12 35 03 26

The Crow
Straight-up / Re: PA's FOUR-NUMBERS BET.
February 21, 2016, 06:44:58 AM
Question. Who's STALE idea is this?

The Crow
Bally's Blog / Re: Studying Kimo Li's work!
December 20, 2015, 07:56:44 PM

I know you are not a student of Kimo Li because a student would not be posting.
And, no, I am not a student of Kimo Li

The Crow
Bally's Blog / Re: Studying Kimo Li's work!
December 19, 2015, 07:10:57 PM
When it comes to roulette business, there are no friends, just business alliances for the privileged few.

The Crow
Bally's Blog / Re: dozens and columns
May 28, 2015, 04:54:14 AM
The reason for this opposite phenomenon is due to how the numbers on the American wheel are placed.

One of the most effective ways to track splits that are opposite of each other is by looking at the correlation between sections within the wheel, using a 12 number strategy.

28, 9, 26, 30, 11, 7
27, 10, 25, 29, 12, 8


15, 3, 24, 36, 13, 1
16, 4, 23, 35, 14, 2


20, 32, 17, 5, 22, 34
19, 31, 18, 6, 21, 33


Strategy source: The Roulette Formula, Kimo Li
The third column contains 10 numbers that are located in three sections of the wheel. (28, 9, 26, 30, 11, 7), (15, 3, 24, 36, 13, 1), (19, 31, 18, 6, 21, 33)
Hi Natural 9,

In 1993, I worked briefly as a project manager for major parking company, managing several valet services for major hotels and businesses. No way I would valet a car.
I don't drive anymore in Vegas. I have a driver.

Side note: my decoy wallet has a rubber band wrapped around it.

The Crow
Hi Rolex-Watch,

The first time happen when I drove into the parking lot. A van rolled up behind my car to block me and a guy came out from the passenger side, wearing a hoodie and shades, brandishing a gun. The time was shorty after midnight. This all happened in a few seconds. I always have two banks, one with a two hundred dollars in twenties, the other 5,000.00. He demanded money and I gave him the decoy wallet, that was that. They drove away. I reported it to the casino. Big mistake. They checked the cameras and I was in a blind spot. What they said to me was that I did not behave like I was robbed because I was not emotional. A normal person would be yelling and stating frantically "I was robbed." I said to them, I was robbed and I don't want this to happen again to someone else. By the way, I am a poker player who has control over my emotions." They did not believe me and began to accuse me of making this story up because I needed an excuse, for my wife, that I lost my money by being robbed instead of losing it at the casino. What? I was coming to the casino, not leaving. I was detained for hours. They used the good cop bad cop strategy on me. I said to them to either file the complaint, arrest me, or let me go about my business. So, they let me go with a warning, if they find out that I lied, they will press charges.

They second time it happened, I had "sold" a pair of  Paquiao vs Bradley II tickets at the MGM. I was walking back to the strip and was robbed at gun point, part of the side street was dark. I did not have a wallet or bank, just the 2,000.00 I made from the tickets. Needless to say, I did not report the incident.

Being a lone wolf has it's disadvantages. I currently have a gaming partner, and we are always on alert.

The Crow

Hi Whiskeypete,

Very clear definition, well said.

It is not easy as it sounds. I practice everyday. One has to be mentally, physically, and emotionally fit become a professional roulette player. Why? Mentally one needs to withstand the trappings of Vegas, alcohol, distractions (beautiful women, constant music, bright lights, mostly noise in general). The other aspect of a hit and run style is you have to be physically fit because one will be walking and moving a lot. Exercise and great eating habits is a must. Emotionally fit comes to play when one comes face to face with a loss. The tendency is to stay and try to recover the loss. One has to be emotionally strong to maintain that urge.

Other things that one needs to be aware of is who is watching you, (paranoid), are you being followed. I say this because I have been rolled twice in my life time, at gun point. Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is the psychological warfare of the casino verses the advantage player. It is very difficult to maintain a balance with the casino, especially if you are winning every time. Now, one has to figure out a strategy not to be band.

It has been my experience that anyone who is an expert in roulette is also an expert in other forms of gambling or sports, like poker, billiards, chess, darts, golf, ping pong, to name a few.

It's not easy. "It's a hard way to make easy money."

The Crow
Hello Whiskeypete,

Yes, if call once a month (three days) professional. I only take what I need, whether it's 4,000.00 or 10,000.00, or more, depends. What is your definition of a roulette professional?

The Crow