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Messages - The Crow

There is a distinct difference between the armature and the professional.
"Armatures practice until the get it right. Professionals practice until it cannot go wrong."

Life as a pro,

The Crow
I have the money. I choose to invest in roulette because I make a living doing so, full time pro.

I was playing at the Aria in Vegas recently. I was amazed at all of the roulette players giving away their hard earned money. I sat at each roulette table playing 4 to 8 spins max, walking away in profit except for one session -450.00, a total of 4,000.00 dollars and some change.

That's why I would pick roulette as an investment. As to how to make a living playing roulette, well, that's a different story.

The Crow
Life as a gambling Pro seems too broad. How about life as a roulette professional?, that's more like it.
You don't need 500k as a bank, 50k tops. You can binge gamble once a month to make enough to maintain a living. What more do you want?, unless you are an amateur who needs to gamble every chance you can.

Life is good.

The Crow

General Discussion / Re: When do you stop
February 04, 2015, 06:07:13 AM
You stop when you reach 1,000.00, period, and cash out. Then start at a different table and do the same process.

I recently played at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. I was playing 5.00 chips, buy in 500.00 dollars. I played many different tables, taking an average of 700.00 here and there, until I reached about 14,000 dollars. This was done in about 6 hours. I went to cash out the chips I had in my pockets and they refused to cash my chips out because the they wanted to know where I cashed out these chips. I told them from all of the tables in the casino over a period of 6 hours. Apparently, there was a shift change and not many of the pit bosses could verify my play. Bummer. I pulled out my VIP card and said you are quick to give my all of the perks, limo, rooms, food, and drink comps for three days but you cannot cash out 14,000.00 dollars in chips. I had to get the host involved, a pit boss, that I took 1,000.00 on my last play, and his boss to get my chips cashed.

So, you stop after each session and cash out before you proceed to play another table. Remember the table number and the pit boss on deck.

The  Crow

General Discussion / Re: Let me run this past you
July 26, 2014, 08:58:16 PM
Mr J,

The question you are asking is vitally important. Most players have a "system" or "method" when playing roulette. Your question puts the player in unknown territory as this will never happen. However, if the scenario you are posing is the "standard" of most casinos, then all system and method players will lose. They will be out of their comfort zones and would suffer from dulled senses, because their training has not prepared them for this type of gaming.

The only way to profit from this type of approach is to be knowledgeable of random numbers, regardless if each number is spun by a different dealer on each spin, different balls, and varying speeds of the rotor. For me, it does not matter if the numbers are spun in this manner. I will win regardless of any extreme scenario. Why?, because my approach does not follow any traditional or defined strategy. What my approach is, does not matter. What matters is that most roulette players are not prepared to face this type of obstacle.

The Crow
Hi Mare,

Are you self taught? Or do you have a mentor? I am familiar with the concepts you describe. I too follow a "constant and well designed training."

The Crow
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 24, 2014, 02:30:52 PM
The only thing I am learning from this thread is how each individual is trying to out do the other. How about giving some examples that support your claims, so the rest of us, non participants, can say, "ah ha, I get it."

Over the years, I have witnessed many, on this thread, give discredit to others without having walked in their shoes. It is a pattern that is so predictable. What are the chances of me being correct? 50 percent? Correct?

The Crow
General Discussion / Re: After dealer change?
July 04, 2014, 04:05:42 PM
 If someone is limited to one particular strategy, then a reset would be recommended; wait a few spins to determine if the same strategy will work for the new dealer.

On the other hand, if one is skilled in a multitude of strategies, then dealer change has no bearing on the outcome, because adaptation to current events is the key to a winning mindset.

Many would argue that the wheel has no memory and that dealer change has no relevance on the outcome of numbers. It stands to reason that these types of players will all lose, because the house edge will inevitably cause a slow and painful demise.

So, why would anyone with this mindset play roulette or any other game with a house edge?

The answer to the question is, it depends.

The Crow

This is not about how great a method or system works, or how simple or complicated it may be. It's about: Can thinking outside the box be taught? No, period.

Here's a thought: "F" the box. We need a box like we need intellectual guidance.

The Crow

"F" - Forget

Hi esoito,

IMO, I stated no, because it's like painting by numbers. Someone who does not know how to paint can be taught to paint by numbers. One may be taught to think outside the box, but is it truly out of the box thinking? I believe not.
Out of the box thinking is a reaction from someone who has the innate ability to create when there is a need, when conventional thinking does not facilitate that need. "Necessity is the mother of invention" Plato.
Out of the box thinking is a gift.
The Crow

Thinking outside the box is an innate skill.

One who is not born with the gift, can only observe the results of out of the box thinking, and not create.

The Crow
Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 20, 2014, 05:43:27 AM
Here's another one for you.

Any number comes in play the sum of 37.

01 36
02 35
03 34
04 33
05 32
06 31
07 30
08 29
09 28
10 27
11 26
12 25
13 24
14 23
15 22
16 21
17 20
18 19
19 18
20 17
21 16
22 15
23 14
24 13
25 12
26 11
27 10
28 09
29 08
30 07
31 06
32 05
33 04
34 03
35 02
36 01
0  00

The Crow
Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 20, 2014, 05:13:59 AM
Fast is a relative term. What is Fast to you, maybe be slow to others and what is slow to you maybe fast to others.

If you do not have a clear understanding of the position of numbers around the wheel, then everything will seem slow and difficult. The opposite is true.

With that in mind, for those who do not have this clear understanding, then anyone can make up their own choices based on nothing, 35 came in so, I will bet 35 and 8 because 3 plus 5 equals 08. If it is 36, it's 36 and 9. If it's 1 it's 1 and 10. If it's 3, then 3 and 12, maybe 21. who knows?, all red by the way.

I do not know what you are looking for, but when you find it, post it.

The Crow
Roulette Forum / Re: Any ideas?
June 19, 2014, 01:04:33 PM
Mercedes System

Trigger 28, bet 15, 19
Trigger 06, bet 30, 36
Trigger 01, bet 33, 07

Cross Hair System

Trigger 27, bet 28, 05, 06
Trigger 31, bet 32, 13, 14
Trigger 23, bet 24, 07, 08

The Crow

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 23, 2014, 01:41:04 PM
"I'm your Huckleberry"