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Messages - The Crow

General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 16, 2013, 04:36:58 PM
QuoteTC, my play is very simple for me. By experience I'm aware of the current state of conditions and opportunities that are occurring. I base these conditions on fabricated formations, that by coincidence alone, form in my imagination. My fabricated characteristics of randomness allow me to see associations where none actually exist. Much the same as a person seeing familiar figures in cloud formations. I use my imagination to find situations that work. The wood, metal, and ball of the Roulette wheel don't seem to mind. The mathboyz seem to think that this process of using coincidence is some how a violation of scientific properness. 100% of the time they try to debate me by changing the subject or ignoring my position. They always chicken out. They always have, and they always will. It's in all the archives of all the forums. So we get this endless and pointless argument that never ends. It almost always boils down to shoot the messenger. I know that I'm right. I know that I have clearly explained it. Sometimes most of the people really are ignorant.  I dare you to pull your silly putty trick.

What do you mean by silly putty trick? Sounds like your method is dealing with your sixth sense, which by the way all of us possess. I am in tune with your vision. I see why you cannot give me an example. You actually have to be in the "zone."

The method I posted wins all the time, but it's monotonous. You average only 500 units per hour. However, being in the "zone" can yield 1000 units in a few spins.

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 15, 2013, 06:09:01 AM
QuoteI don't believe in past numbers. So I take a picture of a wheel, cross out 12 numbers randomly, divide the rest of the numbers into two groups of twelve with the zero in one which makes is 13. When a numbers comes in one of the groups, I bet the other group, one unit per number. I use a progression of 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 - stop loss.

Crazy, but it works for me.


I did.

How do you play?

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 15, 2013, 04:36:24 AM
Interesting. When you do play live, do you play random like I do?

General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 15, 2013, 04:28:57 AM
Randomness is driven by a force which has many facets, shapes, and sizes. What you say? A simple toy, kaleidoscope, depicts many wonderful patterns which of course is different, depending on the viewer.

Roulette is the same thing. The numbers paint a wonderful picture. It's never the same. Random bets are never the same as well. When the two are combined, something magically happens, you win.

I know everything about roulette. More importantly, I know nothing about roulette, which makes me either delusional or real.
Now that's random.


General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 15, 2013, 01:30:12 AM
Only when you have absolutely learned everything you need to know about roulette is when you are able to conquer randomness. I have heard that there is a forth dimension, not quite the six dimension; nonetheless, it's another dimension.

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 15, 2013, 01:10:34 AM
Hi Gizmotron,

I am curious how you would choose bet selection while at a live table without all of your sorting tools and filtering. You need some kind of reference. If not by grid, then how?

I use random against random, stream of consciousness if you will. Do you do the same? or are you changing your groups as you play?

Past numbers and trigger based. My bad. It won't work then.

Sorry TCS. Thanks for pointing that out Marshall.

S. T. C.

Stop That Chrisbis

Coming from, what a disappointment.


[mod] "Stone the crows" is simply an English expression along the lines of "Goodness me....gor blimey...crikey..." and so on. There was nothing to stop. Chrisbis was NOT being offensive or insulting. It was a neat pun -- a play on words. Good one, CB. [/mod]
Random can only be beaten with random selection with a sophisticated money management plan.

LvF 9 is a great example of this approach. Go TCS.

TC. All I'm missing is the S. What a coincidence?

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 10, 2013, 11:13:15 PM
I am sure many have achieved much higher goals with different circumstances. Try doing it at Celtic casino where you are given 500 credits to start, maximum bet on even chances, 200.00, red, black, odd, even, high, low. and 2 to 1 payoffs, rows and dozens.
maximum bets of 10 straight up on a number.

Now, that's a challenge and fun to achieve. I have never lost on that site.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 10, 2013, 08:29:51 PM
What is the purpose? Nothing to learn here then, only entertainment. Entertainment it is.

Who here can turn 500 units into 4000 units in 8 hours or less of playing roulette?; that would be entertaining, of course playing for fun only.

By that definition, I am not a poser.

I am a professional gambler. I am a professional roulette player. Yes, I am an advantage player, not the best, but hard to beat.


Posers - what do you mean?

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 10, 2013, 05:16:47 PM
QuoteA meeting in Vegas to have a pi**ing contest is silly, roulette
players have nothing to prove to each other, like poker
players do.

Roulette players, philosophically speaking, have nothing to prove at the tables.  But, here, and other forums, they manage to try and prove each other wrong or misguided.

Go figure.

Marshall, the name says it all. You have a need to police posts, particularly mine.

Should I surrender any weapons as I enter city limits?, because this suppose to be a friendly place. It's kind of obvious that you hold a particular grudge against me and others who speak their minds. Now that's not friendly. I do not wish to ruffle anyone's feathers. I do though want roulette players to engage in healthy discussions about become a full time pro.

Albalaba contributed a great post.