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Messages - TheLaw

Quote from: BetJack on August 23, 2016, 01:53:31 AM
The question remains
Who can dance with building ?

Who can do it...

The playerS that are  WINING at THE GAME

La La La


Dancing is forbidden Betjack!!!

Don't try to turn this into another "Footloose" situation. ;D
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 23, 2016, 01:47:34 AM
So what Lawman. You are hooked on your own petard.

I think you mean: "hoisted by your own petard".

Now this is just sad........ :'( :'( :'(
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 23, 2016, 01:34:46 AM

I'm not inept when it comes to communication and metaphorical references. I just tried to pull your chain. As far as that declaration of superiority regarding the same I do appreciate that narcissism indication once again. I will never be your narcissistic supply. ...There is no reason to yell. I have students that have been shown how to beat this game. It's so gratifying to see that. Too bad it's beyond your reach. Why don't you open a school for architects?

That's a great idea..........as it appears that I apparently know about as much about architecture.........as you do about Roulette..........or do I???????

Hell.......why not.......I'm the world's greatest architect!!!

Man.......this is easier than I thought.........thanks Gizmotron! 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: Gizmotron on August 23, 2016, 12:54:24 AM

I assure you that chewing up architects for a living was the national pastime for me. But that is another story. Here's the dirty little secret. County inspectors or rejects from architect's school who think they are qualified engineers. And architects themselves are lazy intellectuals that think they can bluff their way through their own mistakes. Here's the professional secret. When they charge you to fix their F-Ups, you charge them right back for the same amount, for pointing them out in the first place. It doesn't completely suck to be the builder in charge.

Better try a new metaphor bub.

Actually.........it's a quote from Martin Mull about art that I used here as a metaphor to describe your evasiveness regarding the discussion of Roulette.

Hint:........it has nothing to do with architecture.

It's my fault for talking over your head............please accept my apologies.

Cheers!  8)
QuoteAll you have done is chant "independent spins can't predict the future." Like we don't know that. jeez

Never said or wrote that.

Great claims require great evidence..........you have shown none........and now you want respect.

Respect is earned........not from "hints" or "riddles" , but actual detailed explanation of a method.

When you have a method to show........without all of the song-and-dance victim mentality.......I'm all ears.......and I'll be the first to applaud you.

You act like talking about Roulette.......is like dancing about architecture. :o

QuoteThat's right, you dish it out, but can you take it.

Well......when I make a promise.......I keep it.

All of this drama you've created around your "method" looks like more smoke and mirrors. If you do have a working method, you sure have a strange way of describing it.

Bottom line : In well over a decade on Roulette forums + the 200+ years the game has been in play, we have yet to see a method that wins long-term.

Now.......you claim that you have taught this method to 10 "students", who are strangely absent, and now you are teaching more..........for a price.

With all due respect Gizmotron.........you might be the emperor..............but as everyone can see....you are wearing no clothes. 8)
QuoteSo, should I try to get more people in the school?

Good question Gizmo.

On the one hand, you did promise to only accept 10 students........"you gave your word".........

On the other hand, you haven't kept your word up until now............so might was well.

Looking forward to hearing more about your fantasy school where you teach students how to win at Roulette!!!

Cheers! :)
Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 10:33:50 PM
Quote from: Mr J on August 20, 2016, 10:23:33 PM
Insult my mother, sisters and brother on this thread. It'll stay up, you have my word.


Sounds like there are some personal issues going on here.........I won't kick a man when he's down.........best wishes Ken.

Cheers! :)
Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 10:11:12 PM
QuoteWatch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master. Without the proper bet selection, BR and CASINO experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. The truth might hurt you but accept it...I AM THE BEST. Jealous? Tough s**t.
- Ken "Danger" Jackson
Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 10:05:39 PM
Couple of questions:

I have 19 DIFFERENT versions of rules for my method for hot number play instead of 20.........will that work?

Also, I only tested all 19 of my versions over *MANY* spins.......will that work?........or do I need *MANY**MANY* spins?

Finally, I'm having trouble forgetting my columns and GUT and KTF and progressions etc etc etc etc etc.......how do I solve this?.....I'm thinking a Delorean and flux capacitor........thoughts?

Cheers! 8)
Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 09:56:10 PM
Remember..........Bet 2-4 numbers max !! :-X
Roulette Forum / Re: Pay close attention
August 20, 2016, 09:30:23 PM

Ah Ken.........never change. 8)
QuoteVdW came by way of PhD maths genius Priyanka (presumably via her Senseis from Argentina: Manrique who died in 2008 and his master Nono Santelli who died prior to 2004), and this Non-Random concept was introduced to us in September 2015 over at RouletteForum.cc. Priyanka is also under oath: probably a member of the Freemasons or Jesuits. Here was Priyanka's position on the multiplayer roulette leader board when she was active there:

Yes. Priyanka has a high-score on a fantasy roulette site created by the owner of several Roulette boards (including this one) who admitted openly that the software is flawed.

Would be nice if Falkor actually read the fine print...........unfortunately, he just wants the labor pains......not the baby.


Looks like a few members haven't met Falkor yet...........
Glad you found a system that works..........to bad it's on the wallets of other members.

Cheers! :)