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Messages - Tomla

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 18, 2013, 03:10:35 PM
I use it in the same way-I pull it out once in awhile--but it is a good tool to have in your work bag.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 18, 2013, 07:35:18 AM
it will win but it will take units
great! I haven't seen anyone better:) but he is great
Im all with that--- life goes on
do you do anything well??
heres the first problem--i don't want  to be like you--im happy being me
I don't want to make you look stupid or anything? Here we are talking NflL ? My grail I have
I don't want to trouble a troubled man-Albahala

just for fun--can you enumirate your feats?

do you have any NFL experience?

OMG--your so wrong
and as far as I know --Albahala is a cu......? any news on your side?
I doubt  it-lol and one day I will show you proper roulette winnings--like every 30 spins--00 you win doubleyou if you can tie your shoe straight im happy

one day Albahala will learn how to read,, but good luck until then