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Messages - Turner

Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 08, 2013, 07:04:27 AM
Esoito......sounds like a holiday i once had in Malta.
Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 09:39:24 PM
Chris....you do know pun slinging is an illness....I should know, being a big Tim Vine fan
Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 09:21:33 PM
lol...I thought the same when i read it (Manchester museum actually!!!)

I don't think other than status. Status is everything. No proof...no theory.

I do know each Buddha head is crammed full with snails. They live in there. perhaps they prefer an east facing house...lol
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 07, 2013, 08:56:42 PM
oky doky....but.....

If we play for a repeat, and it doesn't happen, we track again?

If we don't, the idea failed and we are just waiting for it to hit for no reason.

It makes more sense to track again on the second part of the progression.

perhaps atlantis can explain.
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 07, 2013, 08:06:24 PM
Thanks Atlantis....I like it...and I had noticed.

One thing that isn't clear (to me anyhow)

When we have 4 without a repeat, what are we betting on?

1 came up WIN and 4 came up WIN, but why were we betting 1 then 4 in the first place ?

Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 07:35:03 PM
ND.....The Buddha!

As are the 2 heads on the poles.

I point the Buddhas on the poles North now and again...and the both slowly move over time to the east. left is already east, right is moving that way...lol

Takes up to 12 months.

Most odd!!!
Off-topic / Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 11:47:37 AM
29C/84F in my garden

You may laugh...but this is HOT for UK.

seriously....I totally love tennis. I was at my adrenalin best during all 4 sets. What a fantastic game.
And sunday to come!!!..happy days!

Flat....Hope you are watching it...cancel everything.
Forget the tipster....hear this.
Im very excited about having a possible no1 Male tennis player....but am in no way ready to bet a couple of hundred to win 40 on him.
that's being from UK I suppose.
Its hard for UK to accept we have one of the best tennis players in the world....let alone the best we have ever had in our history. This isn't Hennman or Castle or Lloyd....this is Murray.
"Lol...2/11 for a British tennis player....you are havin' a giraffe my son...surely?."
No Im not!!!!
(just wish he was English lol....could be Welsh I suppose...every cloud .etc....!!!)
General Discussion / american wheel.
July 04, 2013, 07:42:16 PM
Im curious about AMERICAN WHEEL.
me and the missus went on a cruise and tried the casino out
American wheel.... I was annoyed they had chose it on a british cruise. I just saw 5.4% h/e and refused to play. Take it or leave it.
So what's the attraction?
Different layout?
Ideas around 0, 00?
Some systems work better?
You don't have a choice....there's no single 0 ?
Id be interested to know
so.....REVEAL is now compulsory ??? :D
I've just had a ceremonial delete of Will Hill and 21Nova.(aka William Hill) I was thinking of putting on cheesy nibbles and Bucks fizz.
BETFRED has Fred....Bet Victor has Vic.....Will Hill should have Dick Turpin.
We have a shi-tzu called Ted. He picked a fight with a male lion the other
night, on discovery channel.