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Messages - TwisterUK

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 06:39:36 PM
Quote from: Superman on November 14, 2012, 04:53:45 PM

woooooosh, here I am


I've always thought name  your shud start with a CAP !  ;D
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 06:37:50 PM
Quote from: bally6354 on November 14, 2012, 04:20:51 PM

Well I registered here a few weeks ago and I will say straight out that I was flukey luke on that particular forum. (I am saying that because I would rather be upfront and let people know who I am.)

I think I was pretty harshly treated by Steve calling me a troll. I don't consider myself a troll and spent a lot of time posting what I thought were some original concepts. I don't even use bots and still contributed to get my system botted just so it would make it easier for the other guys.

Now I will also admit that I did say some particularly nasty words on another forum as a general swipe at other members on another forum previous to that. But that was around 6 months before I posted system 9 and I was having a lot of personal problems at the time. That is still no excuse for what I said and I can only say sorry for that.

I am no saint, I admit that. But I do have my good points and do have a passion for the game very much along the same lines as someone like JL.

Regarding System 9. I still use a variant of it to this day and I remember my very last post was me saying to the members that I was going to show them a easier way to play my system which also improved it significantly. I then found out I was banned. Now I am not sure if that was what got me banned or an incident which happened a few months earlier.

Victor set up that other forum for a while and I remember Steve going mental about it. I stuck up for Victor and basically said what I thought of Steve. Maybe the guy was just acting petty and getting his revenge.

I would like to continue posting here but will also understand if some of you would rather I didn't.

p.s. JL, I can't say I have studied your methods at great length because I play my own stuff and I have also disagreed with you at times however my respect goes to you because you put your stuff out there and are a positive minded person. Kudos to you. By the way, I think we all know you have nothing to do with CEH. The term 'clutching at straws' springs to mind.

Appreciate  your honesty. To me  your always be Sherminator lol   ;)

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 06:36:40 PM
Quote from: dino246 on November 14, 2012, 04:35:26 PM
Hi Guys.

Great link Twister......AND a big HELLO to you JL.

Nice to be here in such homely surroundings.



Im glad you saw it  8)

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 06:35:48 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 14, 2012, 04:10:41 PM
Yes Twister your timing was spot on with the exodus lol!

I've PM'd loads of ppl incase I get a Ban for puttin the Link up

Everyone get  your PM's in while you can, just incase  :thumbsup:

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:08:37 PM
Well Im glad we jumped Ship so to speak and its great to see the 'Usual Suspects' all comin over too  :applause:

I don't know about Vic and his plans to sell but Im sure if it came to it we cud all club together and come to some arrangement

Further there are things goin on that will generate an income for Vic so at this time it all looks good  :thumbsup:

Here is to the future, friends  :beer:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 06:52:31 PM

I read on a Forum Post that you used to disregard a block of 3 if it contained a Zero. I've never read that or knew that. Is that the case ? If so what changed  your mind ?

Cheers Bud
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 06:47:11 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 12, 2012, 05:54:54 PM

It probably goes without saying but I will any way   ???  I grab the first 20 numbers off the marque to start my game.

Oh god yes ! EVERY time ! Why not ?
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 06:46:32 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 12:40:21 PM

Hello Twister... All played on live dealer on ladbrokes and 888... Do you play RNG, and do u trust it ? :thumbsup:

I play PB on Live Dealer at Paddypower

But JL is havin good results on BV so I will in the next few days start playin there. I won't play on the Zero wheel but the NZ Wheel
Trust it ? 100%? No. I don't think I ever will. I know it sounds like a contradiction but losin to a Real Wheel is Pure, imo. On RNG I always wonder. And yes that includes even when Im winning as the losses usually happen when you increase  your stake

Anyway I will give BVNZ  a good as its good for Turnover  :cheer:

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 12, 2012, 12:35:40 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
My records playing "thepilot" way is as follows...

Playing H/L and R/B  ...
Won 40
Lost 1...
Winning streak 35.... current streak is 5...
I have been playing my progression like i said, 25...50...100... Total 175...
Winnings 40 x 25 = 1000      Loses 1 x 175 =175      Profit 1000 - 175 =  :cheer: 825 :cheer:
Only time will tell if it works this way... For me, the less games u play, the less chance you have of getting caught. I play only 4-6 games a day, depending on work and kids etc...
Question for JL....
1. What have you been doing when you have to bet on H/L or R/B at the same time, do u still bet... Or O/E in your case, have u ever had to bet on all 3 at the same time ?

Nice results  :thumbsup: !

Where you playing ? Live or RNG ?

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 11, 2012, 10:10:23 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Well now your asking JL.

I'm using the MST tracker. I hope you not going to tell me it doesn't work correctly.

All I do know is that one of my losses was due to a zero. Well might have been anyway.


I always cover Zero, so if I lose its to a pure loss not a Zero. I just put a min 50c chip on it

If Zero hits while trackin I always and always have ignore it  :thumbsup:

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 11, 2012, 10:08:37 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 09:10:52 PM
Hello Twister.

1, I am playing ALL 3 EVEN CHANCES each session for ONE WIN EACH.

2, I am doing this 4---6 times a day to get the numbers in about a 6 month time frame.

3, Mr Zero I ignore its existence totally. So when it hits I don't record it. NOW, this is crucial and may be making ALL THE

DIFFERENCE Twister. Because what happens when a ZERO hits is it changes the structure of the PATTERNS. And I

believe leads to a greater strikerate. SO IGNORE THE ZERO.

4, I will not play a recovery bet. This is PURE stand alone strikerate we are aiming for here. And at the moment it looks like

its going to be justified.

that's how I am playing it on BV Twister. 36/1 after 75 games. VS Pilots 20/1 after 2000 plus games. Lets see what the next

6 months brings.

So if you have 2 EC's win that +2 Units and if the third one losses -7 Units, so you take the 5 Unit loss on that game and don't recover ?

In my experience one of the three EC's losses too often to take 1 Unit of each, no ?

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Victor
November 11, 2012, 09:00:37 PM
Happy Birthday Boss  :beer:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 11, 2012, 08:58:46 PM

Can you point out to the viewers what you are now doin different inlight of the 'pilot event' as opposed to before ?

I mean make it crystal clear step by step, so no one can say, "huh?"
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 10, 2012, 02:40:14 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 12:40:41 PM
What were you saying about the 8 in 24...  don't you just love roulette..!  :o

(DB, table one - just now)


Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 09, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Just had my first double loss on PB, won on the Third EC  :upsidedown: