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Topics - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Does anyone play SmartLive?
August 09, 2013, 02:23:02 PM
If so, what is up with them?  Their auto-roulette has been down for about four days now.  Anyone gotten an e-mail or know what's going on?

This is a slow and boring video.  Watch it at your own peril, but NOT on a mobile device while operating machinery!

If it says "not available" wait a few......

VLS Lw Methodology at BV
Gambling Philosophy / Is there a causeless effect?
August 06, 2013, 12:43:50 PM
Hopefully this is a serious discussion.  Those who wish to point out my ignorance, please do it quickly and then leave.

Is there an effect with no cause?  Does the apple fall from the tree for no reason?  No, there is gravity and Nature's natural intent that the apple fall.  And the wind.  And the occasional roulette player beating his head against the trunk because he played the Martingale.  There is cause!

A definition:   something that inevitably follows an [1] antecedent (as a cause or agent)

So when we see RRRRR, is there a cause or did it just happen?  I know the first-blush cause is that random is doing his/her thing.  Does random "decide" when to do this?  Or is random as helpless against itself as we are against it?

The crux of the post:  If it could be true that random is helpless against itself, is there a way to exploit this weakness?



Yanks quoted me as saying we must go with the wind, not against it.  In 2006 I was using this software and I made the statement then:  "I can tell which way the wind is blowing and go with it."  Something like that.  I was using this software placing $5 bets and doing quite well.  I went to $25 bets and found I was NOT a $25 bettor.  I lost big time.

I am going to begin anew and see if I can get my mind back to where it was in 2006.  (Not an easy feat!)  But I think it is worth the trouble and work.

Vic, will you work with me a little on this simple program?  I think it was one of your first and you have probably moved light years ahead by now.  Still, the concept is good I think.

Let's start with the definations:

LD or LC means one of the last two to hit has hit again.  Example:  1 2 and 1 hits again.  Last would show a "w".  Correct?

JD or JC means just the opposite.  Example 1 2 and 3 hits.  This means one of the last two that hit did not hit again.  Jump would show an "w".  Correct?

I am going to attach a snip of the software with--what I believe--is an error.  I cannot see how JD won since the 27 that came was one of the last two dozens to come.

Enlighten me.


"God, let the whole world have the life of our dogs."
Off-topic / A woman goes into a pet shop........
June 09, 2013, 10:20:06 PM
..........to buy a parrot. 

"He's a talker," the man says, "But his last home was, well, shall we say, a house of ill repute."
"No problem." she says, and takes him home with a huge quilt over the cage.  She sits him on the table and uncovers him.
"Awwwkkk", he says.  "New madam.  New house.  All good!"  In walks her daughter.
"Awwwkkk", he says,  "New girl.  All good."  In walks her husband to see what all the "awwwkkk" ing is all about.
"Awwwkkk.  Hi Bob."

We do trust Random.org don't we?  Mattymattz wrote me a little Excel program to convert 1s and 2s to Ps and Bs.  I will run the trots and list the largest bet, biggest draw down and the profit or loss at the end of the trot.

I once heard it said:  Good is the enemy of perfect.  That is, quit at good and you'll never be perfect. You know, sometimes that true.  If our own Shannon Miller had quit at good, she would not be the Olympic champion she is today.  How many others could we say the same thing about?  Hundreds......

But perfect is illusive.  It's like Nirvana.  Maybe it only exists for a few.  Buffet says most are the oyster; few are the pearl.  With me?

How many of you are passing up a money making system--one that loses occasionally but wins in the long run--to find that bet that never loses?  Why do you want that bet that never loses?  Why not be happy with a bet that plods along like a tortoise and beats the hare at the finish line?

Just another TwoCat Ramble...

1.  There is no bet selection that is superior to any other bet selection.  That is to say, all selections are the same.
2.  There is no money management procedure that will win.

So, then, what are we left with?  Clairvoyance?  Voodoo?  Oh, yes---luck!

For any bet selection to have merit, it must assume that spins that have come effect spins that will come.  The past effects the future.  (In roulette, there is no present.  Well, none that matters anyway.)  For any money management procedure to work, it must turn a negative expectation into a positive one.  Can't be done.

So where do we turn?

I think a little Voodoo is a good thing.  I once made the statement:  Numbers do strange things.  If they didn't, they'd do even stranger things. 

Why does a number get hot?  Why does a number sleep for 200 spins?  Why is it when a sleeper awakens, it hits more than it should--as if to say, "Dang!!  I've got the catch the pack!"? 

Just ramblin'.............


GreatGrandpa posted something called Framework, I think.  Frankly, I don't know the name or how it works.  Nick wrote the sheet for the ExcelBot and it works very well.  I only have to load the sheet, not know how it works.

Today I have had the biggest draw down to date and it's around 12 Euro.  Yesterday it made around 40 Euro.

Now, I can't promise you that you will have the same results.  I cannot guarantee it will work today or tomorrow.  What I can truthfully say is this is one of the best systems I've ever seen.  The "Tetris" family by 6th-sense is equally as good.

So I have two or three systems in my bot that I am quite confident will win over the long term.  As always, time will tell.

April 12, 2013, 01:45:24 AM
Have any of you seen the film where WATSON takes on Ken Jennings and the other dude at Jeopardy?  It is a thinking, learning, reasoning computer.  I have the film if anyone wants to see it.  Or it probably is on utube.  I won't tell you how it ends. 

...............and Jesus was our server!


Probably shouldn't post this, but, what the heck?

As some of you know, I run the Excel Bot by Stef and Nice using the L v F system invented by FLATman.  I have run it thousand upon thousands of spins.  I've sit and watched it for hours upon hours.  One thing emerges.

The "Furthest" have a far higher hit rate that the "Lasts".  It is quite rare to see four Ls in a row and very common to see four Fs in a row.  Many Ls do not win the first time out and if they do, they "seem" to fail on the repeat try more than 50/50.  The Fs, on the other hand, hit quite often on the first and second try.  While looking at literally hundreds of Excel sheets, I can say the Fs definitely hit more than the Ls.  I could post a hundred screen shots, but that would only prove I found a hundred screen shots which support my position.


Have I done a million spin study on this?  Nope!  It's just one of those things you see, confirmation bias notwithstanding.  Do I plan to play money on it?  Yep!  I do, and I will report.

What does this mean??  If it's true, and I believe it is, it would mean that older splits hit more frequently than newer splits.

This may only be on BVNZ, as that's the only place I play.


A few years ago I invented a system called "The TwoCat Shuffle".  Matt paid Tiago2 to program it into the Super Roulette bot.  Despite tons of explanations, Tiago got it wrong.  Still it worked fairly well until it would go crazy, as the screen shot shows.  I was afraid to every use it with real money.

Nick and I worked to duplicate the "Shuffle" for the ExcelBot.  Naturally, it works perfectly.  Communication is a beautiful thing!

So here we go again.

A generous soul has loaned me his BV account to play with.  I use Hide My behind software to mask my true location.  I am now testing the "Shuffle" with real money.  .05 per bet X 3 EC per spin or .15E.

We shall see.


This will be a real money test of what my wife calls "The Ball Drop System".  She got tired of saying:  When are you going to play that one, you know the one, where the ball drops and you count how far it went?  So she named it "The Ball Drop System".  Good a name as any.

As you can see, I'm starting with 300.?? Euro.

Videos will follow.

Can anyone find the photo shopping?  (Hint:  It's red!!)

Meta-selection / System Randomization
March 08, 2013, 04:38:52 AM
Quote from: Macau on March 07, 2013, 08:12:14 PM
oke i will give you all something

I have a good friend who might be very lucky. but I saw he was a genius. and now I became his student.
He turned $ 1,000 become $ 250,000 in one year. He had stopped playing baccarat now and enjoy life with financial freedom.

He had hundreds of strategies and choosing random to be played in one day with a very small profit targets. He saw gambling such a heated iron. if you're too a long time at the gambling table then iron will melt and you will lose.

Yes, the hit n run strategy does work well if you have hundreds of strategy, or what you call the system, and choose random for a day and you'll see impressive results.
Do not forget to put main target such $ 100,000 or whatever you want as long as you can achieve. And then STOP!

Hit and Run will still work perfectly if you never come back.
now I'm at 70% of the main target

I questioned the Macau on what he had give us and Vic says he gave us system randomization.

Remember--I have not been up the mountain but I feel there is something to this.  It fits in with HAR.

Let's assume Ralph is right and BV uses quantum physics for their RNG.  Let's further assume they are fair and do not cheat.

While running the ExcelBot, I see a flow of numbers that seem tailor made for the system.  Then I get a run that is just the opposite.  If every number is the same as every other number, why does this phenomena happen?  I get a new set of 10 numbers and it continues.  This can go on for four or five hours.  Numbers that are all wrong or right.  Each selected the same and in batches of ten.

I find it very curious.

So--if a person could sit down at the appropriate time and get the "good" numbers, they would say HAR has worked.  If they are lucky enough to do that with regularity, then for them HAR does work.

So what Macau is say to me is this:  Switching systems--often and among many--keeps you on the good trot of numbers.  Using the same system over and  over will find the bad numbers.

Much more thought needed.

Comments welcome.

I'm fighting the sin of hubris.

I contacted Normy and laid out my idea for the TwoCat SuperTracker.  I don't claim to be the only person who ever thought of it.  But I put it into form.

Now Normy comes along and creates this little wheel program--which was just what I had thought of and needed.  I can't tell you what a compliment to me that is--that someone would think enough of my idea to implement an improvement to it

You guys will be thrilled to hear I'm going to exercise my option to shut up for a long while.

Back when I have something positive to say.

Thanks to all who supported me.  I can't tell you how much it means.

Laters, Gents!!

General Discussion / My video on how to use the clicker.
February 18, 2013, 06:20:31 AM
You're welcome!

   Clicker Video
Tommy was sixteen and lived next door to me.  He got a summer job with a roofer.  After each job, the roofer would swear he would pay him soon.  Soon stretched into never.  Tommy worked three months for nothing.

A year later Tommy's dad sees me in the driveway and asks if I recall the story of Tommy not being paid.  Naturally I did.  Dad went on to say the guy had done it to the wrong fellow and the fellow beat him to death with his fists.  Naturally, he went up for murder.  Not a good thing.

But doesn't it make the scammers wonder??  What if two or three people you scammed get together, pool their money and find you.  All it takes is money.  They might hang you upside down and pour a big, thick, steamin' bowl of Wolf Brand Chili in your a**e!

Think about, "you know who". 

Nighty night!

General Discussion / Ban me if you wish..............
February 17, 2013, 05:52:48 PM

Let's review about Sam.  What does he do?  He does his damndest to share and help.  He answers questions and posts videos.  He comes up with ideas.  Ralph asks him to make a video of his bot and Sam does it in a hour and has it up and running.

He rats on people who try to sell junk for 5,000 Euro so some poor unsuspecting soul won't mortgage the house and buy it.  He tells ignatus to be careful with his money--you can lose!

He tries to befriend every person whether they can do him good or not.  He tries to be complimentary.


I am not a person who likes to be held up to ridicule.  I make mistakes.  So did Einstein.

I am not a person who likes to be given a date and ignored when he asks for the product he has paid 125% for.


So you find the fault in me, whomever you be and spell it out. 

Victor, ban my behind.  If you do, it will be known that you banned me for telling the truth.  And know this:  I've got the money to set up my own website.  Don't put it past me to do it.  I'll post every thing people have written about you, about how you've cheated people over the years.  Try me on for size!

I've got e-mails going back five years.

Frankly, I don't give a F whether you complete the software or not.  Another programmer can duplicate what you've done in a hour or two.  I'll pay him.

Now, you and Al blah blah blah go have coffee and tell each other what great guys you are!

Forum members........

I paid Victor $50 to write this software for me.  What I got was a very good clicker but one he would not let me share.  I have emails in which I asked him if I could make a video and distribute this to the forum.  He said no.  Why I don't know.

Anyway, this clicker "Clickmate" has been promised for months.  I feel crappy having it and not being allowed to share.  So share I will.  It is attached.  You will notice is says "for Sam only".  Wonder how many other pieces of software he has distributed to others, "for their eyes only"?

I hired Normy to do a complicated job.  Less than 24 hours, it was complete.  I hire Stef and Nick--same story.  I hire Victor and hell freezes over a couple of times......

I am an honest man.  I am not a good man to cheat.  I do not turn the other cheek; I sharpen the other sword.

I was told by two very reputable members that Victor would break it off in you if the need presented itself. 

For my G.U.T clicker/tracker, I paid $50.00 down with the promise it would be done by Christmas.  My wife was paying and that was my Christmas present.  Instead she paid Stef and Nick.  They have an email to prove it.  I was then asked to send the other $50.00 because it was Christmas and Victor wanted to buy his family something.  Reasonable request, so I sent another $50.  Then came the boy's birthday and, even though I had paid in full for the software, I sent another $25.00.

Now Victor won't answer my e-mails. I guess he thinks he's got all the money he can from me.  What a chicken heel way to be.

As to the first clicker, the one I attached, it is very good with one bug.  I learned how to get around the bug and I'll help anyone who wants me to.  Does anyone remember I said a clicker was coming that would really help us all?  I wrote it in an email to Lady K and I still have it.  I am not exaggerating.

I do not expect this post to last so it will be on the other forum.

"Oh! I'm quite eager to starting coding forum features & software again"

I wish you'd finish the two I've paid you $175.00 to do!

What has happened to you,  Victor?

I remember when your philosophy was that we make money off the casinos, not each other.  Not only have you made money off me, you have failed to deliver the finished product.  And you won't even answer my e-mails.

Would you like for me to publish that e-mail where you ask for money for your son's Christmas and birthday?

Victor, we've been friends for a long time.  You have time to re-write this forum and post ideas but no time to finish the work you've been paid to do. 

I'm truly sorry it's come to this.

Off-topic / @Gizmotron
February 16, 2013, 05:03:50 PM

Frankly, you have done absolutely nothing!  I have read your tripe.  I have read it more than once.  Basically all is says it that you should have bet here!

"Woulda, coulda, shoulda"

Why do you think I was on your back?  Guilt? 

Do I lose?  Yes, I do.  But I am man enough to show people the truth, not hide behind some curtain like the Wizard blowing smoke on Dorothy. 

In all the years you've been on these forums blowing about how great you are--you have shown nothing.  You are such a coward you won't even make an attempt!!

I stay on your friggin' back as long as I chose. 

Now, let's hear some "brilliant" B.S.
