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Messages - TwoCatSam

So this whole thread is "Liberty With a Hint of Basil."  Right?
Split / Re: Liberty with a hint of basil method
May 19, 2015, 08:29:38 AM

I've been playing this a while with success.  Reading this post I wonder if I'm doing it wrong. 

1.  Are you saying bet only the B column?

2.  What if you've crossed off 3/6 and 2/5? Is 1/4 a bet?

Notice their credits are play money.

B. B. King didn't play "air guitar", did he?

as I just downloaded the spins of already played sessions (both live wheel and RNG) there is no way for the  RNG to read my  betting style and adapt the results to it  so there should be a different reason (if any besides randomness)  why the bankroll went down south.

I totally agree with the part about RNG not "wanting" to beat you as they are "dead" numbers.  Fear no dead numbers!

But why would the RNG be less likely to win?  Tthat is, to go south?  Wouldn't that mean that instead of throwing chops, the "wheel" is throwing tons of streaks?  An alert person before this screen would surely notice that and bet on a few streaks, no?

I play Riverwind RNG almost weekly.  I notice that the marquee may be almost totally black or red and it may stay that way for five or six hours.  The next time I come it will be different--either in color or chops.

I think your second graph is just what happened and you will find the same graph with spins from Spielbank if you look hard enough.

I think it looks great!

Pray, how did you do it?

Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 15, 2015, 09:50:14 PM
Ah, yes, I remember that challenge to JL and how the poor blighter failed miserably!  Then Skakus took off on his own and the rest is history.
Math & Statistics / Re: a solution to roulette?!
April 12, 2015, 09:17:11 PM
No pdf...

Mail it to me at twocatsam@cox.net, please.

Read it and studied it.  Very interesting.

Some thing Ellison a kook.   I don't think he is.
I have read that book many times.  I recall him saying somewhere--may have been on-line--that it was for American wheel only.  That's why I bought and read it.


Very interesting.  I only play the 00 wheel.  Carry on, please!

Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 11, 2015, 07:26:01 PM

If possible, could you link that challenge Bombus/Skaus won? I trust Bayes and if he said it, it's true.

Bally's Blog / Re: The E/C 500 bet challenge.
April 10, 2015, 05:37:03 PM

I will follow this thread with anticipation.  Hope it turns out well.  Must study goose.  Don't know it.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 10:30:15 PM
Sorry, horus, I can't get there from here.

If the 3 street hits, it could be twenty spins before the 6 or 9 hits.  We know it will hit sooner or later.

To be viable for me, it must read:  If 3 and 6 hit within 10 spins, bet th 3,6, and 9 until one hits.

I'll look into this.  I made a grid for Dane's "Four Phases", if anyone wants it.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 04:23:07 PM
OK, there must be a distance.

If street 3 hits, how many spins max until one of the other two hit.  We all know they will eventually hit, but is it within three spins or six or 12 or what?
