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Messages - TwoCatSam

Ralph's Bot / Re: The bot is out for testing, 10 testers.
December 03, 2012, 04:01:47 PM
My pleasure.  Anything you want reduced to voice and film, let me know.

Not meaning to pry, but where are you in the world?  What nationality?  Language?

By the way, I tried dot net and it did not help my Vista.  Guess it's time to upgrade.

Still your hit rate is so much better in private...

This reminds me of the guy who can do a thousand push-ups when no one is looking.

So you want credibility?  You want respect?  The publicize your hit rate.  subby is doing exactly that, so this is not for him.

Don't post a trot from Spielbank that is three years old.  We all know you shopped for it until you found one that showed you're a genius.  (Harsh, I know!)

Say this:  Three days from now, I'll download table 4 from Speilbank and I'll show you what it can do.  Name the date and the table.

Today, when I get the time, I will check tables 2,3,4 and 7 with the Stef tracker on the "other" forum. 

Now, honestly ask yourself---do you put more stock in today's unpublished numbers or those from three years ago?

Just trying to get us to quit BSing ourselves and do some verifiable testing.  In true science, if it's not verifiable, it's just laughed at.


EDIT:  I'll attach the Tally Sheet for the test if any have not seen it.  Note the days in advance to be filled in. 
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 03, 2012, 03:46:58 PM
Well, this raises a question in my mind.

I posted an even money system under the private section.  Not one reply.  I've used it a few times and so far, it is OK.  It is by a very quiet person named Dane who seems to be very intelligent in these flat-bet matters.

What's that private section for?  If we put all the good stuff out here where every swingin' dick in the world can see it, what's the point in a private section?

Dane posted another one on the "other" forum.

Don't sell this guy short until you take a look at his stuff.


Since we now have the negative, "it won't work" crowd here, I don't give a marshmallow's chance in hell what you think of my posts. 

General Discussion / Re: Not another board?
December 03, 2012, 03:38:38 PM

If you feel that way, why not leave?  I assure you, you will be voted off this board before my cat can dig his latest hole if you persist.

As Albalaha.

Fellow mods;  I call this strike one!

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 03, 2012, 03:34:55 PM

After a while an argument can boil down to:

"Yes, it does!"
"No, it doesn't!"
Over and over and over......

We all "know" that the math, science and logic says "PATTERN BREAKER" will not work.  But what if it works anyway?  Wouldn't that make the Fat Lady sing?

Let us not forget Parrondo's Paradox.  That can't possibly work,  Mathematicians  say it does.

Straight-up / Re: "Felt Twins" Evolution
December 02, 2012, 08:48:20 AM
Also, what do you mean by "symmetrical"?  I think of a leaf that, when you fold it, the outer edges match perfectly.

Your images are so blurred on my screen, I can barely read them.

Straight-up / Re: "Felt Twins" Evolution
December 02, 2012, 08:41:12 AM

I notice in your first post, the felt you link us to is different from the one you use to mark the hits.  Which one do we use?

Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
December 02, 2012, 08:26:56 AM

Thanks for you very plain explanation.  The part I don't understand is what if you win at 5 5, then at 7 7 and then lose the 10 10.  Do you just start over at 5 5?  That is, you have won 5 units, then 7 units for a total of 12 units.  Then you lose 20.  You're down 8.  Do you just eat it and move on?

Ophis' MST / Re: Clicker Request...
November 29, 2012, 06:40:32 PM
A clicker to shame all clickers is in the pipeline.
Math & Statistics / Re: Analysis of PATTERN BREAKER
November 29, 2012, 06:37:43 PM


This is not a comment on you, but on FlAtMaN.  Why did he push so hard on a system he very well knew was a loser?  Why does anyone?  Hear me now and believe me later----I've seen this more times than I've got fingers and toes.  Frankly, I think I've seen it all!!  I'm sure there are people on this forum who followed the mess on the "other" forum.  They know what I'm talking about.

Long before I knew you, I studied the idea of just dropping in.  I had a system that worked 90% of the time doing it.  That 10% ate my lunch and gave me the check!

Hang in there.  I, for one, am always pulling for you to win and for snubby to win.

General Discussion / Re: Numerology is back!
November 29, 2012, 04:47:41 PM
So you're saying it doesn't work?   :nope:
I'll be the first to admit--I'm not so hot at gambling.  I do find myself in the hole and most folks are there with me now and then.

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 11:26:23 PM

Let me say I agree with your point of view.  The math and logic condemn this idea from the get go!  On the other hand, I was the first to contribute money to the pot.  Why?  I love a good test and we've got one going here.

If we're all wrong, you can slice your pie and eat it in front of us!

But I'll tell you this:  Johnlegend will not come off his position one inch and you won't come off yours.  Hey!  It's a stand off!

Let's wait for the referee's decision.


Anyone feel free to delete my posts on this thread.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 07:42:15 PM
Well, it starts again!

Why don't we just let the test with snubby play itself out?

You can argue all day about what is or is not under the rock.  snubby is turning the rock over and we'll all see.

Not one of you guys will convince the other.

Thanks in advance for keeping it civil.
