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Messages - TwoCatSam

Here is the way I would play it if I could write the tracker:

First Second Third ........and so on.
18     18
21     21       21
8        8        8
7        7        7
27      27     27

The 3 appears as the oldest number in the first column.  It may or may not appear in columns two and three and so on.  Each column is as if another person sat down at that exact time and began tracking.

Assume the 3 slept for 74 spins.  Assume it hit on the 76th spin.  It would become the bet and also go into the second, third and so on.  Sooner or later you would be tracking 37 columns waiting for a column to have sleepers that have slept 74 times.

You can see why I only played it with one column!

While playing the G.U.T. I saw many numbers sleep for over 74 spins.  It's not that uncommon.


General Discussion / Re: The ideal Dynamics Of The Site
November 28, 2012, 02:12:02 PM
I see a new branch of tort law arising here!

I am glad to see there are safeguards in place.

General Discussion / Re: The ideal Dynamics Of The Site
November 28, 2012, 06:20:08 AM
And how do you keep ol' Joe from giving it to ol' Jack and then it's on Ebay?  Some a*****e is making money off your work and idea.  And there ain't a thing you can do about it.

Have you heard of Copy Minder?  With that, your work is safe.  No copying or even changing computers without the author's permission.  If I could do what you guys do, this is how I would protect my work.

I once had an idea that gave a company a million-dollar government contract.  You know what I got?  Fired!

So you'll excuse me if I find the "Grail" and keep my mouth shut.  I don't even trust my dog, let alone anyone else!

I feel an inadequate bankroll is my main reason for losing--that and stupid mistakes.

On the "other" forum I am testing FlAtMaN's L v F system.  He claims it to be a winner and it may very well be.  On today's trot, one would need a bankroll of 342 units to win.  What if you had started with 300?

If you're playing a progression, how do you know when to quit?  If I had quit at down 300, I would missed a whopping profit a ways down the line. 

And I cannot forget the old "chickening out".  You're down 300 and you just feel it's a loser and you quit.  That is why I'm testing his system.  I want an idea of what bankroll you need--although that is like asking how long is a piece of string.

The rules are this:  When ANY number has slept for 74 or more spins, it becomes a candidate for betting.  When it hits, bet it for the next ten spins then let it go.  You could have several qualifiers under this rule.  Bet each qualifier with it's own progression.  When one wins, that ends that progression.  When one loses, pause the progression and wait for another qualifier.  The take up the progression right where you left off.  Never start a new progression if you have a paused one.

Now, logic says you must wait at least 75 spins---74 to sleep and the first hit.  What do you do while waiting?  Play another system or program the thing into a bot and just let it run.  I favor playing other systems.

I cannot give an iron-clad guarantee this will work throughout eternity, but I have used it a lot in the past and I never once lost.  My progressions would climb, but they always closed with a winner within the ten spins.  It just happens.

As I said, I have a tracker somewhere.  Someone made it just for this system.

General Discussion / Re: The ideal Dynamics Of The Site
November 28, 2012, 05:58:19 AM
I see one problem

The author of the system may have put in countless hours hand testing and thinking--up all night sometimes.

The creator of the tester uses his skill and time to create the tester.

A whole lot of other people may benefit without having done a single thing!

I feel the author of the system should get nothing nor pay nothing.


Before a programmer sits down and works his a**e off doing this, he should have a payment coming his way.  Those who pay--get.  Those who don't can beg others for it.

This is the real problem with systems, authors and tester-creators--a lot of undeserving people might benefit.  OK, someone might just come up with the tweak that makes the plane fly--I know that.

Both Ralph and Victor are creating programmable--what?--bots, testers, clickers.  I'll never be able to use one as I won't take the time to learn the programming.  But I would pay someone to do it for me.  But then it should be mine and the programmer's.

I just don't like the idea of a boat load of people going to Heaven with only two rowing the boat.

Same ol' thing............

Track all numbers.  When one has slept 74 spins, note it.  When hit finally hits, bet it for ten spins.  Do that with as many numbers as qualify.  Use a progression that suits your fancy.

You may be surprised how many "wakers" hit the second time within ten spins.  Sometimes back-to-back.

It's just beastly slow and simply must be played as a companion system to something else.  Someone ever wrote me a tracker for it.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 26, 2012, 07:43:19 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 26, 2012, 04:14:13 PM
Hello Subby
It can all be boiled down to the following...
If you see streets 3,6 appear consecutively... bet streets 3,9.
If you see streets 3,9 appear consecutively... bet streets 3,6.
If you see streets 6,3 appear consecutively... bet streets 6,9.
If you see streets 6,9 appear consecutively... bet streets 3,6.
If you see streets 9,3 appear consecutively... bet streets 6,9.
If you see streets 9,6 appear consecutively... bet streets 3,9.
Don't bet if you see the following..
Wait for two of the 3,6 or 9 streets to alternate consecutively.
Always continue after a win following the rules as above.
Stop at as loss and wait for the bet to qualify again.
A losing bet only costs 2 units.
A winning bet returns 10 units profit with the possibility of going on a win streak.
Hope this makes sense.


Over the years I have opined that certain numbers, when they come a certain way, inspire other numbers to come.  So this gets my attention.  I can see it as a companion system to be played with two or three others.  Would work well with the XOXOX system. 

(By the way, that system is pretty darn strong.  And for no good reason!!)

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 26, 2012, 05:16:05 PM

Is that avatar you?  Or who?

Straight-up / Re: "Felt Twins" Evolution
November 25, 2012, 08:19:26 PM

I understand all that.  Been there; seen it in Vegas and Tunica.

So you're saying that since all electronic eyes malfunction, this one must, also.

Well, all our data are skewed!

It just gets worse by the day!!

Straight-up / Re: "Felt Twins" Evolution
November 25, 2012, 07:16:14 PM
You still need to be careful with the Wiesbaden spins. The optical readers mounted on the wheels can make quite a few mistakes over the course of a day.


Are you speaking specifically of the Wiesbaden wheel or all wheels in general?  I can't see how one could know this unless they were at the table.  Can you be at the table at Weisbaden?

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 25, 2012, 04:52:15 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 03:04:09 PM
What's to stop an RNG casino like BV from sending you a bad string of results in advance if they see you are playing the same system every day for big stakes. Just the fact that they could (not saying they would) would be enough to put doubts in my mind.


I have wondered the same thing.  They would not look at it for nickels, but for $5 bets and up--they might.  My idea was to have two "winning--hak, kaf!" systems and randomly alternate them.  Then the RNG folks would not know what was coming.


Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 23, 2012, 07:52:14 PM

Are you playing for real money and if so, where?

Geez, I thanked buffalowizard this morning!!  I try to be a polite person.  Someone does me a nice, I want to thank them!  Frankly, I don't know how to get around that.

The "where are the instructions" are there because of the darn "tweaking" and "morphing" of a system.  And every swingin' dick that comes along thinks the can better state the rules than the author! 

PEOPLE........we are dealing with people with all their foils and foibles.  You ain't gonna edit that out!!

Mean comments and the like should go, but a mod should do it.  What he H is a mod for if every swingin' dick on the forum is a mod?

If folks are too lazy to sift through the chaff to get to the wheat, they will be too lazy to work the idea anyway.  I spent hours reading through Jl's stuff, with all the negative comments and the rest of it.

Maybe that little discussion I had with Flat should have been deleted.  Then only soggett would have understood it.  As it is--because of soggett--not Flat, everyone understands it.

Lastly, Flat took the Lord's name in vain---JESUS!------and I don't like that one bit.  But I would not delete it.  Jesus can handle his own affairs just fine!


I'm a little hot.  Might oughta delete this post!!


(with dos perros!)
I'm still not done with this.............................

There was a movement to ban Fox News as they told the truth on Obama.  Soon, other networks HAD to tell the truth as the people knew the truth and wondered why NBC did not speak of it. 

Now, here, some unintelligent can post a totally misleading theory--totally wrong--and the first person who points it out is gone!  I agree that just plain stuff has no place on the forum, but dissenting views do.

Flat wanted me to delete a post by Ralph when Ralph spoke the truth.  Someone called him a hothead, which he can be.  He even alluded to shooting people who disagree with him.  Flat did not ask me to delete his own posts!!

I feel if a thread owner wants a post deleted badly enough, he should take it to a mod.  If the mod disagrees, it stays.  He can shop for another mod.  If that mod agrees, it's gone.  Now, the mods may have to vote!!  Hey, that's democracy at work.

The first swingin' dick who deletes one of my post will incur some wrath--I guarantee you that!
